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Apocalypse 2015 - Recapping on page 5

August 1st in Oakhurst, NJ

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Poll: Apoc Head Count

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#1 Langley


    LGLF - Since 2002

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:25 AM

Date: Saturday August 1st, 2015
Time: Arrive by 9:30. Leave yourself plenty of time to find parking and walk to the staging area.
Location: Deal Test Site (Joe Palaia Park) in Ocean Township, New Jersey.
Directions below.

IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST NERFHAVEN EVENT - You will need a blaster that fires homemade darts, preferably a home made spring powered blaster or an approved pump/valve style blaster. The majority of the games we are playing are not designed to accommodate blasters that fire stock (store-bought) darts. I strongly recommend that you come to another NerfHaven war first before you attend your first Apoc.
DIY Darts: http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=23034
DIY Blaster: http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=24406
Buy Darts/Blasters: http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=25583

PARENTS - This event is not a day care or a summer camp. This is an event run by irresponsible foul-mouthed college kids. The ammo most people are using contains metal. There is no adult supervision, no liability insurance, and no one who will take responsibility for your kid. People frequently get bruised, and occasionally get minor injuries consistent with other sports and outdoor activities. If none of this scares you, congrats on being an awesome parent! But if you wouldn't let your kid go off into the woods to play paintball with a bunch of teenagers unsupervised, maybe skip this one.

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook...25767564251605/

Posted Image

-Be 13 years of age or older. If you're not old enough for this site, you're not old enough for this war.
-Familiarize yourself with the rules and schedule
-Show up on time
-Attend the orientation if this is your first Apoc. Orientation will be held at 9:30 in the staging area. Try to arrive by 9:15
-Be familiar with dart/blaster restrictions
-Bring Protective Eyewear. Everyone is required to wear eye protection. Goggles or safety glasses which are rated for impact are strongly recommended. Masks of any sort are discouraged (This isn't Canada, no one is aiming for your face).
-Bring your own darts and blaster. Assume you will need around twice as many darts as usual, and/or be prepared to sit out a round just for dart sweeps. Bring a backup blaster. Don't expect anyone to wait for you to fix your gun to start the next round. Bring a springer pistol.
-Lunch is your own responsibility. There will not be enough time to leave for lunch. I suggest you bring a packed lunch and eat on the field. If you leave for lunch you *will* miss one or more rounds.
-Bring Water. It will be extremely hot and humid. A minimum of 2 liters of water/Gatorade is recommended (many people bring at least a gallon). There is nowhere to get water on the field.
-Bring Hat/Sunscreen/Sunglasses. It will be hotter than satan's taint, and there is not much shade at the park. Bring sun protection or you will burn.
-Follow the instructions of the hosts and field supervisors. Certain people will be designated as field supervisors and will be helping us run rounds. Listen to what they say. Our authority as hosts and admins extends to them for the purposes of this war.
-Clean up after yourself. Flagging tape, bottles, etc must be removed from the park.

All home made darts must be made using a 1/2" diameter 1/8" thick adhesive-backed felt bumper from McMaster-Carr, part#8771K12. Darts may only be weighted using a single #8 or #6 washer, which must be entirely covered by the felt bumper. Unmodified stock darts are also permitted. See this thread for more details Contact me via PM if you have any difficulty purchasing the McMaster materials.
Stock nerf brand ammo is permitted.
MHA pink silicone dome darts are permitted.

DO NOT BRING Blasters that look like guns. If your blaster does not look like a toy, cover it in orange tape, or we will tape it on-site. Blasters in this category include: blasters painted black (especially pistols), ERTL Pump action shotguns, and blasters painted brown, olive drab, or any other 'realistic' colors.
TITANS and anything with a titan tank in it must fire stock titan rockets or Draconis rockets. You may not fire any size dart out of a Titan.
SCEPTORS must be colorful. Make it look as little like a paintball gun as possible. Wrap the tank in fabric or stripey tape or something. If you replace the tank or pump, the OPRV must be kept at the same pressure and the tank volume may not be made any larger (stock is about 800cc). If you bring a Sceptor, BRING ANOTHER PRIMARY, as sceptors may not be allowed in certain rounds.
UMBs, BIG BLASTS, ANYTHING DESIGNED TO SHOOT AMMO LARGER THAN A MEGA DART must include the stock OPRV. No McMaster OPRVs, and no 'tweaked' OPRVs. If we suspect your blaster does not have the stock OPRV, Muttonchops will be allowed to pump it until he hears an OPRV kick in, or the tank ruptures.
DO NOT BRING Homemade Airguns (includes anything with a pump/valve that isn't made by hasbro/lanard/buzzbee such as those drain cleaners)
DO NOT BRING Super Soakers
DO NOT BRING Melee weapons/swords
DO NOT BRING Shields (hits to any shield-like items you may be carrying will still count as a hit)

If you are not sure about a blaster, leave it at home. If you want to be the guy at apoc who's gun shoots farther than everyone else's, *you* should stay home.

The round schedule is tentative and subject to change. Each line below is a block of time which may consist of multiple rounds. The blocks where you have a choice between two gametypes are bolded.

Orientation at 9:40
Full Roster 3-15 Deathmatch
More Freeze-Tag OR Superstock
Speed Rounds
Carpe OR Gunslinger Heaven
Wildcard Deathmatch
Asymmetrical Clusterfuck (not slaughter)
More 3-15 or more Freeze-Tag (time permitting)
Core Penetration (bring your Draconis rockets and other rocket firing blasters)
Dart sweeps, cleanup, closing ceremonies.

Note the alternate parking areas, marked with blue 'P's, and the NEW Staging area, marked in Green. Fields are marked in Yellow.

View this map with a detailed legend in a larger window.

40°15'21.85"N 74° 1'25.08"W
40.256069, -74.023633

271 Whalepond Rd.
Oakhurst, NJ 07755
(if you don't specify the town it will take you to the wrong 271 Whalepond)

Deal Rd & Whalepond Rd
Oakhurst, NJ 07755

My best advice is to use a GPS or Google Maps to navigate to one of the coordinates, address, or intersection above. Depending on what direction you're coming from, you'll either end up on W Park Ave, or Deal Rd.

If you are driving on W Park Ave, you turn right at the light on to Whalepond Rd and make a right into the third park entrance. Parking on right. If you end up at another traffic light, you missed it. Turn around and follow the directions below.

If you are driving on Deal Rd, you turn left on to Whalepond Rd at the light and make a left into the first park entrance. Parking on right. If you end up at another traffic light, you missed it. Turn around and follow the directions above.

Short answer - there isn't one.

Subscribe to the NerfHaven.com twitter account and have notifications send to your phone via text if you don't have a smart phone. Any emergency notifications that go out on the day of the war will be posted to the twitter account as well as this thread. I will also be available via the LGLF hotline at (732) 903-5453 (732-903-LGLF) on the day of the war. I doubt any of this will be necessary and you should assume that Apoc will proceed as planned.

Dealing with the heat
What to bring, and what not to bring
Rules and conduct
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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#2 Langley


    LGLF - Since 2002

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:25 AM

Major differences from previous years:

  • As of this year, we will be running at least one set of rounds for stock darts only. Bring your HvZ, Super Stock, SAMBO or other stock-dart firing blasters and start marking your darts.
  • As of this year, we will allow Sceptors. Make your sceptor look as little like a paintball gun as possible. Wrap the tank in fabric or stripey tape or something. If you replace the tank or pump, the OPRV must be kept at the same pressure and the tank volume may not be made any larger (stock is about 800cc). If you bring a Sceptor, bring another primary as Sceptors may only be allowed for select rounds.
  • As of 2013, the new staging area is adjacent to the old one, across the path. If you walk towards the old one, you'll see it on your right. See the map above.
  • As of 2013, there are no barrel taps at Apoc. You may shoot at point blank range, but do not touch another nerfer with your gun or barrel.
  • As of 2013, to stop a round for safety reasons, yell out the word "HOLD". If you hear someone call "HOLD", STOP PLAYING IMMEDIATELY. At any time during a round, anyone can call "Hold", which will temporarily stop that round. Players should repeat the call of Hold so that all other players hear, until the round stops completely. If a pedestrian is walking through the field, if a player is injured or if there is some other threat to personal safety, you are obligated to call hold. You can call a hold to pause the game and sort out some issue that is not a matter of personal safety, but do not abuse it.

Edited by Langley, 27 May 2015 - 10:19 AM.

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Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#3 Zorns Lemma

Zorns Lemma

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 03:56 PM

Any way this could be the 8th?
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#4 TED


    In Brightest Prawn, in Darkest Shrimp...

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 06:19 PM


I vote no on sceptors.
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Star Wars can go fuck itself.

#5 Langley


    LGLF - Since 2002

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 07:20 PM


'Zorns Lemma', on 17 Apr 2015 - 8:56 PM, said:

Any way this could be the 8th?

It's always been on the 1st Saturday in August, and that's what I've told a few people who have already asked. I'm also going to a wedding on the 8th. Sorry, but we've stuck to the first Saturday in August for a long time now.
  • 1

Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#6 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:17 PM

Pretty sure I'm confirmed,
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#7 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:32 PM


I'll see about getting out there this year.
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#8 flyingchicken



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Posted 17 April 2015 - 09:53 PM

Several members of the Southeast will hopefully be in attendance.
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I am so omniscient; if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!

#9 Drev



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Posted 17 April 2015 - 10:26 PM


I'll be there with +1-3 depending on who is around. I'm already pumped for it.
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Check out my blog: Fly Nerf

#10 father time

father time


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 11:15 PM


Hoping to carpool up with +5 or so, from the Cincinnati Area (C.A.N.E.)guys.
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Ask her if she wants you to give her a multiple orgasm.
And when she looks stunned show her a picture of the blaster.
But if she gets excited. You're in.
-Miguel Ramos
Time is the one thing you can never escape.-Father Time

#11 evilbunnyo



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 10:18 AM

Alright charms up lets do this.
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Silence is golden but duct tape is silver

#12 Aeromech



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Posted 18 April 2015 - 05:12 PM

Will be there. Count me in for some plus one's too.
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Watch my shitty videos

Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#13 Langley


    LGLF - Since 2002

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Posted 18 April 2015 - 10:02 PM


Working on some mockups and preliminary designs for this year's bandanna. First design is an update of the 2013 bandanna, the second is based on a design by Carbon that might look familiar.

Posted Image
  • 1

Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#14 tspo



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Posted 19 April 2015 - 03:26 PM

Looking to attend. Could be bringing a group anywhere from 2-6 people with me depending on who can make it.
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#15 rockinon96



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Posted 19 April 2015 - 06:36 PM

I can't say I will or will not go. All I'm saying is don't expect me to be there as my brother had surgery on his feet last Thursday. If there is a way I can go, I will.
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'rockinon96', on 22 Aug 2014 - 6:17 PM, said:

I know. I was just busting your Muttonchops. It's just what I do.

#16 PBZ


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Posted 19 April 2015 - 06:52 PM

Haven't missed one yet since i started attending, don't plan on starting now. +1 this year
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"There's nothing quite like hunting children." -VACC

#17 Griever 2112

Griever 2112


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Posted 20 April 2015 - 08:23 AM

This sucks... my niece's sweet 16 is that day, and in the afternoon to boot... Have fun everyone. :(
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'koree' said

Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

My Youtube Page

#18 joedimarco



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Posted 22 April 2015 - 09:29 AM

there is no way im missing this. add me to the list, already gonna request off of work and everything.
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#19 Gears


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Posted 22 April 2015 - 01:50 PM


And you guys thought I was dead, right?

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Groove, on 30 Jul 2005 - 3:09 PM, said:

WoW is destroying my life.

-Groove out.


#20 Zorns Lemma

Zorns Lemma

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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:10 PM


'Gears', on 22 Apr 2015 - 6:50 PM, said:

And you guys thought I was dead, right?


Me 2
  • 1
"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#21 The Crimson Kid

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Posted 27 April 2015 - 02:38 PM

Is there a way to register or do you just show up day of because i would love to go
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#22 Langley


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 03:09 PM


Just read the rules and show up. In a couple of months I'll set up an RSVP poll, and you should RSVP then to help us get an accurate head count.
  • 1

Forsaken angel24 said

You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#23 lawn mower

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Posted 03 May 2015 - 08:40 PM


I'll be there.
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#24 Groove


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 01:34 AM


I'll be there as well.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#25 Xellah


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Posted 30 May 2015 - 01:48 PM

'Gears', on 22 Apr 2015 - 6:50 PM, said:



Looking forward to more Ultimate Core Penetration. We should definitely make it a tertiary option at the end of the day with 12-16 people max. As fun as 20v20 was last year (read: shitshow), pistol game-types like UCP get bogged down by that many players.
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Ultimator Duel

'Phil', on 29 Jun 2015 - 11:28 PM, said:

it cant be as bad as reloading an ak-47 on the run

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