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Member Since 15 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active May 26 2009 07:55 PM

Topics I've Started

Dart Questions

24 February 2009 - 12:59 AM

So, I have a few questions about making stefans, because my last batch was shit and I really need to make some better ones

1. What brand of foam fits perfectly in cpvc, and where can I get it? I used it in my first ever batch of stefans, and it worked amazing, but I forgot the brand. My local Home Depot replaced all theirs with frost king crap that is way too tight (unfortunatly, I realized that after I made about 100 of them, so i just use them in my magstrike.)

2. What barrel materials does red foam fit perfectly in, and where can I get red foam? (other than from a NIC member)

3. Should I use #8 washers, or copper BB's for weights? I have been using airsoft pellets, and they aren't heavy enough.

I am not interested in buying stefans from anybody, so please don't post and try to sell me stuff.

Thanks, any feedback is appreciated.

Longboard Wheel Question

08 February 2009 - 09:11 PM

For any of you that longboard, I am going to get a new Landyachtz urban assault longboard, and i am deciding between two wheel options that it comes with, Abec11 76mm gumballs wheels, or a set of 77mm HAWGS wheels. I live in washington, so I need them to have as much grip as possible, without sacrificing too much speed. Can anyone tell me which ones are better?

Ls Boltsled

22 January 2009 - 09:54 PM

On the boltsled of the longshot, after it joins together at the back, there is a long piece sticking out of the back that is catching on something when I try to prime it. I looked at the picture of the internals, and it looks like it is for a useless safety feature, but I am not quite sure if I need it. Will it fuck it up if I cut it off?

Thanks in advance


07 January 2009 - 12:11 AM

Ok, this is my first write up, so sorry for being a noob. Anyway, i should have posted this a few months ago, but I was just too lazy. I broke my other crossfire because the catch (correct me if im wrong) on that retarded inverted plunger snapped off, so I decided to fix that on my blue one, so it didnt happen again.

The final product will look something like this:
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Heres what you need:
1. regular bic pen
2. paperclip
3. hacksaw
4. round file or dremel
5. epoxy (dosnt have to be super strong)
6. 1/2'' Cpvc
7. E tape
8. crossfire nerf blaster
9. hot glue

first, open it up and take out the barrel (mine is already cpvc'd). wrap the end of some 1/2'' cpvc in electrical tape until it fits loosley in the inverted plunger. then cut out a ring of E tape, leaving some at the end. then take out the tape you cut and replace it with the O ring that was on the original barrel. when you are done, it should look like this:
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next, cut the orange tip off of the barrel. dremel or file it out so that the /1/2'' cpvc fits snugly.
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then, epoxy (i was lazy and used hot glue. NOT a good idea) the barrel into the orange ring. make sure you mark it so that it fits well with the plunger.
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now that your barrel is done, lets move on to the plunger.

my first idea was to use some small copper pipe that i had lying around for the priming rod. I then realized that doing that would make the plunger weight much more than needed, not to mention, a pain in the ass to put on. the priming rod that i ended up making was out of a bic pen.

first, take the insides out of your ordinary bic pen
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then, put it on the back of the inverted plunger, and mark where the sides of the pen are on the X. then, get your hacksaw and cut next to those marks so that the bic pen fits inside the grooves (my first idea was to drill a hole in the middle of the X that would fit the pen perfectly. Yes, i am a dumbass.)
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next, epoxy the pen in the grooves.
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also, if your catch on the plunger already started to crack, put some epoxy over that too
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since my epoxy was weakass, the priming handle fell off after a few shots. to fix that, i drilled a tiny hole near the base of the priming handle and stuck a part of a paperclip through and hotglued it there. this will also increase spring compression a little bit.
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your plunger is complete! now we have to make the hole in the back of the shell, which is actually a real bitch because of that little groove in the back. just file out where the bic pen will stick through, and make sure it does not rub against the sides.
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heres another
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Now just lube it up, put everything back together and you got yourself a Nitefire!

the internals:
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once again, the completed blaster
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Ranges are around 40 ft with a rubberband on the back

Note: DO NOT cut your barrel like i did. the gun looks really cool when you dont see the barrel sticking out, but it shoots downward. i later fixed this

oh, and also, i apologize for the blurry pics. my camera wasnt working very well.

Well, what do you think?

Nf Catch Problems

19 December 2008 - 04:30 PM

today i finished my couplered nitefinder, and when i tried to cock it, it wouldnt catch. i added a maverick spring twisted into the NF spring, and i think that may be the problem, but it has so much power behind it that i kind of want to keep it. i also might add a more powerful catch spring, and see if that helps. should i cut down the maverick spring, or is there something else i can do?