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Member Since 05 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2014 08:05 PM

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Soda Bottle Hoppers/ RSCBs

13 April 2013 - 10:09 PM

While I was sitting around at my mom's work wondering what to make while I was there, I thought of soda bottle hoppers/ RSCBs. I made one with little effort, and it looks like this on my trusty Panther: https://www.facebook...&type=1 Since I don't have many materials, a PayPal or Ebay account, or the ability to drive, I don't have many stefans to fill the soda bottle with and tell you how many stefans a soda bottle can hold, but I hope somebody else can. <_< As you might be able to see in the picture, my soda bottle has dents in it after only about an hour of using. Soda bottles are not very durable, but they are very cheap to obtain. To make this hopper, you need: 3/4 inch CPVC, a soda bottle(of course), and a Dremel w/ drum bit and/or scissors. First, take your scissors and/or dremel and take just enough plastic out from the inside of the bottle to make a snug fit with the 3/4 inch CPVC. https://www.facebook...&type=1 Then take your 3/4 inch CPVC and bevel the outside of it slightly so it fits better: https://www.facebook...&type=1 Then, build your hopper/RSCB normally using your soda bottle w/ a 3/4 inch CPVC pipe in it. Your done! I know it isn't much, but I hope other nerfers besides myself use this concept. It loads very nicely with the few 1 inch stefans that I have. It has a lot of dead space, especially for the last few shots, but it is cheap, easy to make and very useful!

PS: I don't know how to post images straight from my computer, and posting from FB doesn't work.