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Member Since 19 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2010 06:07 AM

Topics I've Started

Screw Problems

11 December 2008 - 12:32 AM

I am posting this to ask if anyone has any solutions to getting out those annoying screws that just wont come out, they are not stripped or anything like that, and I do have the strength to loosen them them so don't both with that.

Just wondering if anyone has ever had the same problem. I am trying to unscrew a NF but just can't get 4 of the screws out and it's never happened to me before.

And so help me if i get one smart ass who post "are you turning the screw the right way" there will be serious pain suffering.


Buzz Bee Double Shot Problems!

01 November 2008 - 05:12 AM

Hey all.
Firstly lets skip past the whole double shots are useless stuff, as this is not what I'm here for.

I have posted this as I am after someone who would be able to post or pm me some pics of the innards of a buzz bee double blast.

I was given a broken one and while i don't intend this to be a gun i use very much i love the way it looks and wouldn't mind getting it at least working. I believe there is a spring missing or the rope is not connected properly.

Thanks for any help.
