Pre-War scramble

The East Coast Contingent prepares for battle. All Crossbows with fucking integrations? Check. Leg harnessess with Nite Finders? Check. Baseball style tee-shirt with Nerf shit on it? Check. Alright, let's rock out.

Hersh: "You no take Airtech! My precious..."

Post-War re-fueling

...And that's all I brought. Damn, my gun looks sexy.

"On the count of three, make a really gay face. One, two..."

Random Post-War talking / hanging out of sorts


Now, here's the real prize. There's about a fucking zillion funny captions I can think of for this particular picture, but I'll let everyone else have a shot at it. Just so we're clear,
THAT IS ACTUALLY A FOAM ARROW UNDER THERE. Sorry Ladies, didn't mean to get your hopes up. But damn, this pic is fucking brilliant. This is what I pay several hundred dollars to fly out to California and witness...
On a side note, my video is almost done, I'm just waiting on Kuhlschrank to mail me some of his photos and my Nerf documentary will be done. I'll post a link to it on here when I'm done.