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Member Since 17 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2017 06:02 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

08 August 2016 - 02:33 PM

First of all, I want to thank Langley and everyone else that helped run the round. It all went really well, it was super fun, and we got a lot of playing in.



  • Reuniting with some friends after over a year
  • Meeting Captain Slug and finally understanding how that piranha blaster worked
  • Met some fellow Penn Staters!
  • It didn't thunderstorm
  • Killed it with my +bow during carpe
  • Got my brother and Noah (the guy that was yelling pro-mayo slander) to come out with me
  • Only one blaster broke
  • Everyone there was awesome
  • Talking to Clownie, Koree, Nick, Aeromech, and slug about their awesome blasters
  • Didn't run out of darts 
  • Only stepped in deer shit 58 times
  • Harambe
  • There are way more pros, I just can't remember it all


  • Got a dildo waived in my face
  • Harambe

Seriously, that was such a great time. Can't wait to be back next year!

In Topic: Apocalypse 2016 - August 6th in Ocean Township, NJ

14 April 2016 - 08:22 AM

I should be able to make it along with 1-3 others.

In Topic: Why Aren't There Homemade Kits?

07 January 2016 - 06:43 PM

I started making homemades back around when I was 13. I was able to make a pistol SNAP and an AAbow solely from parts that I found at Lowe's. Did they look a fancy ESLT or PCSR? They didn't, but I still successfully built a homemade. Since then, there have countless writeups made specifically for newcomers that instruct you how to build a homemade. Meaker's Mark-8 is the perfect blaster for a beginner, and it walks you through every step of the way. Yes, I know the new colorful 3D printed homemades are cool and all, but building a simple snap is sufficient. If you end up truly liking homemades, you'll find yourself being able to make one of those cool blasters you want a kit for. As for a homemades kit, it would be pointless. Either make a homemade yourself, or buy one. A kit will do absolutely nothing for you.

In Topic: PA] Novemember Nerf War at Plains Airsoft Arena

15 October 2015 - 11:17 AM

The last plains war was easily my favorite war that I have been to, but I'm sad to say that I won't be able to make it. The night before is my school's homecoming, and Halloween, so I will be up too late the night before to be able to make it down in time. Hopefully enough people pre-register though, because Plains is an amazing place to play.

In Topic: Homemades Picture Thread

03 September 2015 - 04:50 PM

Made this a while ago for a guy.
Posted Image