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Crazy Modder

Member Since 26 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2021 05:35 PM

Topics I've Started

How do you "correctly" rebarrel a nerf blaster

13 February 2015 - 07:24 PM

Summay: In this post I am going to explain my method (DO NOT DO MY METHOD) and request that you post your method (I am asking as there is no real guide here on nerf haven). Also if you would explain where my method went wrong.

Why I am posting: I have attempted to re-barrel my nerf spectre rev-5 (the original one) and when hammering (please view my method before being judgmental) my brass into one of the barrels in the turret, the brass cleaved through the inner wall.

My method: Take a dowel of near the same inner diameter of the brass I desire and wrap a piece of grit 50 around the length of dowel and staple the stand paper to the dowel (inefficient yes but secures the sand paper). After about 5 minutes of sanding/ twisting the dowel (I highly recommend wearing gloves to help avoid blistering hand or getting splinters), I pull the dowel out and gently try twisting the brass into place (wear gloves as I have sliced my hand with the brass before) while applying pressure. Pull brass out after it won't go any further. And repeat twisting of dowel after replacing sand paper( only if needed). Once brass is nearly all the way in I use a rubber mallet to hammer the rest of the brass in (this is wear it went wrong).

Facts that might help in understanding the problem: the total length of the barrel is 2" and 3.5/8ths. There are two pieces of different sized brass in this re-barrel: 1" 7.5/8ths long peice of 9/16th brass (main length of the barrel/ top) and a .5" nub of brass at the bottom or the base (before the air restricters). Also the nerf specter rev- 5 barrels are uniqie, meaning they restrict/ narrow at the base of the barrel.

Questions to help guide responses: Where did I potentially go wrong? Is there a more efficient AND high success rate way of doing this? If so please
explain in depth (if not more detailed than my description) your method.

Thank you for reading this and for any potential help in this matter,
-Crazy Modder

Spectre re-barrel help

12 July 2014 - 04:22 PM

Hi guys, I have recently been modding the (n-strike) spectre rev-5. I have done as many of the performance mods as possible without rebarreling or spring replacement...but the time has come and I don't want to risk the internals to a spring mod. So I am left with the rebarreling...but there is no how to guide for this (in Nerfhaven or Google), without using a drill press. So do I go in with a Dremel and sand as far as my can reach into the separated spectre turret at each end of the barrel,then just hammer in the brass? Also should I use 9/16 brass or 17/32 brass? I ask as one is extremely snug and am afraid that the air pressure from the blaster will not be sufficient, resulting in no exit of the stock dart from the turret. Is 9/16 brass the way to go and is my purposed method for rebarreling correct?

Did 9/16 brass re-barrel on one of the barrels but range dropped, like by half in the barrel I redid. Has this happened to you guys; what can I do to get the results I want?

-Crazy Modder

Crossbow arms for homemades

21 May 2014 - 05:04 PM

Well this is my 1st concept post.... so all comments are welcome. Drawings of concept will be posted within 3 weeks (school getting out)of original post.
The idea is basically implementing an existing method of increasing rapid air flow (Rubber banded nite finder); the same concept but possibility better. The arms will be made out of PVC piping cut (vertically looking into the piping). We will have these bolted on (screw head in the blasters barrel) these to your homemade blaster's barrel near the exit. THIS WILL POTENTIALLY CAUSE DEADSPACE! These "arms" will have wire (picture hanging) running through them to bend the arms slightly as the the homemade is primed. We will pull back this wire with small springs attached to the priming rods end (springs pulled tight by draw of priming rod-> taught wire pulls bow arms-> creates additional potential energy from original prime). Draw backs: slightly harder prime, mini springs can unravel from tension, bow arms snap off.
Please comment and provide incite on how these draw backs can be countered or limited; also thoughts on how to increase this ideas efficiency.

-Crazy Modder

Nerf in the Colorado Rockies?

01 October 2013 - 08:07 PM

I am just testing the water here folks; noticed that there has been no recent Colorado nerf wars (very depressing). I am hoping to find a small group to commune with to get the gears of a nerf going in the Rockies. I know this is a bit of a call out but this haven seems the place. Colordains the time is now! Its nerf or nothing!
-Crazzy modder

Purple Furry (first paint job)

26 September 2013 - 05:59 PM

Posted Image
Hello modding community,
I have recently finished painting this beauty... sad thing is that it releases spring tension prematurely; the issue is that I worried that the bucking during the prime is causing something to dislodge or grind causing the premature discharge of the springs potential energy. I have tired everything I can think of, so I am asking the experts. The strangest part of all this is that the blaster works perfectly when the blaster is open. Any ideas guys? (I will post images of internals as soon as possible)
- Crazy Modder