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#26 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 18 October 2004 - 06:33 PM

The brass you described would fit INSIDE PVC, not around it.

I knew that, NinjZ. I'm interested in creating a nested barrel for megas, to apply the theory that Cx advanced in his 'Darts and Barrels' article, and I wasn't/am not sure how to do it.

Nesting for Megas? Use 21/32" nested inside 11/16" brass.

Would I put that in PVC, or just leave it as is (brass in brass)? If its supposed to be just left as a brass-in-brass barrel, would it work with an adapter? I already have mine Gooped to my BBB barrel. If not, I'll just stay with PVC, because I'd like to stick with the interchangeable barrels for shotgunning.

Edited by TimberwolfCY, 18 October 2004 - 06:39 PM.

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"Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it." - The Architect, The Matrix: Reloaded

of NH, NHQ, NO, NC

#27 Black Wrath

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Posted 18 October 2004 - 08:41 PM

Okay, you guys fail to realize that he is in the CFM. My clan. We war together.

Tony, just like before... I love you, and I'm on your team.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#28 Airsoft999



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Posted 19 October 2004 - 05:38 PM

I guess that it won't work with the adapter. What I did on my extra BBB was cut the barrel down, and schlack in some 21/32" brass. The brass was wrapped in tape at the very end- I used 4 inches of the brass, and slided 23/32" (yes, two sizes up) brass over it. Therefore, I had about 3 inches to slide in the 11/16" brass over the 21/32", and inside the 23/32". I made sure the casing squeezed against the brass, so that it could hold the barrel extension. However, I doubt that you'd be able to do that, so I'd just stick with the PVC. You couls wrap the butt end with e-tape, but I don't think that the seal would be so good.

You probably didn't understand that... :angry: I didn't... I can't really explain it. I can pm you some pics if you want.
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