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How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

A new arsenal thread for the newer users

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#76 imaseoulman



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 08:42 AM

frost vectron, on Jun 13 2007, 02:57 PM, said:

I like to rotate guns, so the game is never the same. Once the ownage is too intense, I switch them out for something else.

I also have extra guns to loan out to friends too. Guns are fun to mod and collect (for me).

Yeah, I rotate guns too, but truth be told, as master of NERF-ing in Idaho, my team never loses. Then again, as far as I know, I'm the only NERFer in Idaho. Someday it will catch on and I can stop providing everybody's weaponry.
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#77 Guest_yourface_*

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 09:34 AM

1 Nite Finder - CPVC barrel not attached, ARs removed, plunger assembly glued together at angle to account for barrel tilt, in
pieces in my closet, extremely dirty
1 Longshot - main gun is stock, sidearm is taken apart with many pieces lost, I tried to Dremel off the barrel coming out of
the main gun
1 Crossfire - taken apart, ammo holder modified for use with Nite Finder, spring bent by accident, case is partly melted
1 Maverick - trigger mechanism broken, Russian Roulette mod mostly completed, spring bent 30 degrees while stretching with
pliers and vise
1 Super Soaker - nozzle selector taken off, ready for conversion to Nerf gun

Yeah, I know. Stupid things happen when I mod guns.

Edited by yourface, 14 June 2007 - 09:35 AM.

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#78 zoob



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 09:47 AM

I have

1-1k dosent count because it sucks so bad.
1-blast bazooka
1-sonic air blast bazooka
1-big bad bow
1-rapid fire 20
1-double shot
2-dart tag ten barreled things
1-scout pistol

28 guns and Iv'e been modding for about a year

#79 Evil


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Posted 14 June 2007 - 11:19 AM

I have 5 guns. 3 dying MaxShots and 2 solid NiteFinders. Certainly not a robust arsenal.
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#80 Brass



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 11:24 AM

A BBB, a maverick and a nitefinder. They're all modded, but not well.
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#81 The Shadow

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 02:37 PM

I'm not going to include broken or half-functioning guns because this post woud triple in size so these are my working guns. Its not a lot but they work for me.

1x National Geo Gun
1x Pump-shotgun
1x BBB
3x Longshot
1x Crossbow
3x Nitefinders
1x Maverick
2x Magstrike
1x Firefly
1x AT3K
1x LBB
1x Maxshot
1x First Shot
1x Sharpshooter II
1x SM1500
1x Secret Shot II
1x Big Salvo

Edited by The Shadow, 06 September 2007 - 09:43 PM.

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I'm just concerned that NH could be held liable when Ted inevitably ties this kid up and sticks him in his trunk for safe keeping. Seriously, Parkway, you might want to think about carrying a tazer.

#82 NiteWalker



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 04:47 PM

Wow, I thought I was the only one to break most of my guns.

I have:
1) Scout with integrated TTG
2) At3k (singled)
3) A Titan air tank that I can put on a nerf gun
4) A DTG
5) A DTG with an integrated at3k

What I broke:
1) Hornet
2) The casing of my titan
3) 2 at3k's
4) Scout
5) BBB
6) NF
7) Magstrike
8) Mech 3 (who cares)

It depresses me to know how many guns I broke.
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NEW Write-up of the DTG/At3k:
Click here
Credit to Carrtoon for the mod.

"The mother of invention is need... Who doesn't have to pelt people with foam?"

#83 PvtMcFlurry



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 06:56 PM

1 Longshot
7 or 8 NF's
1 scout
1 at2k
2 XXL Bazookas
2 mech tommy 20s
2 Rapid Fire rifles
2 doubleshots
3 mavericks
2 tek 10s
2 lbbs
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QUOTE(Cannonball @ Oct 26 2007, 11:47 PM) View Post

I'm anxiously awaiting the hasbro over throw.

One Man Clan, or One Man Company?

Crossbow Mod.

#84 rebsol



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 07:07 PM

2x longshot modded ARs and double spring.
1x bbb coupler and AR modded.
2x titans, pump plugged, ARed, and singled.
2x nitefinders, 49# spring, ARs, new o ring.
1x ARed and pump plugged hornet, my new favorite gun.
1x ARed scout.
2x Big Blast, new barrel and semi-AR thing.
1x AT2K, crayola'd, plugged, and singled.
2x ls front gun, one integrated, both with crossfire spring added and new barrel with ARs. They get around 50 feet, and I can shotgun load them.
1x stock magstrike.
1x sspb, ARed.
2x Maverick, one broken, other working(but still crappy).

When I did this count I was surprised at the number of guns I had. I thought I had 1/3 of this.
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#85 Cennipe



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Posted 14 June 2007 - 11:53 PM

The number proceding the gun is how many...

3 mavs, two clip moded, one russian rulletted
1 Nf old-school
2 "firestrikes" dart tag NF
1 RF20
1 Firefly
1 longshot, pump action
2 crossfires
1 some old weird thing with four prongs
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#86 Ixius



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Posted 15 June 2007 - 03:32 AM

I have (all of them modded):

Max Shot

They all serve me well! :)
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#87 Liam



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Posted 21 June 2007 - 08:36 PM

I got:

1 Firefly
1 Maverick
1 titan (modded to shoot dart)
1 Nite Finder
1 SM3000
1 At3k
1 RF20
1 Magstrike
1 LongShot
1 DoubleShot
1 Tech 10 (I think that's what it's called)
1 SM500

I might have 1 or 2 more but I'm sitting at the computer and my guns are up in my closet so I can't think of any more off the top of my head.
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The chances of one person taking a bomb on a plane are one in a million. The chances of two people taking a bomb on a plane are one in a trillion. So if you're scared of a terrorist attack, bring a bomb on a plane.

#88 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 04:26 PM


...newer users to whip out their dicks collections of weaponry...

:D ...interesting way to approve a thread.

Anyways. I hope a pic is alright.
Posted Image

The only thing you probably won't recognize is Oreo, my homemade (the black gun above the maverick).

I'm actually ashamed to post that; The only excuse I can offer for not much change lately is that I moved. My workbench is covered in crap and I really can't work on anything. But hey: someone asked, I told.
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#89 Rover



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Posted 28 June 2007 - 12:09 AM

At the moment my arsenal consist of:
1 Arrowstorm (brassed barrels, plunger e-taped)
1 bbb (brass breach modded, in the process of doing FA's mod)
1 Longshot (also in the process of doing FA's mod)
1 Supermaxx 1500 (original edition: dated 1997, cxwq'a brass barrel mod)
2 Magstrikes (painted in krylon hammered metal finish with dark blue applied over that, with all four clips modded, guns are able to fire multiple clips before pumping again. Yet another FA mod.)
1 Titan (coupler modded, custom barrel cover made w/ a drill press and some 1" pvc, flat black paint)
1 Titan (bastard child- dremeled the shell down the bare essentials, uses "mongo"-sized stephans as per FA's writeup, stock pump replaced with tubing used to connect to a bike pump)
1 Titan/wildfire (thrift store titan w/ broken case transplanted into a wildfire shell. painted grey, cpvc coupler modded, fires via a steel rod soldered to the titan firing pin, attaches to bike pump in the same way as above)
1 Big Salvo (cpvc barreled)
1 Big Blast (cpvc breech modded, pump plugged, held together with duct tape because my friend lost all the screws)
1 Double shot (shells drilled out, flat black/camo green paint)
1 Rapid Fire Rifle (shells drilled out, flat black/light grey/silver hammer metal paintjob)
1 Mech Tommy 20 (abysmal gun, sitting around collecting dust)
1 Nightfinder (Cracked plunger tube cap/air restrictor piece from too-strong banding.)
4 Mavericks (3 stock, one with ar's dremeled out, two painted black, two stock paintjobs)
4 SSPB's (All stock)
1 Firefly (Stock. It belongs to my friend, who will not allow me to mod it at all <_< )
2 Pulsators (I am sure that my cousins own these, the trouble is finding them in their rooms)
1 Splitfire (I am sure that my friend owns this, the trouble is that he hasn't seen it for 3 years. More than likely in his garage. =P)

All in all, it's a pretty modest collection, but I am pretty satisfied with it. I love some of my blasters to death (The Supermaxx and Arrowstorm come to mind), and I diddle some of them to death with modding (My hacked-up Titan and bike pump combo and the Big Blast covered in duct tape come to mind.). I am always hunting for new guns to mod, so I will more than likely be updating this post in the near future.

Nerf On!

Edited by Rover, 28 June 2007 - 12:11 AM.

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#90 Fireshot



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Posted 28 June 2007 - 11:59 AM

1 Longshot
1 AT2k
2 Mavricks
7 Nightfinders (old and new edition)
1 Magstrike
2 Fireflys
1 Maxshot
1 SS2
2 Home-mades
1 Doubleshot
1 Penblaster
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#91 All Star

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Posted 28 June 2007 - 12:10 PM

1.max shot
2.first shot
3.Big blast

There it is ^_^ .
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#92 lionhead333



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Posted 28 June 2007 - 12:11 PM

I have...
6x Nitefinders, all but one heavily modded.(Restrictors, PPK'ed, rebarreled, painted, ammo holder relocation, new spring) and a double nf.
2x Maverick, 1 modded and painted, one broken. Both have the roulette mod.
2x Titan, Pump plugged, safety removed, micro modded.
1x Hornet, currently stock, soon to have a barrel replacement
2x Crossfires, 1 stock, 1 in the process of modding.
1x Doubleshot, sawed off, cocking transferred, cpvc shell mod, painted with metal-speck shine paint.
1x Longshot, restrictors removed
2x Airtech 3000's, pumps plugged, 1 has cpvc barrels
1x Supermax 3000 blue, currently broken (only 2/8 barrels fire)
1x Pen blaster, modded but overpowered, all darts spin out.
1x Double Shot, cocking relocated, shells modded.
1x BBBB(BuzzBee Big Blast), pump plugged, 12" brass barrel.
2x Magstrike, 1 stock, 1 Angel modded.
1x stock Reactor, soon to be pistol modded.
2x At2k, soon to be modded
1x Firefly, stock
1x ttg, heavily modded
1x DTG, soon to be modded

I only have 16 guns right now, but my inventory will grow. I plan on at least getting a few airjets, a magstrike, and a bbb.
EDIT: I now have 20 guns, and a magstrike. updated.
EDIT: Now 28 guns.

Edited by lionhead333, 16 September 2007 - 07:10 PM.

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If I were you, I wouldn't mess with the mods, or make stupid mistakes like misspelling their names. I mean, CAVV is really tough on that kind of thing

Most recent write up-
Sharpshooter 2

#93 Uber Spare

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Posted 01 July 2007 - 04:23 PM

2 nite finders
2 maverics

Im pretty new and just modded the first NF. (basic peg+air restrictors removed)
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#94 NerferKid



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Posted 14 August 2007 - 01:47 AM

delete this.stupidity :(

Edited by NerferKid, 06 September 2007 - 08:09 PM.

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...thing happens to mine sometimes, stick your finger in the barrel to make it air tight, then pump a couple times to re-close it... If that doesnt work then you have to open it up and pull the rod back.For me I have to pump 55 and I get a shot that can break through soft wood, consistantly.-rokor




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Posted 14 August 2007 - 01:53 AM

Stop reviving threads. That's the second one in so many minutes.
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The only commonly shared fate among us all is death. I turn to the shadows so that I may not be unfamiliar with hell's corridors when I arrive. - SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA

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#96 telekinetic



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Posted 14 August 2007 - 01:59 AM

SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA, on Aug 13 2007, 11:53 PM, said:

Stop reviving threads. That's the second one in so many minutes.

Way more than second.
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Frylock is telekinetic, right?

#97 Trippyeast



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Posted 14 August 2007 - 12:18 PM

I have...

1 Longshot
1 Old Crossbow
2 Nitefinders (painted black)
2 Dart Tag guns (1 painted silver 1 black with a silver barrel)
1 Homemade Blowgun (does this count hehe)
1 Rapid Fire Shotgun (not nerf- I know)
1 Nerf Shotgun (not selling anymore- painted Black)
1 Firefly (painted Black)
1 X-tream Air Launcher
2 Disk Launchers
1 Redeemer (I call it that- the real name I don't know- its a Rapid Fire gun though.)
1 Dart Tag Pistol
1 Maverick (Black with homemade Holdster)

And thats it! Pretty good considering i'm 11 years old!
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#98 commander erik

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 12:55 PM

Trippyeast, on Aug 14 2007, 12:18 PM, said:

I'm 11 years old!

Bye Bye!


Anyway, I have

2 Lanard Sonic bazookas
1 big blast
1 NF
1 TTG with integrated AT2K
1 Switch shots ultra
1 Maverick
1 Magstrike
1 working DTG
A few SSPB's
A non working LS
1 Titan

But I only use the BBB and switch shots. Eventually the NF will be thrown in there with those 2, but just not yet. I need to work on the holster. Sometimes the TTG integration gets in there, but it's a little akward to use.
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#99 Pineapple


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Posted 14 August 2007 - 01:32 PM

Trippyeast, on Aug 14 2007, 07:18 AM, said:

I have...

1 Longshot
1 Old Crossbow
2 Nitefinders (painted black)
2 Dart Tag guns (1 painted silver 1 black with a silver barrel)
1 Homemade Blowgun (does this count hehe)
1 Rapid Fire Shotgun (not nerf- I know)
1 Nerf Shotgun (not selling anymore- painted Black)
1 Firefly (painted Black)
1 X-tream Air Launcher
2 Disk Launchers
1 Redeemer (I call it that- the real name I don't know- its a Rapid Fire gun though.)
1 Dart Tag Pistol
1 Maverick (Black with homemade Holdster)

And thats it! Pretty good considering i'm 11 years old!

That is good considering you're 11 years old.

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We now return you to your normally scheduled arsenal listing.
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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#100 Nerf-a-Rama



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Posted 15 August 2007 - 06:05 PM

2 modified nite finders

1 firefly

2 reactors

1 atoms blaster

1 air tech 1000

1 maverick.............

I got a nice little stash here ;)
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