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Member Since 12 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2009 07:50 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Magstrike Discovery

05 April 2009 - 11:13 PM

okay i will give up my scamming days now. to stick it to the man, I will graffiti very vulgar terms on the side of the building from now on. nah Im just kidding. but I just dont have that much of a moral disposition. probable from playing too much GTA IV.

In Topic: Magstrike Discovery

05 April 2009 - 10:56 PM

JATDO, on Apr 5 2009, 07:27 PM, said:

k9turrent, on Apr 5 2009, 11:24 PM, said:

JATDO, on Apr 5 2009, 11:18 PM, said:

halfway33, on Apr 5 2009, 11:00 PM, said:

yeah..... I bought two magstrikes, gutted one box for the clip and darts, and went back to target saying "GAAHH WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT!?!? I DIDN'T HAVE A CLIP IN ONE BOX!!!! I DEMAND A REFUND!!!!". Aaaand I got one. Dumb shits. 25 pumps before the release kicks in.

Im so doing that next time :lol:

don't do that. Why? It's illegal, unethical, and full of douchebagery.

damn my conscious just kicked in...

if you do it to those corperate slimeballs, wal-mart its not immoral. they deserve it. and now I finally admit to the world wide web, I am a punk scheming mother fucker. :D take that 1950s society

In Topic: Magstrike Discovery

05 April 2009 - 10:00 PM

JATDO, on Apr 5 2009, 06:48 PM, said:

halfway33, on Apr 5 2009, 09:17 PM, said:

3 pumps will get you one shot, and (at least mine will) every pump thereafter will get you one more shot. I hate to brag but my stock yellow magstrike can get off two clips out of the box. Is anyone else's like this or did I just get uber lucky?

Doesnt the new one come with one clip? How many pumps?

yeah..... I bought two magstrikes, gutted one box for the clip and darts, and went back to target saying "GAAHH WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT!?!? I DIDN'T HAVE A CLIP IN ONE BOX!!!! I DEMAND A REFUND!!!!". Aaaand I got one. Dumb shits. 25 pumps before the release kicks in.

In Topic: Magstrike Discovery

05 April 2009 - 08:17 PM

3 pumps will get you one shot, and (at least mine will) every pump thereafter will get you one more shot. I hate to brag but my stock yellow magstrike can get off two clips out of the box. Is anyone else's like this or did I just get uber lucky?

In Topic: Pointblank Titan

25 March 2009 - 10:21 PM

Chuck Norris once broke the land speed record on a bike with no wheels through rubber cement while towing fifty 18 wheelers on each eyelash, frozen in carbonite by his little bitch Darth Vader, and on 40 doses of anesthetic used for Liza Minelli. Good mod. I accually just made that one up to be perfectly honest. :D