31 August 2017 - 02:26 PM
29 June 2017 - 07:45 PM
I wish to get a battery cage and flywheel for my stryfe but i some questions that Google couldn't answer me:
1. What is the meaning of "Brushless" cage or motor? Is that okay to use brushless cage for non-brushless motor?
(mine is Meishel 2.0 motor, which I believe its not a brushless motor)
2. How to choose a flywheel to buy?
( I saw there's many brand of flywheel in etsy, each brands has different type of flywheel too, while I saw worker produced metal flywheel which looks cool but not sure if thats practical.. is there any way to check their specs/any judging methods besides of using the "more expensive means better performance" approach?)
10 June 2017 - 01:20 PM
Im joining the upcoming HvZ EndWar in Ohio University for all 3 days, and currently I want to order some darts from Amazon.
Any suggestions on how many darts shall I prepare?
Or, how many darts will you prepare based on your experience ?
*I will be playing with a Stryfe(w/ five 18-magazines), and a Hammershot, both modded.
04 June 2017 - 10:44 AM
I am planning to run some Nerf War and HvZ game in Southern Illinois area. Im currently a student in Carbondale, the college town where Southern Illinois University located. After the summer classes started and more students are back to campus, I will start advertise it around the campus and try to recruit some new people into our sport.
Right now I'm still making some Posters/Flyers, it will be introducing what is Nerf War and HvZ, and also our Facebook Group. I also seeking for more members and people who interested in running games together.I have also bought 10 second hand blasters(4 recons, 6) for rent/borrow, darts and DIY some barricades for players to take cover in game.
Any Nerfers near/around Southern Illinois so I can add you into our Facebook group?
Also, I wish to hear more stories from someone how did your nerf group started and grown.
29 May 2017 - 04:27 AM