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Kash munni

Member Since 14 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2010 01:09 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Furyfire Improvements..petg..straw Modd..spring Addition

31 July 2009 - 12:29 PM

For a gun of this power, I would suggest using single BB stefans. The 3/0 weights may just be too heavy for a maverick-like setup.

In Topic: My Mp5 Semi Auto Airsoft/nerf Gun

19 June 2008 - 03:16 PM

slowguitarman, on Jun 19 2008, 01:45 PM, said:

At kash munni: That link doesn't work.

Wierd. It works for me. I'll get another.


In Topic: My Mp5 Semi Auto Airsoft/nerf Gun

19 June 2008 - 11:57 AM

Zaphod, there are no flywheel airsoft guns. Gas, spring, and electric (same method as spring, just automatic) are the three airsoft mechanisms.

slowguitarman, on Jun 18 2008, 09:17 PM, said:

Ok. Show me a clone of a Tokyo Marui Thompson and then we'll talk, and if you want to get technical, all airsoft guns work the same. I can't say about the quality, though, because I don't have anything other than my thompson AEG. I don't buy cheap junk, and even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to buy a cheap thompson. The only other ones I can even find are all springer garbage.

All I have to say to that is:


In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

11 June 2008 - 07:51 PM

I like to keep it simple. Only two nerf guns I actually own. I do have two home-mades though.

Posted Image

On the NF: Extra spring, no air restrictors, coupled CPVC barrel, improved air seal. Ranges:

Flat - 45-50'
10 degrees - 60-65'

On the BBB: 1/2" PVC coupled barrel with CPVC nested in. I did this for easy breach loading and because I can put on a shorter piece of pvc and shoot the stock arrows still. I added an adjustable stock from an old broken airsoft gun for comfort. I know, it looks really high up on the gun, but it is perfect because the barrel has a slight downward angle, and the angle that I have to hold the gun at to aim properly cancels out the barrel angle, thus making it flat. Ranges:

Flat - 70-80' (pretty inconsistent, I know, I think it's just my darts)
10 degrees - 85-100'
270 degrees - 0-0'

(All range tests were measured with a 100 ft tape measure, I just didn't want to put each number for each individual dart, so I put up general areas in which the actual ranges fall into. My stefans are weighted with a brass .22lr spent shell casing.)

In Topic: Dartsmithing Tips Archive

09 June 2008 - 10:03 AM

Blacksunshine, on Jun 9 2008, 02:39 AM, said:

Yeah with the hole you make thru the dart I'm seeing the tips w/shell flying out of the fbr pretty easily.
Try shooting one out of a BBBB 12-15 pumps and let us kow how well they hold up.

I don't have a Big blast, just a big bad bow. I Just fired a couple in my house and they both hit solid walls from about 15 feet and they're fine. I also fired the first "test dart" at least 20 times and it either my fence or the low wall on my back porch every time. It is still fine and in my dart bag. I'll get one and fire it againts a hard surface from point blank and see how many shots it takes to screw it up.

EDIT: It took 8 shots point blank against a wooden bed post with my modded BBB to break a dart. The shell didn't fly out or anything though, it was just the dome of hot glue that peeled off.