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C.A.N.D.Y. SoCal costume war

SoCal costume prizes southern california SCUN

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#1 Apollo256



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Posted 18 September 2017 - 01:29 PM

C - an

A - ll

N - erfers

D - escribe

Y - esterday


When: Oct 28th 10am - 4:30ish pm


Ole Hammer Park
440 N. Live Oak Ave
Glendora, CA 91741

-YOU DON'T NEED TO WEAR A COSTUME. If you show up with one, however, you will be eligible to win some goofy prizes. 

-Remember to consider how "nerf-friendly" your costume is if you plan on playing in it.

-There will be prizes for costumes. Who will win the coveted SQUIDBOAT trophy for 'best costume'? There could be other winners, but only if enough people show up in costume.

-Be sure to bring water, money for lunch, a costume if you want, darts, blasters to use, and as always, a good attitude. 

-standard socal rules apply.

Got questions? post 'em here. 

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Monkies learn sign-language so they can tell dolphins they love them.

A horse is a horse of course of course, unless it is a zebra. What the hell is a zebra anyways?

#2 miatahead



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Posted 19 September 2017 - 03:03 PM

What are standard socal rules?  Is a 4th grader allowed (my daughter)?


New member here and am located in the SGV, so Glendora is close and am interested in attending.


Played paintball years (and years...) ago, so I'm not completely clueless.  But I pretty much only have stock Nerf and Rival guns ATM and can probably mod a few for Superstock, but wouldn't stand a chance on open field NIC with no high power homemade.

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#3 baghead



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Posted 09 October 2017 - 11:17 PM

I'm always hyped for the Costume Contest aspect of this war, the game is afoot.   

Seeing as I used to run things out here, and Apollo still hasn't responded: 

miatahead, on 19 Sept 2017 - 8:03 PM, said:

What are standard socal rules?  Is a 4th grader allowed (my daughter)?


New member here and am located in the SGV, so Glendora is close and am interested in attending.


Played paintball years (and years...) ago, so I'm not completely clueless.  But I pretty much only have stock Nerf and Rival guns ATM and can probably mod a few for Superstock, but wouldn't stand a chance on open field NIC with no high power homemade.

Generally we'd consider a 4th grader a bit too young for a SoCal NIC event like this, taking into consideration that its usually a group of mostly adults/teens playing with modded blasters.  

Another SGV area nerfer is always good news! The Glendora area is home to a lot of wars over the course of the year, and we have a pretty good history with the city's cops and schools. 

I've been running mostly out of the box stock blasters alongside contemporary modded/homemade stuff for several years now (including using Flippin' Vortex Blasters and a Zing Bow) and it hasn't hindered my enjoyment/ability to feel competitive during rounds at even some of our biggest wars like Armageddon. The prominence of Rival Blasters in the hobby really leveled the playing field, and are quite common at our wars.

So if you don't have something that shoots doom lasers don't worry, but consider that some pretty serious modded stuff is allowed when deciding on if you're bringing your kid with you. Also make sure you do something to your Rival Balls to make them unique (for example I tag my nerf branded ones with a neon sharpie, and now exclusively buy Headshot's neon pink ones) or you're going to have a rough time with recovery. 

Hope that helps, can't wait for this war! 



Edited by baghead, 09 October 2017 - 11:18 PM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#4 miatahead



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Posted 19 October 2017 - 03:10 AM

Thanks, I've decided not to bring my daughter since I suppose slugs might be used and well, she kinda doesn't want to go either, lol.  Oh well.

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#5 13atman



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Posted 24 October 2017 - 12:23 PM

First time posting, I will be attending.


I just have a question; my two roommates are interested in filming the action their drones.


Is that allowed or is filming not allowed? They want to make a nice video out of the event. 

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#6 Apollo256



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Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:41 AM

Filming is perfectly fine.

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Monkies learn sign-language so they can tell dolphins they love them.

A horse is a horse of course of course, unless it is a zebra. What the hell is a zebra anyways?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: SoCal, costume, prizes, southern california, SCUN

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