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#1 ChaosPropel



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:18 PM

Let's have a war, ladies.

DCNF will be a monthly/bi-monthly/whenever possible war in the DMV area, meant to keep DMV Nerf active.

Saturday June 23rd, 2012

Time: 10:00 AM 'till whenever we feel like ending, it usually ends up being around 4-5PM
Getting there at 9:30-9:45 would be a good idea, for testing/bans/etc.

Calvert Road Disc Golf Park
Coordinates: 38.975802, -76.918950

5277 Old Calvert Rd
College Park, Maryland 20740

This address, according to Doom, puts you right at the parking lot. YOu should be able to see it when you get within the area, anyways, so it shouldn't matter too much.
5260 Old Calvert Road, College Park, MD 20740

https://maps.google....lvert Road Park)&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=A

-No JOBARs, No Cobras, no singled Titans, no singled plugged-pump airguns designed to shoot anything larger than a Mega dart. (If you are unsure about whether your blaster fits this description, bring a back-up just in case.)
-Basically, anything that was originally designed to fire any projectile larger than a mega dart that must, if it is an "airgun," still use the stock OPRV/OPV.
-No exposed metal barrels
-No blasters painted flat black, all flat brown, or completely camo.
-No dressing up in camouflage
-Eye protection is manditory, I don't care how old you are
-Other blasters will be handled on a case-by-case basis(INCLUDING HOMEMADE AIRGUNS)
-Doomsayers are allowed
-If your blaster is more than 75 percent grey of black, please use orange tape on it. If you do not, we will put an unnatural amount of tape, of rather effeminate colors, on your blaster.
-Super soakers ARE allowed, but will be dealt with/banned on a case-by-case basis.
-ALL ATTENDEES MUST BE OF 13 YEARS OF AGE OR MORE. -For pistol rounds, a blaster is considered a pistol if it is a single shot springer blaster, that does not fire allowed darts over 80'.

Guidelines to non-douche-ness: MUST READ!-We are using public space for this war, and we DO NOT wanna get kicked out or get the cops called!
-please keep profanity and vulgar symbols/actions to a bare minimum
-please keep loud yelling to a minimum too; there are houses nearby, and we wouldn't wanna disturb the environment with loud noises.
-PICK UP ALL TRASH that you leave, whether it is from lunch or a blaster. If you are seen leaving too much trash, you may not be invited to the next DCNF; the hosts/other attendees are NOT here to be your maids.
-try to pick up all darts during dart sweeps/lunch; we don't wanna leave too many darts on their field (it's pretty much the same as litter to them)

-If you repeatedly act violate these rules throughout the day, you may be asked to sit rounds out, or to leave/not come back to DCNF wars...let's make this a fun war for everybody, and a non-disturbing war for the surrounding area! Afterall, we're there to have fun, right?

Dart Restrictions:
-Nothing heavier than a 3/0 fishing weight steel ball bearing under a hot glue dome. In other words, BBs, 3/16" balls, 3/0 fishing ewights and anything lighter than a 3/0 fishing weight are allowed under a dome. Washers under hot glue domes, no matter the size, are banned.
-Fishing weights and anything lighter are allowed under a felt pad, or at least a 2mm craft foam padding. If you have other kinds of darts (other types of padding?), please PM me or post here.

What to bring:
-Water, unless you're not into that kind of stuff. But really, bring water.
-A lunch, packed or pre bought.
-2-3 primaries.(Please bring more than one, since there is a large chance that it will break/fail during the day, or you will just hate it in the field/get bored of it)
-200+ darts
-A pistol or two-we will be having pistol rounds
-Fun ammo- rockets, missiles, megas, mongos, balls, etc.
-Stuff to trade/money to buy stuff. We will have trading time.
-Stock ammo, if your manly enough to use it.
-Bring some melee stuff-swords, knives, etc, just for fun.

What not to bring:
-Alchohol or drugs
-Real firearms
-Ghillie suits
-Flat black blasters
-Un-allowed darts
-Death darts

-Manta Rays and Laser Fang wings only.

-Melee hits count as barrel "taps". If your melee weapon gets shot it counts as a blaster hit.

-Pack one or bring money to go out and buy food during the lunch break.

Match Types:
-Deathmatch (3-15, 5-20, etc.)
-Not Deathmatch (will figure out what once I get a better idea of who will be attending)
-Pistol only rounds
-Whatever else we want to play

Please post below saying whether or not you can attend, and what date/location works best for you. Also, if you have advice for venue choice, please post below or PM me (for example, if you know of a better venue in the area, or one of the three mentioned above just suck). Please bring guests/friends/family if possible! The more the merrier! Let's make this an amazing war!





Edited by ChaosPropel, 22 June 2012 - 03:17 PM.

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#2 ChaosPropel



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:26 PM

Some additional stuff that I know you damned OP-skimmers will have missed, or I haven't posted-

A word on location choice:

I know that you'll all be worried about this, after we were asked to leave Beall ES last time, and had to resort to a seconday location.
However, if we want to play at Beall with a permit, we can only do that on Sundays, as MSISoccer has the field reserved/permitted from 9AM-4PM 'till late July.
This means we'll have to find a different location for Saturday wars. Some options I've seen right now are:

Glenora Park
Wootton Mill Park
Calvert Disc Golf Park (same place we were considering for DCNF3, in College Park. The tree coverage looks promising)

Also, I realize that the cover-situation at DCNF3 and DCNF4 was not ideal- I know that my 2D walls aren't very good cover, but they were the best I could throw together on short notice.
I will try my very gosh golly gee darn bestest to have better cover for DCNF5, hopefully which we can use over and over again. Some nice portable, yet stable mobstacles would be nice. However, if we're at Calvert, some tarps between trees might work too, in addition to conventional mobstacles.

If anyone wants to help me with this, I'd definetely appreciate/want it. Even just my 2-D walls was an investment of both time and money for me, so I'd like some financial and work-wise help with these more complicated, and thus more expensive, ones.

Thanks guys, let's make this a great war. Post here or PM me if you have any other questions.
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#3 Keo



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:27 PM

I'm in, but if the week before or after would get more people I wouldn't mind moving it. Calvert road would be my first choice for park.
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#4 landstricker



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:28 PM

I'm pretty sure I can make it.
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#5 ChaosPropel



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:31 PM

'Keo', on 22 May 2012 - 11:27 PM, said:

I'm in, but if the week before or after would get more people I wouldn't mind moving it. Calvert road would be my first choice for park.

I won't be in the country for the week after, so someone else would need to host in that situation.
Week before doesn't work for me, either, and also, I'd like to have more than a week between NJNO/FW/W and DCNF5, so that those who might wanna go to both have time in between.
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#6 blitz



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:51 PM

At this point, I don't know. I might be out of town, and then I still have the problem of getting up there.

If I do go, I'll probably drag Jolt along as well.
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Blitz, member of the FNBS
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#7 Eboreg



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 07:05 PM

I would much prefer Calvert Disc Golf Park.
Always bring your sword to battle.

I pity the fool who attempts to use a single-shot blaster against me.

#8 leafy



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 07:58 PM

I hope to finally make it to this one. Btw about darts I pad mine really well with fairly thick styrofoam and cover 100% of the #6 washer, are they ok? I think they're really safe. Edit: I'll pm you pics.

Edited by leafy, 22 May 2012 - 08:02 PM.

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If you guys find it fun, then by all means flail and thrust away.

- Daniel Beaver

#9 thesaz123



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 10:50 PM

Girl, you know i'll Be there ;D
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Thesaz123: Noob Nerf Modder

#10 TheSilentRebel



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Posted 23 May 2012 - 04:59 AM

I will not be able to make the 23rd...
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#11 LTJG Rob



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Posted 23 May 2012 - 12:25 PM

Put me down as a maybe plus one or two.
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#12 thesaz123



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Posted 23 May 2012 - 02:10 PM

On second thought, i will not be able to come either.

Edited by thesaz123, 23 May 2012 - 02:10 PM.

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Thesaz123: Noob Nerf Modder

#13 flashflint



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Posted 24 May 2012 - 11:02 PM

'Keo', on 22 May 2012 - 11:27 PM, said:

I'm in, but if the week before or after would get more people I wouldn't mind moving it. Calvert road would be my first choice for park.

EDIT: Never mind what I said previously. But there is a chance I will be able to make it +1.

Edited by flashflint, 26 May 2012 - 09:28 AM.

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#14 DarkPC


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Posted 26 May 2012 - 01:38 PM

on calvert park is on my short list of places the other place i would recommend would be University Hills Duck Pond Park
MAP: https://maps.google.... 20783&t=h&z=16
also this park is used by UMD Nerfers so that option is available to us...
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#15 Shoopy



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Posted 26 May 2012 - 01:53 PM


Edited by Shoopy, 26 May 2012 - 02:02 PM.

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You know you all want to crouch like a tiger...

PA POWER Clan Is that all ya got?

#16 ChaosPropel



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 05:45 PM

Alright guys, location is set for Calvert Park for now, a last minute change might happen, but the new park won't be too far from Calvert. I will edit the OP to reflect this in a bit when I get back.

Also, does anyone have any obstacles they could bring?
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#17 Keo



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 11:56 PM

I accidentally left my crappy 2 mobstacles with T Dog.

I'll try to bring friends.
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#18 ChaosPropel



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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:48 AM

OP updated to reflect location choice.
EDIT: I found an address. OP has been updated.
5277 Old Calvert Rd
College Park, Maryland 20740

Also, according to Doom, who has checked out the location recently, the North part of the park is generally disc-golfer free, so that's likely where we'll be playing. He says that there is, on avg, up to 10 ft between trees,but there definetely are a lot of trees. This means that mobstacles for additional cover would be needed. I can try to make some, but I honestly don't have much money to put towards mobstacle production at the moment. If anyone would be willing to chip in some cash, or build some of their own, it would be greatly appreciated. Some 3D mobstacles, like RyanMc##'s, or Langley's, would be optimal.

Edited by ChaosPropel, 28 May 2012 - 04:32 PM.

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#19 LilTuna



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Posted 28 May 2012 - 04:54 PM

I will most likely be there. I live in North carolina so i have been looking for a war close to there.(Also, This is my first nerf war :))
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#20 LilTuna



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Posted 28 May 2012 - 04:57 PM

I will most likely go. I live in north carolina, so i have been looking for a nerf war close to me for quite a while. (also this is my first nerf war :))
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#21 Eboreg



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 01:24 PM

Put me down as a definite.
Always bring your sword to battle.

I pity the fool who attempts to use a single-shot blaster against me.

#22 DarkPC


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 01:54 PM

Add Me in as a 75% likely
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#23 Phree Agent

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 02:08 PM

Me and my crew will 100% NOT be there......I am jealous of all who are attending. On a lighter note, DarkPC you still owe me $10 for the 18shot clips.
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#24 andtheherois



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Posted 03 June 2012 - 06:47 PM

Myself and 3 others are maybies right now. I'd say 70% chance.
The YooToobz

'Gears' said

Winning rounds is rewarding, deal with it. We don't play fucking patty cake over here.

#25 ChaosPropel



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Posted 03 June 2012 - 07:02 PM

Would the Saturday after the 23rd work better for anyone? Would it NOT work for anyone? At this point a change may be better for me, but we'll see what works for everyone else.
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Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

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