Honestly i get it when people put comments, questions, flames etc. means that you can put your honest opinion in the thread but seriously is that shit really needed sputnik. And no this is no Bming its a serious question i don't get it.Fuck you NoF.
On topic - Personally i love it, In my opinion the RfR and double shot are the to most disappointing guns ever created they looking bloody mean but suck so bad it makes me wanna cry and hit my self with it just for purchasing them.
I must say though that better photos would do wonders for the credibility of this gun.
I'm not really sure as i haven't actually seen the inside of a Rapid Fire but would it be possible to somehow hook the pump up to the handgrip. That would add some functionality to the gun, because i think having the pump out the back just spoils the gun, and it would make the RoF terrible. However a lick of paint would do wonders for the gun.