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Kash munni

Member Since 14 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2010 01:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Two And A Half Homemades

17 February 2008 - 02:28 PM

First off I'll introduce myself. I am an Airsofter for Hobby and a nerfer for fun. I own a great airsoft gun and play with my friends once a month or so. I got into nerf by accident from seeing a link to nerfhaven on an airsoft site. I don't do any nerf wars, but i like to tinker with stuff/build stuff so I like to do homemades.

Here is a picture of my two homemades.
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By kashmunni

I'll start with the top. My old beginner gun before I got into AEGs (A $30 springer m4 replica) broke a while back. The peice that pulls back the Air nozzle to let a BB in from the mag broke in cold weather because it became brittle. Well the cocking handle and piston and trigger still worked, so I decided to make it into a nerf gun. After doing some research, I decided on a nested Crayola barrel. So basically it is just the receiver portion of an Armalite style rifle. It's like an M4 pistol. It’s simple to operate, just pull back the T-handle to charge it and load a dart through the muzzle and fire. As of now it gets about 45 feet flat with single 4.5mm BB weighted stefans.

The way I did it was removing the barrel and stock they way it was supposed to disassemble, and dremeling out some plastic bits inside so that the barrel could fit inside. I then hot-glued the barrel in. Simple as that.

My plans for that gun are to:
Increase the airflow, by drilling into the air nozzle with a decent sized drill bit. (airsoft guns have constricted air flow, hence the nozzle, since the ammo is so small)
Switch to a better barrel material if I can find some brass tubing at Hobby Lobby, Lowes, or Home Depot. Or maybe some PETG if they have it at the plastics shop near my house.
On the Bottom, is my baby. It's a simple ball valve trigger compressed air cannon, but with a twist. I used a hand pump designed for inflating balls. It is pretty big for a ball pump, and it only takes 5 pumps to get some really nice shots out there. The ball valve is steel, which I like because it is nice and smooth with a bit of WD-40. I have learned to open it pretty darn fast. What I like most about this gun is there are no external parts. No other pumps or tanks. All you need to fire it is right there. The barrel is just Sch-80 PVC. It is loose on my stefans, but it still shoots nicely. It gets about 90 feet flat on only 5 pumps. I know I could get more, but I don't want to risk bending the pump shaft (even though it it metal). The barrel is removable so i can put in thin wall PVC to shoot bigger stuff, as well as load anything that would need a ramrod through the back.

My plans for this gun:
Perhaps nest some tighter fitting brass in the PVC for accuracy and efficiency.

I made a video about this gun:


Finally, my latest build:

So I got bored a few nights ago... I was all "Hey, I have a pump, a hose handle and some pvc. 8)" So needless to say, I threw this together in about 20 minutes not counting the time it took for the glue to dry, and about $0.

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My parents had an old hose handle that was broken, so I found it and took it apart to find that the spring was all rusted to hell and completely destroyed. I replaced the spring that was in it with a spring from an old broken airsoft pistol, and it fit perfectly. Then, going through the box of old plumbing bits and pieces, I found a 3/4 CPVC threaded adapter and screwed that into the hose handle. Then I found that a 90 degree PVC 3/4" elbow fit snugly over the CPVC adapter, so I cemented that on then put some 3/4" and a coupler into the other side of the elbow. Then came the pump. I really couldn't find a way to attach the pump securely, but since the pump and 3/4" coupler had nearly the same diameter, I super glued the pump to the coupler. Then I put hot glue around it to create an air seal, then finally duct taped the crap out of it for strength. I know it is getto and not a perfect way to attach it, but this thing doesn't deal with alot of pressure at all, so it holds up fine. I then machined out a bit of the inside of a 1/2" pvc coupler until it fit over the nozzle of the hose handle and did the super and hot glue combo on it too. Voila! Gun!

The barrel is 1/2" cpvc nested in 1/2" thin wall PVC. It is a really right fit on the darts, the cpvc, but I suppose it's best that way. Loading is easy: The small air tank only gets two pumps before the pump shaft starts flexing badly, so pump twice, pull out barrel and stuff the dart in. Ranges: My results were a bit inconsistent, but with stefans weighted with 3 steel 4.5mm BBs, some of the shots flew over 70 feet across my backyard into the trees, and some dropped at around 50. This might be a dart thing or a valve opening speed inconsistency, but overall I am very pleased. The ones that went across my backyard could have gone farther but they hit a thick treeline.

Questions, comments, concerns? I'm all ears. :rolleyes: