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Armageddon Recap Thread

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#1 One Man Clan

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 01:31 AM

One of the best wars I've been to in a while. Had a lot of fun and very pleased with the turn out.

Couple of things...

1) Falcon, calm the fuck down. Don't take yourself so seriously man. NONE of us do.

2) To your crew. A LOT of them were pulling some questionable antics. There were a lot of hits that weren't being taken unless I or other vets saw. Not calling you cheaters, but it really needs to be addressed. The honor system only works if you really honor the system.

3) West coast Nerf is insane. It's a million degrees in the desert. Seriously.... I went through 4 shirts and 3 bandanas. Thank god for under armour under pants.

4) Met some of the coolest guys ever out here. Taj, John, Josh, Ray, Bags, and others whose names I have already forgotten, thanks for making the expensive and relatively long flight totally worth it.

5) A kid fucking drove from New Mexico to Nerf with us. 800 god damn miles! And he kicked ass!

6) I'm exhausted beyond belief. I will recap tomorrow sometime m fave moments and other things. I am really looking forward to seeing the footage and stills from the day.

One last thing, my fave moment. Picking Falcon last when Kuhlscrank and I were captins, and his team was DEMANDING I pick him. Don't EVER tell me how to make teams, ever. Good night.

O yea, and Falcon, going back over the armagedddon thread, 30% of the posts are yours. I don't want to see you posting more than once (maybe twice if it's REALLY worth it) per page.

Edited by One Man Clan, 16 July 2006 - 01:34 AM.

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I hate you.

#2 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 01:53 AM

Reserved recap space for when I wake up bitchessss.

<3 to all my easties.

Woken up, so here it goes.

The war was lots of fun, I really enjoyed it.

My two BNOTD (Best Nerfer (s) of the day) are going to have to be James/Cole, and Bags.

James is a first timer that I met in the morning, and traveled with throughout the first half of the war. Other then just being a cool guy (and driving 800 miles from New Mexico to come here), he took everything well, understood the rules, and did really well for a first timer. He gets major props from me.

Bags was awesome for offering me some of his best guns, and trying to show me how they worked, even though he had never seen me before. Besides that, he was a good nerfer and a chill character, that I was happy to play with.

Of course, I loved most everyone else with a passion, these were two that stood out.

I'd also like to say, pleasepleaseplease, never say you grew up hearing about the legends and their amazing tales of nerfing. To grow up hearing about them, you'd only be eight years old, or less (no offense Falcon, just had to say it).

Directed to almost everyone on these boards: Besides, this whole idol/gun worshipping is getting way out of hand, with comments like "omg (insert online alias here) talked to me, jizzjizzjizz omgomgogmog," it's ridic'. Not even kidding, serious (<3 hersh).


- Radio shack saving my life
- East coast aura +5. It's always down here with the easties, and it infects who's ever next to them.
- Except for Groove's foot, which is a dart attractor
- The general attitude
- The dance party in the middle of a war
- Josh saving my life with his cold gatorade
- Skipping and frolicking
- Having Daniel on my team so I didn't have to shoot him, haha.
- Another year of meandering around the field and not getting hit
- Kicking ass after not playing since last 'geddon
- Seeing Mr. Sam Skinner after all these years of him disappearing
- Seeing Ray again after all this time, glad you're okay buddy
- Coming up really fast after drinking to much water "What? Uh.. I think I just vomitted in my mouth a little."
- Jumping over the rails with my but hanging out, and mooning many people
- Scaring Spoon
- The after party
- Yummy chili dogs, and the ice slug running down my otter pop
- Kevin putting up with my antics, as usual, haha
- Grooves amazing video
- Daniel = YOU!
- Almost jamming with Josh, sorry, was too tired to tell you the chords buddy, haha.
- Karma Sutra practice on the big chair
- The amazing conversations with Josh, YOU, and Hersh at the after party, Godzilla for president anyone?
- Getting mini-Kevin to tape Groove's leg hair off, haha
- Finding my key in Tyler's boxers, oops? (Glad you loved my skipping, haha)
- Tasting cool, salty, moist air as I drove into my coastal home
- The drug trip I had while I was driving (no drugs though, it was just like one), having all the lights of cars combine to gether into a swirling vortex of light, and then having my vision black out, floating signs, and seeing weird fucking animals in the shadows of peoples cars.
- Making the 2 hour trip home in 1h10, even with 2 accidents on the way (not mine)

- Seeing a shitload of new faces
- Seeing some of the old crew
- Seeing my favorite eastie, and meeting two new ones


- The hardcore 6 hour pre drive for the war
- Having people NOT COUNTING THERE FUCKING HITS pretty much infuriated me. But not really, I was having a blast shooting those people even more, if they want more welts, by all means, continue to not count hits
- Recognizing maybe 1/8 of the people at the war
- Not having hair
- The heat
- The DRY heat
- Having the heat melt part of my 750, so that it leaks now.

Next war, my hair will be back in it's golden locks of goodness, cross my heart, hope to die, no lie.

More to add as I feel like it

Edited by ShatteredDreams, 17 July 2006 - 01:02 AM.

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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#3 silent mercenary

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 02:23 AM

It was a good day to nerf, man today was like the hottest day in a thousand years!

Spoon I hope you you can recover from the sweatty man-hug Toj shared with you.

Sorry I couldn't make it to the after party, oh well theres always next time.

Edited by silent mercenary, 16 July 2006 - 02:29 AM.

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#4 Falcon


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Posted 16 July 2006 - 04:50 AM

I'm sorry you feel like I take "myself" seriously...I really was just trying to have fun yesterday.

Frankly, I felt like I had a bit of something to prove. Perhaps I did take playing a bit too seriously yesterday, bit I'm not full of myself, persay. But whether the trash talking in the planning thread was just joking or not, I suppose I just I didn't intend on "going quietly".

It's just that when I've been somewhat in the background of the nerin community for a long time (up until two years ago, I wasn't active on any forums, etc.) I grew up considering you people on the east coast as the best in the game, and having the chance to play against just such people got to me a bit a month or two ago, and I think I probably got substantially over-anxious, like I needed to not just be another person in the community.

Like it'd make a difference anyway, lol. And such is the undeveloped mind of a high schooler. Damn, we're stupid.

Frankly, you're right. I'm over it, but at the same time, I don't really regret anything I did yesterday. I really hope I didn't come across as an ass. I think I really just didn't know what to do besides just play. If you think I was taking any of you seriously in the planning thread, I wasn't. That was all joking around, save for a quick discussion with VACC...

It was fun meeting you guys, and I enjoyed playing with people I grew up hearing about. I just hope you realize that I'm really not usually like I was yesterday; that was pretty much the war I've been waiting for since I was ten. If you (anyone, really) had a chance to play (any sport) against the "sports stars" of your childhood, you'd give it all you had too.


To your crew. A LOT of them were pulling some questionable antics. There were a lot of hits that weren't being taken unless I or other vets saw.

There were a few first-timers who I wasn't told about their attendance until they showed up that morning. They won't be playing again (we personally don't want them coming back either.) Noted nonetheless.

Can't wait to see what kind of stills Ray got during that round he sat out. Should be fun to look through.

Edited by Falcon, 16 July 2006 - 04:58 AM.

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Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#5 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 10:12 AM

I echo OMC's sentiments. Awesome day, had a lot of good battles and met a shitload of awesome people. A couple people seemed to be ruining the experience for others by not taking hits and the like, but the clear majority played fair and had an awesome time.

My only one issue besides the hit-taking, was tactics. I got tapped twice from behind when I had teammates behind me and none of them fired or even gave me a warning. Also, I told people to rush on various occasions and as i started to press the other team, I found that no one had followed or it was only me and one of the older guys, (Groove, RawRay, Cx, etc...). We only nerf because it is fun, and rushing a team with 6 guys is probably one of the best moments in any war. On the other hand, thinking you are rushing with 6 and then finding out that you are only rushing with 2 and getting shot to pieces is EXTREMELY annoying. Several times I had to yell at people to cover someone or a corner that they had previously ignored, and on one of those occasions two others and myself were tapped when they hadn't heeded the advice.

Not to turn this into a rant of how some of the West Coast tactics leave something to be desired, I DID have a kick ass time. If the situation permits, I would love to make it back out there sometime for another war(though maybe at a more temperate time of the year) Everyone was pretty cool and it was nice to actually meet the people that you see here on the Haven. It was sweet that RawRay and ShatteredDreams and his crew managed to show up.(SD, you are the goofiest kid I know, skipping through the middle of a goddamn firefight, I loved it)

Falcon, it was nice meeting you, a shame that we didn't really get a chance to hang out in between, then we wouldn't have come off as such asses. Anything we did or said, like picking you last when me and OMC were captains, just roll with it, it was just us having a little fun. I actually turned to my team and said, I'm glad he was picked last but I'm definately glad that he's on my team. Yea, we screw around with everyone, especially when someone draws attention to themselves, i.e. in planning threads. You definately have the raw talent and skill when it comes to nerfing, just give it a little time for your experience to catch up. You just need to relax a little more and you'll have a lot more fun. Half the fun we have at our East Coast wars is bullshitting in between rounds or even in the middle of a firefight. It just makes the atmosphere a lot more fun.

SO yea, a couple minor annoyances, but I definately feel justified in spending 460+ on a plane ticket out here, thanks a lot for an amazing time and I hope I can get back out there.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#6 Groove


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Posted 16 July 2006 - 11:46 AM

Wow, just woke up and I can barely move. I feel like anus and I am about to get on a plane for 6 hours. Yeah, it definitely has to be the day after Armageddon...

My thoughts and sentiments were pretty much summed up by OMC, however I will chime in my two cents.

1) Falcon, it's nothing personal, and don't take it personally, but at it's pure essence this is just a game. It's fine to want to compete and want to play well, but this is Nerf. Don't take it so seriously. I know it's been stated before and I'm just reiterating the point.

2) What's up with the notion of self-preservation instead of pushing the opposing team backwards? There were several times where myself and some of the other East Coasters attempted to push, and suddenly we're in the middle of the enemy lines by our lonesome selves. Maybe it was the plethora of newbloods, maybe not, I don't know. But it was wack.

3) My guns fucking worked. After 6 hours of tweaking my gun, switching to PETG because the darts we shipped out got FUBAR, switching back to brass, hoping -- nay, praying that they would work. And work they did.

4) It was like the 'center of the sun' hot yesterday. Holy shit. I was sweating so much down my backside it looked like someone had urinated down my backside. I was seriously sweating profusely, on every part of my body. When I sat down on the concrete, there were pools of sweat coming off of my fucking calves just to put it in perspective for you.

Best Moments of the Day:

1) Near the beginning of the day (Key word there, 'beginning') Stopping AnyaSeijin's rushes. When everyone ran away I took a knee and took aim, and thankfully I was able to stop the rush a few times. When the heat settled in and the swamp ass syndrome afflicted me, it was like I was walking in quicksand for the rest of the day.

2) The Spoon VS Groove duel in the middle of the concrete lot. Spoon rushed forward and his team stayed behind, and I rushed forward and the rest of my team stayed behind (go figure). It was like the clash of the fucking Titans. I don't know how many shots I dodged, but I managed to stay alive and get the guy. That was probably my highlight of the day in the sheer Effeminate nature of it all.

3) Winning the second round of the day with a handful of newbloods and myself. That was friggin' awesome. By some strange and fucking twisted turn of events we managed to win. I don't know how, and I myself and not man enough to question the laws of nature to discover just how we did that, but we did. Also dodging the lone dart Cxwq shot at me from the staging area as I was walking back. That was probably the one moment during the day that I actually felt badass. Also one of the few rounds during the day when I was actually on the winning team.

4) Being one of the last 3 people left on the losing team just about every round. I love being outnumbered, it adds a spin of fun to the game and makes it a little more intense.

5) Being able to meet up once again with my good friends from the West Coast. Ray, Toj, Jon, Spoon, Anya and crew...it was a blast. It was nice to be treated as somewhat of a regular this year, despite the several thousand miles between myself and the actual war. I love you guys.

6) Just being able to come back out here again was a tremendous pleasure. I definitely dig the company this time around though, so a big thanks to my travel companions OMC and Kuhl. Come to think of it, I think I broke VACC's record for how many times he has flown out here for Armageddon, I am not sure though. Was it really worth the plane ticket?

You bet your pasty white asses it was.

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#7 Sage



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 12:40 PM

One word: wow

Thus far, I've mostly been used to the clan wars and skirmishes, having only been to one YANO and the two NARF WCs before coming to Armageddon... it was to the point where I could tell exactly how one would need to handle situations with every player on the Black Knights and a few of the NARFers. Compared to those types of war, this was freaking awesome.

I'll be the first to admit, finally meeting the "Legends" was amazing; most people on the West seem to like pulling back and staying out of the way, so it was nice to actually rush a few times. Plua, we had the use of tactics: what a concept.

To those of you from the East: thanks for coming/kicking ass, I'd love to see you guys out here again if at all possible.

And now, back to sleep.
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Holder of the original Split-Tech 2k

"Headband" - as so named by OMC
"That One Guy in the Pineapple Shirt" -So aptly named by Baghead

#8 jon



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 01:52 PM

Wow It's been a long time since i have posted on this thing. I't like getting my NH cherry poped all over again.

I must say overall the day was sub-optimal. I had fun meeting new people then shooting them. The only thing that was really bad was getting there when you guys all went to lunch. Falchon, word of advice for when you are hosting a war. If there is change in location: leave a sign at the old one; post it in the forums; leave a number to call; and Call all the people you know are comming. Toj and I got at the original location at 8:30 we spent all of the first half of the war searching for you guys by looking at the all the adjacent schools and the wrong In & Out. The only way we got there is by going to a radio shack and finding Kevin's cell number from the after party invite. just keep in mind murphy's law, it helps.

Things of Awesomeness.[b][u]

1) Groove, OMC, Kuhlschrank and anyone from the east cost kicks major ass in coolness and kicking ass. I <3 you all.

2)CXWQ I <3 U too

3) Getting ready to charge with CX and Groove. CX send me first because I'm the loudest. I run around the corner screaming Improvised profanities with the others behind me fully loaded and ready to shoot. Then no one was there.

4) The look on Grooves face when he saw Toj and I waiting for every one to come back from lunch.

5) The look on Grooves face when I gave him his petaphile shrine I made him shortly after he saw toj and I waiting for everyone to come back from lunch.

6) Venturing with the kind from New Mexico trying find the war. (ok It really sucked but I liked the kid)

7) the good times after the war

8) Showering after the war.
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#9 Falcon


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Posted 16 July 2006 - 02:14 PM

OMC fogive me, but I can't help it here.

Jon, we all met for the war at 10:00. We left Sellers at about 10:25. If you were at the original location that early, then there wouldn't have been anyone to leave a map or something behind. My housefull of people was about 1/2 awake at 8:30. If that's a typo, understood.

Also, see page 16 of the Armageddon Planning thread for the address of the backup location, which is clearly not located in Glendora. All the information was there. I'll remember the # next time, but the possibility of a location change was posted ahead of time.

Just to make sure this is actually worthwhile enough, I think the highlight of my day was being greeted by a Zero. It helped wake me up a little bit, and I got to see a zero too. There happens to be a mark there, by the way.

This is closely followed by the look on Daniel's face when he saw Katie's earrings...

Edited by Falcon, 16 July 2006 - 02:15 PM.

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Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#10 rawray7



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 02:33 PM

I had a blast hobbling around with you guys, I'm glad i made it out. I definately did significantly less ass-kicking than usual, but that's to be expected when you're on the DL (and you haven't fixed your guns in the last two years). It was great to see all the east coasters, nice to see what I'm going to be up against for the next four years. i just hope CXWQ made you eat The Hat for breakfast before your flights. The apres-war was rockin too. My number one moment of the day was walking into CXWQ's living room and seeing his son watching Triplets of Belleville. I wish I had taste like that when I was his age.

Good nerfing.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#11 baghead



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 03:01 PM

That was The BEST DAMN WAR I've ever been to, The Sweaty Half-Naked Men, The Mutiple Accounts of Heat exaustation. Calling in sick to work about said heat exaustion, and neraly losing my jorb in the process... good times.

Seriously guys, that was one badass war, it was good to meet OMC, Groove, and Kuhlschrank, Toj, and everyone else Who I never managed to get proper names from, I also Have to give mad props General Cole from HQ (new Mexico Kid) I'm impressed.

And now that I've been to a geddon, I can proudly Call myself a True SoCal Nerfer.

It was good seeing Josh, Daniel, CX, Spoon, Ray and all those crazy Black Knights again, fun stuff.

Personal Fav moments:

1) Sitting on my ass in that little space between those two ramps, and still kicking ass: being a lazy crap for crap never felt soo good.

2) Being on the same team as both Falcon and CX: a truly rare occurance these days.

3) Surviving a six man rush, by some form of luck and bad aim from my opponents, and then watching them keep running past me.

4) Runnning around waiting for the other team to count back in, just to find out there was no one left.

5) unleashing my new MantaRay/Splitfires and watching it do rather good for the paint being dry for only about three hours.

That doesn't even start to propperly describe the kickassness that is armegeddon, and can't wait for the next one.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#12 sasquatch



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 10:37 PM

Kuhlschrank, on Jul 16 2006, 08:12 AM, said:

My only one issue besides the hit-taking, was tactics. I got tapped twice from behind when I had teammates behind me and none of them fired or even gave me a warning. Also, I told people to rush on various occasions and as i started to press the other team, I found that no one had followed or it was only me and one of the older guys, (Groove, RawRay, Cx, etc...). We only nerf because it is fun, and rushing a team with 6 guys is probably one of the best moments in any war. On the other hand, thinking you are rushing with 6 and then finding out that you are only rushing with 2 and getting shot to pieces is EXTREMELY annoying. Several times I had to yell at people to cover someone or a corner that they had previously ignored, and on one of those occasions two others and myself were tapped when they hadn't heeded the advice.

Groove, on Jul 16 2006, 09:46 AM, said:

2) What's up with the notion of self-preservation instead of pushing the opposing team backwards? There were several times where myself and some of the other East Coasters attempted to push, and suddenly we're in the middle of the enemy lines by our lonesome selves. Maybe it was the plethora of newbloods, maybe not, I don't know. But it was wack.

I know how you feel and couldn't agree more. It has been a frustration of mine since like the 2nd or 3rd war I've been to (I think I've been to 4 or 5 now). But you know, you just do what you can and figure out who will charge and hold the ground with you.

It was nice to be able to put a face to all the names I see here, and it was awesome playing nerf with you guys. Besides the heat and leaky 2ks it was a lot of fun. Just makes me want to get out and play some more when its not so hot. Can't wait 'till next year when we get to do this again.

Personal Fav. Moments:

-Cornering the other team in the 1st round using the wonderful palm trees as cover. And being the 1st to push in that direction.

-umm.... I don't know, the whole damn day was fun. I'll just leave it at that.
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I'm big and hairy, that's how you'll remember if you see me. My name's Sasquatch for a reason

#13 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 17 July 2006 - 12:48 AM

Falcon, on Jul 16 2006, 07:14 PM, said:

Jon, we all met for the war at 10:00. We left Sellers at about 10:25. If you were at the original location that early, then there wouldn't have been anyone to leave a map or something behind. My housefull of people was about 1/2 awake at 8:30. If that's a typo, understood.

Actually, We were at the original location. From 8h30 to 10h30. We didn't see anyone there, and when we talked to the construction workers and they said they hadn't seen any nerfers. And yes, it was Sellers. And there should have been someone leaving a note or something when you guys left, people always show up late, if the war is moved, they should know. As for us? You guys must have been hiding in the trenches or something, because we were in the parking lot the whole time.
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#14 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 17 July 2006 - 08:46 AM

In a related story, I'm gonna load the pictures I took with my camera onto my pc tonight. That way I can send them to Cx and he can put them up in the gallery.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#15 Groove


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 09:06 AM

Sweet, hopefully we'll have an abundance of pics this year.

I myself am working on my Chronicles of an East Coast Nerfer video documentary that I shot during my trip so ideally I'd like to have it up sometime by the end of the week.

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#16 ShortShit



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Posted 18 July 2006 - 07:26 PM

MAN I'm sad I missed it! Sounds like you guys had an Effeminate time!

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#17 jon



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Posted 19 July 2006 - 06:20 PM

Falcon, on Jul 16 2006, 07:14 PM, said:

Jon, we all met for the war at 10:00. We left Sellers at about 10:25. If you were at the original location that early, then there wouldn't have been anyone to leave a map or something behind. My housefull of people was about 1/2 awake at 8:30. If that's a typo, understood.

All right dude I have to rip you for this one. Ok you only did about half of what I said. And when I say half, you only did have of one of the many sugestions that I gave you. It was not a rip on you, but this one is now. the thing that you only half did was the info on a back up location. Well you had it there, you just didnt post it when it was taken into effect. Also you gave us the wrong adress to begin with. The location you where talking about was 2 blocks away. (which we wouldn't have been able to find if wasn't for the kid who drove 800 miles to nerf.[who's mom 411ed all the schools in the Glendora area.]) Dont get me wrong I know you were a first timer hosting a war like this, but it is no excuse when people fly from the other side of the US and drive 800 miles. When toj / shattereddreams hosted Armegedon at his house was he was on top of that shit.( hell he even fed everyone.) Look, I saw the back of you bumper sticker on your van. If you are a eagle scout, like me, what is the matto? (be prepared for the people who don't know.) We where early, we were prepared, but we were not infromed.
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#18 Falcon


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Posted 20 July 2006 - 12:03 PM

Jon said

...but we were not informed.

You can't blame me for that.

I see what happened now. You went to the location linked to on googlemaps in the first post of the planning thread. That was CULLEN Elementary, and was the original location for all this to happen at. However, a little over a month ago, we found out that the school was going to be closed to the public for construction, so we sought out a new place. Some poeple from my group, Anyaseijin, and Daniel spent a day driving all over town playing at different schools seeing what would work. We settled on Sellers, which became the starting point for the day.

However, knowing that nearly the entire Glendora School district was under construction, we didn't want to risk that Sellers might go under construction too, so I found a backup location outside the district, just in case.

BOTH of these location changes were clearly posted in the planning thread. The one describing the move to Sellers had pictures on it, so it shouldn't be hard to find.

I apologize for the link on the first page not being accurate, but I do not any more than you have the ability to edit the posts of the site webmaster. I'm not blaming Cxwq for not having the correct location on the front page, because he had plenty enough to worry about already. But this is certainly not something that you can be blaming on myself.

For future reference, there is a new feature on the forums in the form of a CALENDAR. It's on the lower left of the homepage. I would advise in the event you decide to come to next year's, you use THAT as your primary rescource. All the information on it is accurate, and using it would eliminated all of your problems. Perhaps next year a post or two in the planning thread would also help set your mind at ease...

I would personally prefer if you would stop blaming me for everything that went wrong and just use the thread for what it was intended for. I understand all of the "trouble/grievances" I have "caused" and I sincerely apologize, but all of the information was here, whether you saw the correct information or not. I did what I needed to do, and no one can be blamed for what happened. Oh, and give credit where credit is due; it wasn't my war to host; I merely provided the location. Cxwq ran this thing, and I don't want to get any credit for organizing and running something like the war on Saturday. He did a great job, but it wasn't me.

As for my "being prepared", I was. I was prepared for people who might not make it to the starting location by the time we left for the backup location. If you will kindly note my post on page 16 of the Armageddon Planning thread, eighth down from the top.

Back to recap...can't wait to see the vid, Groove. I just hope you didn't get stuck next to some fat sweaty lady or something like last year, if I recall correctly...

Edited by Falcon, 20 July 2006 - 12:12 PM.

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Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#19 cxwq



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Posted 20 July 2006 - 12:19 PM

Falcon, on Jul 20 2006, 10:03 AM, said:

I would personally prefer if you would stop blaming me for everything that went wrong and just use the thread for what it was intended for. I understand all of the "trouble/grievances" I have "caused" and I sincerely apologize, but all of the information was here, whether you saw the correct information or not. I did what I needed to do, and no one can be blamed for what happened. Oh, and give credit where credit is due; it wasn't my war to host; I merely provided the location. Cxwq ran this thing, and I don't want to get any credit for organizing and running something like the war on Saturday. He did a great job, but it wasn't me.

I'd like to publically thank Falcon for providing *3* great locations for the last couple YANOs and this year's Armageddon. I was, quite frankly, done suggesting new war locations over a year ago. My involvement in running wars is currently limited to three things.
  • Setting a date that is agreeable to most of the people I like
  • Explaining the rules to people / getting rounds started in a timely manner / picking team captains for each round
  • Screaming obsceneties at people who cheat
You'll notice that "finding new war locations" is not on that list. Falcon stepped up and we had a great war. Of course I'd have been happier if the fine folks in the Glendora USD hadn't decided to rip the fuck out of Cullen in the first place because that area is essentially identical to the urban area at Venado which is our Armageddon staple. Given all the things that were out of our control, everything went as well as possible.

Thanks Falcon.
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#20 Spoon



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Posted 21 July 2006 - 02:01 AM

As much as I love to poke fun at Falcon (and believe me, I do love it so) I have to wonder what the BFD is? I didn't notice him (or anyone for that matter) taking things too seriously at the war. For all his "intensity", he's not the one bitching about "West coast tactics" and teammates not following in lock-step with their leaders. Because I am obviously the B3ST NERFER EVAR!!!11!, let me provide you with my fully researched dissertation on West coast tacitcs:

1. Try to shoot the enemy.
2. When you get your ass shot off, try to get your teammates to help you.
3. If they don't, call them homosexuals.
4. Repeat.

None of us out here (again, except for Falcon) Nerf anywhere near often enough to develop any kind of team-spirit or tactical sensibility. Also, we're all hippies. Again perhaps I had my "stupid asshole" glasses on that day, but I really never noticed anybody not counting hits either, except for the expected one or two disagreements. Then again, it wasn't like my slow ass was lasting till the end of every round....but still, it all seemed pretty par for the course.

I would also like to join Cxwq in commending Falcon on finding some fucking awesome war locations. Despite the hassle some people faced in getting there, that school was worth it, and in the end everyone made it anyway. If a couple mom's had to get bent out of shape in the process, then that's just the sacrifice one pays to have the privelege of Nerfing with me.

Now then, onto the real purpose of this post:

Awesome war everyone. This war reminded me what I had been missing the last 6-odd months and I deeply regretted the fact that I had to leave a bit early and miss the afterparty. Believe me, after mixing pheromones with you people all day, the one thing I truly wanted to do was to go watch all of you be stupid together.

It was great seeing everyone again, especially Groove (who, like it or not, is a regular now). It was also nice re-meeting OMC and Kuhlshrank who both seem like really cool guys and were a lot of fun to Nerf with.

Now then, to properly get things started for next year:

East Coaster's have sex with animals. ALL THE TIME.
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#21 Groove


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Posted 21 July 2006 - 06:12 AM


East Coaster's have sex with animals. ALL THE TIME.

Well, we did have crazy rabid goat sex after the war Spoon. Everyone knows that...but do you really wanna publicly degrade your image like that? Now everyone will think you're a hussy.

I will back up Cx and Spoon on this too. Going to have to thank Falcon for the location, because it was fricking awesome. Indeed a much needed and welcome change of scenery from the previous location of the last 2 Armageddons I've attended (In Irvine, I believe? I don't fucking know, I live on the other side of the country). It seemed pretty well-balanced and had a good mix of terrain and such, I really liked it.


Back to recap...can't wait to see the vid, Groove. I just hope you didn't get stuck next to some fat sweaty lady or something like last year, if I recall correctly...

Funny you should mention that...

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#22 Falcon


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Posted 21 July 2006 - 11:29 AM

Spoon, on Jul 21 2006, 12:01 AM, said:

1. Try to shoot the enemy.
2. When you get your ass shot off, try to get your teammates to help you.
3. If they don't, call them homosexuals.
4. Repeat.

You forgot "Taunt your opponents with sexual remarks to try to get them to take a shot, and then proceed to bitch when they hit you."

I<3 Spoon.

Spoon said

I really never noticed anybody not counting hits either, except for the expected one or two disagreements.

A few first-timers decided to tag along at the last minute that we weren't expecting, and they had some "issues" with taking hits. I'm over it; we won't see them again. But the people mentioning this are right; it was happening. I can remember one round in particular standing by one end of the restroom blockhouse most of the rounds tended to center on, and seeing the carrot-topped guy in the red shirt with the two SSI's decide that he was going to pretend to be out, and then try tapping like half my team, including Kuhlschrank. Obviously, this was unacceptable, so true to form, Kuhlschrank capped his ass. Well, more or less...

Spoon said

East Coaster's have sex with animals. ALL THE TIME.

In response, I would like to display EXHIBIT A:

Spoon said

If you make it down for Armageddon, I'll do more than spoon you.....If you AND Death made it down.....well.....can we say "menage 'a sausage"?

I rest my case.

Groove, on Jul 21 2006, 04:12 AM, said:

Funny you should mention that...

Thanks for the warning.
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#23 SirTofu



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Posted 28 July 2006 - 04:12 PM

Where are the pictures? It's been two weeks, I need pictures of your awesome event!
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Nobody online Nerfs in the SE :(

#24 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 28 July 2006 - 04:29 PM

I'm working on them, my camera crapped out on me, so i need to get that fixed so i can get them up.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#25 General Cole

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Posted 08 August 2006 - 04:51 PM

I am Back with a vengence, man that was awsome! Loved every minute! Oh, yeah it was two suitcases. Here are some pics-
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image
Good times, Good times......

Edited by General Cole, 10 August 2006 - 09:58 AM.

We should stop calling out/making fun of/pissing GC off. He's actually contributed and is available for trade. He's a better than average member no doubt. Got your back Cole.

You know what... I know it's kinda late... but Props Cole.

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