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Member Since 17 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2008 04:51 AM

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In Topic: Magazine Issue

26 July 2008 - 03:33 AM

If you've seen the blow forward bolt, why don't you just build a Vortex? Sure it's not as accurate, but since the bbs are stored inside, you have more room to make asthetic changes.

Or you could put the real mag at the bottom. Like this:

No vortex is not what i want. I already have the gun setup and i love it..i even have wet dreams about it :D
Also im not really using bb's as such..more .177 hunting pellets :D

I tried the idea today and it KINDA worked but i will need to modify it to make it work. It came to me not 3minutes ago that i could use a tension spring instead of a compression spring. The tension would sit externaly to the mag and use a guid to move the pellets forward. It makes sense in my head dont worry. I will try it and get back to you on the developments. Saying this however i still appriciate any comments and ideas from other people.

I like the idea, but first adapt this to nerf use, with a goofy PVC shell.

Then, make another and improve on it, make it smaller, and then make a MP5ish shell for it

No i dont really want to scale it to nerf as such. Why i do love to shoot my mates with nerf im not "hardcore enough" to make my own. Saying this however i tried to make Boltsnipers FAR however once again this was scaled to lead sinkers and used compressed air instead of a plunger.

I use this site more for concepts and ideas for my own projects just as i used spud files for ideas. Feel free to scale it to nerf but i dont see myself spending more money on somehtign im not all to keen on doing..as it is this project is costing a fair bit. ALthough brass is an expensive metal and 0.5m of this stuff cost me about $10 Australian. Yes $10 itself is not to much when its 4 different lengths averageing $10 a piece well you do the math. (yes thats right its about $40) Plus you then have the epoxy and other bits and pieces. However it all adds up to money i dont have.

Anyway if more people can try to figure out how i can best make a mag it would be most helpful.
Remembering that:

  • Loads from top
  • needs to be fairly flush to body therfore a simple gravity fed mag where the rounds simply drop is nto sufficiant
  • the peelets are around .177 (4.5mm) so VERY fiddly to make something..so KISS

EDIT: Ok big development here. After trying different ways to make it work i have realized two main problems:

1. The shape of the pellets is allowing them to "lock" into each other so if stacked in a flat manner as i was planing on doin and a great deal of pressure is placed on them they are pushed into each other.
2. The current way i have been attempting is making them "flip" or even jam.

Basically at the moment im REALLY F***ING pissed off as i have nearly spent all day on it and just gettign no where.

P.S Sorry for double post and in particular the manner in which i posted. Not really a master of the forum.

In Topic: Magazine Issue

26 July 2008 - 12:09 AM

If you've seen the blow forward bolt, why don't you just build a Vortex? Sure it's not as accurate, but since the bbs are stored inside, you have more room to make asthetic changes.

Or you could put the real mag at the bottom. Like this:

No vortex is not what i want. I already have the gun setup and i love it..i even have wet dreams about it :D
Also im not really using bb's as such..more .177 hunting pellets :D

I tried the idea today and it KINDA worked but i will need to modify it to make it work. It came to me not 3minutes ago that i could use a tension spring instead of a compression spring. The tension would sit externaly to the mag and use a guid to move the pellets forward. It makes sense in my head dont worry. I will try it and get back to you on the developments. Saying this however i still appriciate any comments and ideas from other people.

I like the idea, but first adapt this to nerf use, with a goofy PVC shell.

Then, make another and improve on it, make it smaller, and then make a MP5ish shell for it

No i dont really want to scale it to nerf as such. Why i do love to shoot my mates with nerf im not "hardcore enough" to make my own. Saying this however i tried to make Boltsnipers FAR however once again this was scaled to lead sinkers and used compressed air instead of a plunger.

I use this site more for concepts and ideas for my own projects just as i used spud files for ideas. Feel free to scale it to nerf but i dont see myself spending more money on somehtign im not all to keen on doing..as it is this project is costing a fair bit. ALthough brass is an expensive metal and 0.5m of this stuff cost me about $10 Australian. Yes $10 itself is not to much when its 4 different lengths averageing $10 a piece well you do the math. (yes thats right its about $40) Plus you then have the epoxy and other bits and pieces. However it all adds up to money i dont have.

Anyway if more people can try to figure out how i can best make a mag it would be most helpful.
Remembering that:
  • Loads from top
  • needs to be fairly flush to body therfore a simple gravity fed mag where the rounds simply drop is nto sufficiant
  • the peelets are around .177 (4.5mm) so VERY fiddly to make something..so KISS

In Topic: Kickback

31 May 2007 - 01:35 AM

Yer it is possible. I get kickback from my air rifle i made. Just have a massive chamber with ALOT of pressure and quick valve(solenoid). It would give as much as a .22 maybe .22mag (not like theres a big difference between the two but still). Just use the same design as posted in the homemade secton of this site and instead of a ball valve put a solenoid.

In Topic: Turbo Wheel V3

14 July 2006 - 08:52 PM

Are the motors just the little hobby 12volts? Because it looks like the feeding motor is but i dont no about the other two? Are the motors geared? or is it just motor shaft straight to the fly wheel?

In Topic: Valve Questions

14 June 2006 - 01:14 AM

Im sory to say but i doubt u have searched as there has been about 3 new topics created on this same topic. ie "which valve is the best". The reason you see most people with ball valves is because they are cheep. THe reason there crap is because they are slow and accuracy is lost when u pull unless you can manage to lube up the ball REALLY REALLY REALLY REA... (well you get the picture) well. In my opinion solinoids are the way to go as they are quick release and accurate. That is of coarse just a basic valve that is simple to acquire, however there are many more vlaves that can be made or purchased but usually require a bit more money to buy and alot of time and effot to make.