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Member Since 04 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2010 05:59 PM

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Nerf Raider Cocking Problem

04 February 2010 - 08:37 PM

I recently did an air restrictor removal on my Nerf Raider it went perfectly until I put it back together. The problem happened when I tried load a dart into the chamber. I cocked the gun and the bolt and sled went back but did not return to its forward position. I found that the problem was with this little white piece circled in black below.

Posted Image

I was wondering how to fix this? I know that as the bolt travels back the piece sticking out (circled in gray) depress the top triangular part of the white piece (circled in brown), that piece is supposed to say depressed down and locked in place by the second triangular piece in front sliding back (circled in red). However the triangular part (brown) is not staying down, I tried enlarging the piece that sticks out of the bolt (gray) with Bondo but that did not help. I have tinkered with this for several hours disassembled and reassembled the gun with no success. Can someone please help me out with this.

if my description of the problem is too difficult to understand i can make a video of the problem and provide a link to it.