I'm sorry if this isn't the place to post this, but I'm running out of options.
My shop teacher wants us to creat a tee shirt launcher for the principal. It can use any propulsion method, but must launch a rolled up tee shirt at least 30 feet and be hand held. Can anyone think of a design that can be easily altered to shoot teeshirts? It is preferable to have multiple shots, or easy loading, and I would like to be abled to convert it to a nerd gun when I'm done. I was thinking along the lines of a giant snap, but I'm realy stuck. I'm mostly looking fore some inspiration. Any ideas?
- NerfHaven
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: uberninja333
Member Since 14 Jan 2012Offline Last Active Feb 24 2016 12:56 AM
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Tee shirt launcher help.
18 October 2012 - 12:25 AM
North dakota Summer night war
19 September 2012 - 11:51 PM
Hey nerfers. I know that there are like zero people nerfing in north Dakota, but I thought I might try to have a war that lasts all night. I'm still planing it now, but I want to have more than the three people that said they are defiantly going, and the eight people that said they might go. This is more about getting a good sized war going, and getting people nerfing. I have few blaster restrictions, but most people will have stock or semi stock blasters, so bring a few guns near that level along with the other guns. Me lee weapons are also recommended, as there is no barrel tapping. I will allow just about any gun, unless it is insanely unsafe or breaks skin. I have no restrictions on dart types, except no tack darts/ darts with nails or screws. The war will be held at the park by the football field in milnor, n d. I think that some infection rounds, death match variations, and maby some carpe would be interesting. I would love to have at least 20 people show up. Mostly, I'm just wondering if people are interested.
Ps: Langley, I borrowed your clan name. Hope you don't mind.
Ps: Langley, I borrowed your clan name. Hope you don't mind.
clip system compatable tagger stefans
19 February 2012 - 11:54 AM
i have found a way to make tagger stefans. this can be applied to most darts. the stefans that i made were from the old LGLF stefan guide, but they aren't drilled. for these stefans just cut a litle piece of velcto strips, and put it on the glue when it is half solid. for other darts, just glue it on the tip. these stefans are clip compatible, and you can make tagger streamlines by supergluing the small piece of velcro strip to the tip. this doesn't affect the accuracy very much. i will add pics as soon as i have access to a computer.
Milnor North Dakota Nerf War
23 January 2012 - 11:38 PM
I have been planning a war for the end of march, and I was wondering if anyone is even realitivly close to milnor north dakota, or is this a waste of time. We will have a couple of rounds of team deathmatch, and will decide the other game types at the event. I already have about eight people going already, but I would like a few more. Post if interested.
- NerfHaven
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