Although the gun isn't painted yet, as it just finished modification, this is also a mod picture thread, so here we are:

Don't y'all just love that old gun?
The gun unmodded is great out of the box - although it uses a now non-existant dart size. Strangely, its older yet much better than the nightfinders these days.
Before the mod, it could get to over 50 feet, but after the mod it hurts like hell if you get hit at close range, and by range testing in my house I determined that the range is between 70-85 feet or more. Of course, my house isn't 80 feet long, so I shot it at one end, and saw where it hit. I used the general parabolic flight of a nerf dart to determine that it would have landed over at least 60 feet away outside, 60 being below the lowest plausible range.
EDIT: I forgot to say, the gun is full after 3 pumps, but has good ranges at 2 pumps
Okay, after testing ranges, it gets an average of 73 feet when fired straight, and 78 feet at a 35 degree angle. Its pretty good, for a gun that has such a small pressure chamber and a partly broken pump.
I couldn't go outside because its 10:30pm, pitch black outside, rainy, below zero degrees, and the gun is incredibly loud...
I'll try outside tomorrow.
Heres another gun - its a bit heavier than a normal nightfinder, but it has better accuracy and ROF (due to the darts being ON the gun itself).
Edited by St Jebus, 29 October 2006 - 05:41 PM.