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Dusting Off The Cobwebs

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#1 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 17 June 2017 - 11:37 AM



(photo courtesy Zorn's Lemma)


It's the 2017 war season, and boy, is it overdue for a news post. We finally have the Apocalypse 2017 thread up and running with all the information you need, and Armageddon 2017 (the 18th edition) is a week from today. Break out those blasters, those works-in-progress, order those darts from China, and get ready to fling some foam. Check out the useful information below and be sure to opine on the discussion topic.


Upcoming major war thread links:

2017 Nerf War Schedule (Get your wars posted and linked in here)

June 24th [CA] Armageddon XVIII: SoCal's Largest NIC War

August 5th [NJ] Apocalypse 2017: The East Coast's Largest NIC War


Cool recent threads:

JSPB B&B Mini-Hopper (the newest in the long line of 3DBBQ homemades)

Caliburn: Pump-Action Mag-Fed Springer (the newest in the long line of Captain Slug homemades)

3D-Printable Crossbow Thread (self-explanatory)

Muzzle-Loading 17th Century Pistol (rainbow catch meets leatherwork and realsteel looks)


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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

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#2 Ice Nine

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Posted 17 June 2017 - 11:43 AM

Discussion question(s):

What makes a gamemode work or not work at your wars? Have you had rounds that worked once and then never worked again quite as well? How do you get over excess downtime between rounds?

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

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#3 CaptainSlug


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Posted 17 June 2017 - 12:07 PM

Ice Nine, on 17 Jun 2017 - 4:43 PM, said:

Discussion question(s):

How do you get over excess downtime between rounds?

Write the name of every attendee as they arrive on playing cards or 3x5 cards. Shuffle them based on the play mode for the next round, then announce the names of everyone on teams by tape color and get the round going.

It skips the process of having to corral everyone into a line for a 1-2-1-2 call, there's no team selection process, and you can keep the break period down to a minimum.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#4 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 17 June 2017 - 04:38 PM

Ice Nine, on 17 Jun 2017 - 4:43 PM, said:

Discussion question(s):

What makes a gamemode work or not work at your wars? 


Carpe Testiculum has always seemed to be a consistent fun game type.

I've had mixed experiences with everything else. Standard Deathmatch can be a lot of fun if players are already energized and craving gunfights, but it often devolves into a standoff between teams who just kind of stand around taking potshots at each other. I've experimented with the click counters as a method of encouraging aggressive play (since it gives everyone infinite lives), but It's kind of annoying to run back to the spawn area constantly. Defend The Core is sometimes a lot of fun, but it suffers from the same "stand around taking potshots" problem that I sometimes see in other game types. I tend to try to push for objective-based game types, and I think sometimes people are unsure about what they're supposed to be doing, or don't have a clear idea of whether their side is winning or not. When that happens, there's a lot less buy-in by the players.



Have you had rounds that worked once and then never worked again quite as well?


I can't think of anything in particular. I guess some of the "attack the fort" game types were fun the first time we played them, if only for the novelty factor.



 How do you get over excess downtime between rounds?


The host has to be pushy and hound people into getting ready to play. Chosing teams needs to happen quickly, and I've become less convinced over the years that having two captains choose teams is quick or balanced enough. Just go around pointing at people and saying "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2" to split them into teams.

Edited by Daniel Beaver, 17 June 2017 - 04:39 PM.

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#5 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 17 June 2017 - 10:04 PM

We played an incredible VIP round at a Chicago war, where the VIP had on armor and had to do laps around the field, and it never, ever worked again.


CaptainSlug, on 17 Jun 2017 - 5:07 PM, said:

Write the name of every attendee as they arrive on playing cards or 3x5 cards. Shuffle them based on the play mode for the next round, then announce the names of everyone on teams by tape color and get the round going.

It skips the process of having to corral everyone into a line for a 1-2-1-2 call, there's no team selection process, and you can keep the break period down to a minimum.


That's a good idea. For Armageddon last year, I bought two packs of plasticated playing cards, one with blue backing and one with red backing. Before the war, I organized them so as the stack progressed, there was a basically equal distribution of suits, backing colors, and numbers, so I could give everyone a card as they arrived and just call out teams by "evens to the left, odds to the right" or "blue to the left, red to the right" or do four team versions using the suits or numbers modulus four. I saved the face cards for experienced players who would serve as captains throughout the day. I like your solution for smaller wars, though.


I was also referring to the growing number of people who use magazines at Nerf wars. It's fun for the variety but at the last war I hosted, a few people reloading magazines was consistently holding up the rest of us as we were trying to play. I'll take Beaver's suggestion of "being pushier" in regard to that. It also makes me want to try running ammo-limited rounds; maybe two mags per person, so you're shooting one while reloading the other, while people with hoppers are allowed maybe twenty or thirty darts.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#6 Meaker VI

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Posted 19 June 2017 - 10:16 PM

All of our rounds must involve respawning. We tried elimination a couple of times, it fails miserably every time. CTF also goes poorly - uncoordinated teams working against each other in the dense indoor terrain we use usually means it's a cinch to run in and out with a flag without being seen.


Which also means all of our rounds now involve time limits instead of point limits (Or, as in CTF, "capture and you win"). It works better for us to kick the kids out into the field ever ~30 minutes and then debrief than try to corral them after some sprinter took all the objectives in the first 5 minutes of play.


For some reason, Juggernaught hasn't worked well for us either. When mods are the Juggernaughts, it's really just play-as-normal since mods usually terrify the players anyway. When players are the Juggernaughts, we inevitibly have one or two who just wander aimlessly. It's now a gamemode we add as a side thing to a main gamemode.

3-team King of the hill went surprisingly well. Two teams totally ganged up on my team since we were so far ahead.

Daniel Beaver, on 17 Jun 2017 - 9:38 PM, said:

I've had mixed experiences with everything else. Standard Deathmatch can be a lot of fun if players are already energized and craving gunfights, but it often devolves into a standoff between teams who just kind of stand around taking potshots at each other. I've experimented with the click counters as a method of encouraging aggressive play (since it gives everyone infinite lives), but It's kind of annoying to run back to the spawn area constantly. Defend The Core is sometimes a lot of fun, but it suffers from the same "stand around taking potshots" problem that I sometimes see in other game types. I tend to try to push for objective-based game types, and I think sometimes people are unsure about what they're supposed to be doing, or don't have a clear idea of whether their side is winning or not. When that happens, there's a lot less buy-in by the players.


We did standard respawn deathmatch (with counters, failed miserably without since our players hate sitting out) to reasonable success, but our players also seem to prefer a goal. Our best seems to be simple collection of objects (cards, coins, whatever) - whoever has the most things wins (or with cards, whoever has the best poker hand). I'd like to introduce a way to steal other players' things, but haven't figured it out yet in a way that will work with out player group. Maybe if I give the things to the mods, and tagging a mod gives you a thing ... .

DtC worked ok, but ended up being basically like King of the Hill for our setup. If we had spread the cores out more it might've been different, I don't know if I'm miffed enough to try trouble shooting it though.


Daniel Beaver, on 17 Jun 2017 - 9:38 PM, said:

The host has to be pushy and hound people into getting ready to play. Chosing teams needs to happen quickly, and I've become less convinced over the years that having two captains choose teams is quick or balanced enough. Just go around pointing at people and saying "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2" to split them into teams.

Ice Nine, on 18 Jun 2017 - 03:04 AM, said:

That's a good idea. For Armageddon last year, I bought two packs...

We assign teams at the start and just run with that. I don't think we've had to do it, but maybe re-balance the teams if one is getting weak. Our game also only lasts 3ish hours, so maybe assign teams twice if you're running all-day.

Ice Nine, on 18 Jun 2017 - 03:04 AM, said:

I was also referring to the growing number of people who use magazines at Nerf wars. It's fun for the variety but at the last war I hosted, a few people reloading magazines was consistently holding up the rest of us as we were trying to play. I'll take Beaver's suggestion of "being pushier" in regard to that. It also makes me want to try running ammo-limited rounds; maybe two mags per person, so you're shooting one while reloading the other, while people with hoppers are allowed maybe twenty or thirty darts.

This is our biggest killer, and I'm one of the biggest killers of it - I tried to load up ~400 boomco rounds one game. Doing it between rounds took nearly our whole ~20 person team. I've since voluntarily switched to running a double-stack 18 strayvan.
To further address the issue, I plan to bring enough mags (or mag-pairs, the double-stack worked well except for fully reloading at the end) that I can use my whole load in a round, drop the empties off, and pick up a new fresh load for the next round. Will it mean owning several times as many mags? Yes. But I'll be able to get in the game faster and, as a mod, that should really be my goal. I'll thus try to force the players into entering battle earlier by just starting the next round.
I'll also (hopefully fully prototyped this week!) have a new build that will (hopefully!) eliminate mag troubles entirely. Maybe it'll just make them cheaper and bulkier though.

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#7 shmmee



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Posted 20 June 2017 - 02:07 PM

Spontaneity seems to play a big role in developing memorable game types here in Utah. One silly spark of an idea during a game of CTF came when someone wondered what would happen if there was only one flag. The game morphed into "deathball" where both teams are fighting for control over the single flag and are trying to push it into the opposing teams territory.


Another memorable moment occurred when one participant brought an inflatable t-rex suit to a war. An unforgettable game called "Tim is an invincible dinosaur with a marauder ax, run for your lives!" was born from that stroke of brilliance... I don't think that game type needs much explanation...


I guess my contribution to the discussion is that we shouldn't be so distracted with having structure and rules that you miss out on making the really memorable moments of an event.   


I've also appreciated So-Cal's speed round (where a line forms on a small field and 2 enter for 1v1 winner stays, then 2 go to take on the winning team, then 3 then 4...) it gives those who aren't loading up their dozen mags something quick and fun to focus on while the few heavy gunners mobilizes the communitys entire ammo bin into mags (of which they'll only empty 3 but whatevs)...

Edited by shmmee, 20 June 2017 - 02:16 PM.

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#8 Carbon



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Posted 21 June 2017 - 11:28 AM

Daniel Beaver, on 17 Jun 2017 - 9:38 PM, said:


Carpe Testiculum has always seemed to be a consistent fun game type.



Yeah, Carpe always works well. I think part of it is that to win, you have to be aggressive and go seize some balls....hanging back and taking potshots won't work. That, and having multiple teams. Two team games always run the risk of devolving into stalemates, but having a third team jiggers the dynamics enough to keep things moving.

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#9 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 21 June 2017 - 08:42 PM

Meaker VI, on 20 Jun 2017 - 03:16 AM, said:


We assign teams at the start and just run with that.


I do like to mix up teams at some point, and preferably each round.



Carbon, on 21 Jun 2017 - 4:28 PM, said:


Yeah, Carpe always works well. I think part of it is that to win, you have to be aggressive and go seize some balls....hanging back and taking potshots won't work. That, and having multiple teams. Two team games always run the risk of devolving into stalemates, but having a third team jiggers the dynamics enough to keep things moving.


3 teams is a good sweet spot, since it lends itself to constantly shifting alliances where you gang up on the weaker team and raid their bucket. What I like is that, not only is it easy to score points, it's easy for everyone to score a lot of points. By contrast, players rarely score in game types like CTF.

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