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Member Since 05 Apr 2013Offline Last Active Oct 06 2014 08:05 PM
About Me
I'm a smart and serious nerfer. I don't have much money for materials, but I have a very imaginative brain and I am active on this forum. Send me an e-mail at jayce90.cheeserat@gmail.com if you need something related to nerf, gaming, or my YouTube channel.
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In Topic: Front grip mod for Stryfe. (and others)
08 February 2014 - 08:46 PM
If you attached a longer tactical rail to the underside of a Stryfe, you could remove the foregrip and put other things on it. Also, with a long mag, is a foregrip even necessary for such a lightweight blaster?
In Topic: Question about titans.
31 January 2014 - 10:27 PM
Most wars that I'm aware of ban singled, plugged-pump Titans, and yes, they did plug their pumps. You can plug the pump for pest control, but for wars, stick to unplugged.
In Topic: Can't find adapter to use with LiPo Pack
28 December 2013 - 08:20 PM
This is actually not an opinion, but a fact. Deans and Traxxas connectors are won't break as easily and carry current better than Molex and mini Molex connectors because of their design.Deans connectors are higher quality and carry the current better in my opinion
In Topic: Can't find adapter to use with LiPo Pack
28 December 2013 - 08:20 PM
This is actually not an opinion, but a fact. Deans and Traxxas connectors are won't break as easily and carry current better than Molex and mini Molex connectors because of their design.Deans connectors are higher quality and carry the current better in my opinion
In Topic: 3 round burst electric Nerf gun
28 December 2013 - 08:10 PM
I'm pretty sure you can just get a Rapidstrike and solder an arduino in it that can be programmed to have 3-round burst. Even better, you could set the arduino up with a 3-way switch for single fire, 3-round burst, and full-auto. Anyone with enough 'arduino knowledge' could build this. This is a good idea that I've never seen before in a nerf forum.
- NerfHaven
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