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Shadow the HellJumper

Member Since 17 May 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2015 01:04 PM

Topics I've Started

Nerf Elite Strongarm Clip Mod

11 March 2013 - 01:11 AM

So I've been searching around the haven and realized that for SOME reason, the Elite Strongarm doesn't have a topic that involves the removable clip mod like Captain Slug posted on 5/1/2007; unless of course the search function is far more broken that I had already previously assumed. So, here it is, swappable cylinders in all its glory, you wont' need many tools for this one; just a screw driver, a dremel, and prep your hot glue gun as well.

First off, unscrew the revolver and take out the cylinder like so:

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Then observe the back and notice that there are larger holes in the rear (just like your mom!) and realize that they have screws deep inside them (ALSO like your mom!)

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Unscrew it and separate the turret like this. It takes a little wiggling since they are friction fitted together, but you'll get them.

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Take a look inside and you'll see another screw. This screw holds on a circular orange piece that makes contact with the rotation cog and also keeps on the grey piece that allows the turret to be flipped out for reloading.

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Now screw back on the orange piece. Very similar to how the Maverick mod worked out.

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Then screw back together the turret. Now comes the tricky part. Dremeling the grey part thingies.

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Here are some before and after pics of the rear piece.

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And the front piece.

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Please pay close attention to the cut I made to the side, this will come into play later.

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Now, hot glue the rear piece into place. You could use super glue, but hot glue will suffice, and make sure that shit is flush! If it isn't it'll cause a LOT of loading issues.

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Also, it would help out to dremel down the corners, I find that doing so makes loading the turret WAY easier.

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Now, how to load.

Step 1: Make sure the front piece is sticking out, this is where that cut you made beforehand comes into play:

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Step 2: Load the turret into the front piece:

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Step 3: Push turret in and press down the release button. You need to do this because the way it originally worked was the grey piece pushed down the rotation cog for you so you only had to push the button to release. But the grey piece no longer moves to you have to push the button to also put it in:

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Step 4: Your turret is now loaded and you can fire:

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Step 5: You are now finished and may commence diddle time.

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I decided to also remove the AR and replace the main spring with an OMW 6kg Swarmfire/Sharpshot upgrade spring and it gets mad ranges. I fired Elite darts at my 40 foot hallway and they were slamming into the wall with quite a bit of force. I can imagine these things going at least 60 or even 70ft! Not to mention that I have 36 shots readily available! So, if you ever wanted a Maverick like pistol that had Nite Finder ranges and didn't have the time or patience to do the NiteMav mod, the Elite Strongarm is the blaster for you!

Super Clean Elite Triad EX-3 AR removal

18 December 2012 - 08:31 PM

Hey there. This is my first official mod thread so hopefully I can make this work. I recently got my hands on a Triad at my local Toys R Us and knew I had to try this thing out. It's basically a bigger Jolt with three barrels and a very interesting firing mechanism. Basically when you have all three barrels loaded, it fires in a cycle, bottom barrel, upper right and upper left. But when you only have 1 dart chambered, it doesn't matter which barrel its in; it will still fire at its normal range. Now, I haven't seen a thread involving taking out the AR so lets get started. First you get your Triad.

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Then you look at the back and drill a 9/32" hole in the exact center as you possibly can. In the hole you should see the one screw that holds in the back portion.

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Once you unscrew it, take out the screw and take a small flat head and place it in this notch on the Triad like the picture illustrates.

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Then once you lifted out the AR assembly, you will be looking at this mech. Unfortunately I took the pic AFTER I modified it, but just imagine it with three AR pegs sticking up.

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And I closely examined the mech and figured out how it works. Basically there is some kind of air channel that runs through all three barrel bases and when the AR is pressed down by the dart, it will force the air into that specific barrel, which explains how it cycles. I wish I could explain it better, but yea, its kinda trick. Either way.

Very carefully take out the pegs but LEAVE THE AR BASES. They are absolutely crucial to the blaster's cycling function. If you remove them all you'll get is a shotty pistol that shoots 20 feet. And it sucks unless you plan on having a ball-sucking backup.

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Once you do that clean up any debris and put the mech back in the right way, with the point facing up. If you find it tricky, prime the blaster and push down the rubber gasket-like-thing you see in the picture.

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After that you are done. It's hard to tell if there is a significant range difference since the main portion of the AR is still there, but it allows better and a more pure airflow as well as increasing velocity. Plus its hard for me to range test in a 40 foot hallway that is only 4 feet wide, but when it hits the wall, it makes quite the "THWACK!". Not to mention that the Elite streamlines still have the very annoying wild flight pattern that streamlines had.

Also, if you're wondering why I used a drill instead of a flat head, please look at the next pic and tell me which one you would've chosen;

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Questions comments and flames welcome on my new first official mod post!