I made a new batch of megas yesterday. They turned out fairly unique, so I thought I would share.

I usually cut my blanks a bit neater then this, I was halfheartedly trying to make some longer ones to see how flywheel blasters do with mega darts, but that's not important.
I love slug darts and the fact that I haven't gone home bruised/bleeding from a war since last year, but I have to say that unless you're making a large order from McMaster, getting the parts sucks. $10 s&h for $5 of felt discs is not great. Plus, I've always preferred to use bb's over washers. They're cheaper, and have some other small advantages over washers in my opinion (The metal is fully enclosed, tips are even less likely to fall off, much more forgiving of crooked blanks and/or tight springer-fit barrels). I use 1bb in micros, 3bb in megas.
Anyways, to make a long story short, I wanted to make some slugs without ordering things off the internet. I've never had luck finding cheap felt discs in a hardware or craft store, so I thought I would try just using a bit of fbr covering the hot glue. I've seen this done on washer slug darts before on the site and I've used a couple that I've picked up from wars, but they were never that great. I didn't mind because I just needed something to shoot this weekend.
After a few test darts, it was apparent that using the same size fbr would not work for me at all. I think gluing the tips back on with the slightest angle at all causes the dart to scrunch up as it gets shot out the barrel. I had some that went off at 45 degree angles, and one that fishtailed so hard it hovered like a heilcopter for a second before falling down 5 feet in front of me.
Fortunately I had cut tips for a batch of micros at the same time, and combining them with the mega bodies works flawlessly. 1/2in is more then enough to cover up 3 bb's clustered together, and they fly true since the tips aren't getting caught on the sides of the barrel. I recommend using between 1/8th and 1/4 inch thickness for the tips, depending on how dense your foam is (in the pictures above, the tall ones are 1/4in, the short ones are 1/8 or so). I'll err on the thicker side next time I make a batch though. It doesn't seem to affect dart flight, and you might as well have more padding. I made regular micro sized darts using 3/8ths foam for the tip and they work most excellently.
Regular slug darts are great, but it's nice to have options that don't require ordering online. And from what I remember of prices (and math), bbs and foam tips should be less then a third the cost of ordering felt and washers from McMaster. I think felt/washers are about 500 of each for $11 (+S&H, which I didn't calculate for). The foam is $2.50 for 750-800 tips (1/4inch tips out of 20 foot fbr rolls) and I think I paid under $5 for 1500 bbs.
If you didn't read any of that, my point is that the key for foam tips is to use smaller diameter foam for the tip compared to the rest of the dart. Also these are cheap.After testing these for a while, they're super durable. I can't rip the tips from the dart blanks, even on ones that have been sitting in the snow for a week. I'll definitely be switching over to this style for the future.
Edited by VelveetaAvenger, 27 November 2010 - 03:14 PM.