Shiny darts man, but did you watch the video? I am in NO WAY trying to make conflict, but it is a clearly circular yellow thing! Let me break it down...
Here are your
"asshole" darts.They are long, unbent pieces of Nerf brand foam that have a very nice hotglue job. Love the metal flake.
Here is a frame from Carrtoon's video, the moment he pulls the trigger.

Alls, well. Looks like a normal yellow dart flying toward the cardboard target.
But, low and behold, when the "dart" strikes the cardboard, this is what we find.

It looks like a yellow circle. Lets zoom in for a closer look...

Hmm... looks like some kind of ring is sticking to the cardboard. Is it a photoshop job? I dunno, it has a nice round shadow to match its... uh, roundness. May I reiterate, nerf darts are straight.
Again, while I may sound like I'm trying to start something, I'm merely trying to clarify what seems to me to be physically impossible. What is that ring?