Okay, so the following was inspired by NerfOmania's PumpSNAP design featured
here. I used essentially the same priming mechanism, so the functionality of the blaster is basically the same. However, I made a few key changes that make the thing far more leet.
Okey, so first off, every single joint is mechanical. Yes, I gooped around the bushing, but that was not for structural integrity, just simply to make sure the seal was perfect.
Clothespin to plunger tube.
Trigger to Clothespin (There are two screws there, one from the top, one from the bottom).
Handle to plunger tube. This is a carbon style handle, but sized so as to not interfere with the pump grip. There are two screws on the other side as well.
Pump grip to pump slide. I went with a vertical pump grip to make it more comfy to use. It worked, and is quite a lot more comfy.
I also made a few more changes...the blaster is >3" shorter than the original, and still has a 6.5" draw. I obviously used clear PVC, but I also used a skirt seal:
Added a string stop for the plunger rod:
I only used a single string, not one looped through, which goes through a hole in an endcap at the end of the plunger rod, and then is knotted so it can't pull out, so I ran a bolt through the stock, which allowed the string to stay centered in place, and then knotted it on the outside of the tee.
And a cover for the priming slide so that you can lay your cheek on the blaster without eating it up when you prime:
Being that it has a 6.5" draw, a [k26] spring, and a skirt seal, it shoots super far, as far as my other big guns, though I don't have precise measurements. I'm super happy with it, works quite smoothly.