My Fucking Mom Is A Fucking Retard
#26 Guest_SentinalofNight_*
Posted 05 October 2003 - 12:43 PM
Posted 05 October 2003 - 12:44 PM
-BadAssReptileFarmer to Talio
Posted 05 October 2003 - 01:42 PM
No fuck nut, a nihilist believes in nothing. Atheists do not recognize the existance of a god. However, that does not mean that atheism is an acceptable substitute for religion. You must still find some way to define what you believe to be morally right and wrong, ways in which you will formally recognize/deal with death, birth, and marriage, and what you believe the nature of human existance is. These are all things that any religion automatically establishes (not neccessarily well) for you but if you choose atheism you must show that you're mature enough to realize that you must still address these aspects of life.Atheist doesn't nessecarly mean your searching. Atheist means he believes in nothing, it's the technical term, not juvenille. Juvenille would be for him to say I believe in myself, or I have my own religion. But yeah, if he believes nothing, then he's an atheist, but lets not hurtle this convo into theological matters, start another thread if you want to discuss it.
Atheism is merely an adjective to describe one aspect of your beliefs, you have to be able to describe/justify the rest.
of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!
Posted 05 October 2003 - 04:15 PM
WTrent; guess what?GOD MY MOM IS SUCH A FUCKING FUCKER!!!!!!!! she has this stupid vision of what a good parent is in her head and if she doesn't act like that vision then she thinks she's a bad parent and she has to prove to herself she's a good parent by doing that. otherwise she feels insecure. she's not doing anything for me she's doing it for herself!!!!!!!!!!! it's the most annoying fucking thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No one cares.
A bit of advice, though. Before you go insulting your mother/parents, remember who feeds you, gives you a bed to sleep in, and who fucking gave you life.
You'll really miss them one day, enjoy it why you can.
No, but I have a big [BLEEP] gun. That's good enough for me!
-Fallout 2
If anyone was wondering, I'm RoboNerfer from NO. And I'm U.n.c.u.T.! on NerfHQ.
Posted 05 October 2003 - 08:46 PM
..While he's sleeping there!They what? Have sex in your bed?My mom and stepdad piss me off too, because they ... nevermind.
But dude...if you think that's bad, try tellin my dad (a computor illiterate) How the msBLAST virus works, and how anyone in the household could have got his computor infected. He think I did it, and he still wont let me fix the damn thing
#31 Guest_SentinalofNight_*
Posted 07 October 2003 - 07:50 PM
Posted 07 October 2003 - 08:35 PM
Posted 07 October 2003 - 10:00 PM
trent, how do you ban people? cause I think someone may try it on you, even though it was hillarious
You don't. The administrators do that. You'll probably be experiencing something along the same lines shortly.
sentinal youre definately getting banned befor ehe is so shut ur sphinxtah
I wouldn't be talkin'. If you don't start using proper English, you've got it coming.
Posted 08 October 2003 - 01:21 PM
No kidding...say you're a Jew! I told my Granma this, and she though I was serious...and...well....she used to be a nun:-)2) Don't say "aethiest", it sounds juvenille. Just say some BS like you're "searching for something that reflects your own beliefs and you want to be free to make your own decisions on what you place your faith in". Parents can't get on your case when you clearly explain that you're exercising your constitutional rights. If your family is big on holiday prayer shit then don't be a douche and protest participating, show respect, just politely explain that you don't feel comfortable leading/taking an active role in something you don't agree with.
Posted 08 October 2003 - 04:52 PM
Posted 08 October 2003 - 09:05 PM
So? I'm nondenominational, and you don't see me bragging.ok it's been resolved for a while now. and I'm jewish.
Posted 09 October 2003 - 12:36 PM
of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!
Posted 13 October 2003 - 07:35 PM
Question for jews though - How do you get the yamaca to stay on your head all the time? Do you use glue or staples or what?
Aaaaaaaanyway.. I have to agree with famine against what Talio said. I believe in something, although I do not believe that a supreme being (or beings), exist and have power over us all.
but we do sh*t and F---"
~Webbster, Foam Improvement.
"I got four points... I sackled you"
#40 Guest_SentinalofNight_*
Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:24 PM
Posted 24 October 2003 - 09:16 PM
Silver Chain-110$
Baggy Southpole sweatshirt-55$
Fake gold teeth-5$
Doo rag-15$
Realizing you're white-PRICLESS
Posted 24 October 2003 - 09:17 PM
Posted 25 October 2003 - 06:14 PM
Posted 25 October 2003 - 07:32 PM
Excuse me, it appears you've failed science class.Dude dont say that about your momShes the reason your alive.
Semen containing sperm cells is needed to fertilize the egg for the gestation period to begin.
Posted 25 October 2003 - 11:01 PM
Posted 26 October 2003 - 05:55 PM
Posted 26 October 2003 - 10:37 PM
An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence.
A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.
The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.
Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
The doctrine that there is no God or gods.
So a nihilist is like a really really pissed off atheist.
Whereas an agnostic is either an atheist surrounded by theists or a theist surrounded by atheists.
Ground up and in the freezer.
Posted 26 October 2003 - 11:21 PM
Posted 14 November 2003 - 07:24 PM
to pineapple...
"amen amen to that fair prayer say i" midsummer nights dream, act 2 scene 2
ur a god to me... i may be a bit of an athiast but my gods are mortal... u no.... pineapple here.... jessica alba.....katrina warren.... mumble mumble.....wtrents mum......**drools**
i admit i have just brought up and old topic but im truely sorry that pineapple here had to witness such immature behaviour..... on mine and wtrents part.... llets just put it this way.... wtrent... mOmmy's not gonna buy u the toy so......
and while ur at it please note....
so grow up and try and save so mOmmy wont have to buy u the power ranger figurine.....
Posted 15 November 2003 - 10:05 AM
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