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Nerf Shotgun Comparison

Which is better?

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#1 ThatBritishGuy



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 05:11 PM

First some background: i mainly war indoors with a small group of friends, so the maximum ranges needed are about 75 feet (for long range i use an angel breech longshot as 4Bs are banned). Most encounters are within the 30-40ft range so i use shotgun attachments on various guns as they almost guarantee a kill.

I have been experimenting two main different styles of shotgunning guns and am wondering if the community has done anything similar as i am getting mixed results and am not sure which method to choose.

Method 1
Posted Image
This is a quad-6" barrel shotgun that attached with a 1/2 PVC coupler. It can fire 8 streamlines or 16 nano darts. It is effective to about 30ft with a spread at 30ft of about 10ft. By this i mean 10ft side to side and up and down.

Method 2
Posted Image
This is a 16" single barrel that i can shotgun load 5 streamlines in or anything from 1-5. With 5 streamlines it hits about 40-45ft with a spread of about 3ft (same method as before).

I normally use the first method but it lets me down range wise and i get picked off by my opponent.

So i was wondering - has anyone come up with a compromise that allows a good spread while maintaining good ranges?

Also, the barrels have a pretty loose fit on streamlines i.e. you can easily drop them down the barrel - not the most efficient use of air i admit.
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#2 RedFear



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 05:50 PM

If you can get more barrel velocity, that might solve the issue since range has been letting you down, correct?

also, what other things are you looking for with the compromise? Other than just more range, do you want the spread to be bigger or smaller? Do you want to have a more dense pattern or a looser pattern? An increase in power either way would be good, since range in my opinion is always important.
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#3 Pause



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 06:35 PM

There are multiple write-ups on how to shotgun a 4b. Check the Modifications Directory.
This is one of them:
BendyStraw's write-up

Edit: I read again. Hopefully you can use a shotgunned 4b

Edited by Pause, 10 January 2012 - 06:36 PM.

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'Daniel Beaver', on 24 Oct 2012 - 6:56 PM, said:



#4 HappyBurnination



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:49 PM

One method I've used would be to glue 3 1/2in cpvc barrels into a length of 1-1/4in pvc, and then use a coupler & reducer to attach that to the blaster. If you're only using streamlines cpvc would definitely be too tight for an airgun though.
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#5 Curly



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:51 PM

In my experience, shotgun loading is the most effective method, except when firing two per barrel. When shotgunning two darts per barrel they tend to fork. Multiple barrels would lower effectiveness, but that can be the only safe way to shotgun on some blasters. The only way to be perfectly sure of what you are looking for is to experiment yourself, because our ideal shotguns may not be yours.

The number of darts has a balance to be struck as well. More darts means less range and greater hit probability. Less darts makes reloading much easier, which is important with the ROF of lower powered blasters. Multiple barrels must always be loaded to fire, which can worsen the ROF issue. You don't want to eat up too much ammo either.

Another option is a barrel selector, which would give you a bit of deadspace to lower ranges and have an extra set loaded. The two varieties I know of are made by Cheyner and BuffDaddy. The best way to find what you're really looking for is to guess 'n check, so get to it :)
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#6 Aeromech



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 07:52 PM

A few options here:

What blaster do you use these attachments on at these wars? Also, if you can drop the darts in the barrel it's not going to give you the best ranges. If you can't get your hands on any good CPVC or appropriately sized barrel material, try crayola marker barrels. In my experience they work fine for shotgun type blasters; admittedly I use the former style of shotgun.

Another option is to choose whichever style shotgun you are most comfortable with, and integrate it into a blaster that gives you some range, that way you won't be, "picked off," as you put it. I know nothing of your modification experience, but a few minutes here should give you all the information you need for such a project.
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Birch, on 01 Nov 2015 - 1:51 PM, said:

This is so ghetto but so awesome.

#7 Swiftone1990



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 08:19 PM


That is the shotgun I use, on a beserker. just build the shells, and you can coupler them to whatever. You can also do this build with fewer barrels, if you so wish. and on the ROF, just have multiple shells to swap til you can reload used shells.
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#8 Curly



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 08:46 PM

'Swiftone1990', on 11 Jan 2012 - 01:19 AM, said:


That is the shotgun I use, on a beserker. just build the shells, and you can coupler them to whatever. You can also do this build with fewer barrels, if you so wish. and on the ROF, just have multiple shells to swap til you can reload used shells.

I've tried carrying multiple shells or missiles, but they're a pain in the ass. I'd rather have an integration and use the shotgun occasionally. In his case he can drop darts into the barrel, so he's lucky in that regard.
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#9 TxNerfer



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 09:04 PM

If you're using a 4b, make a 6" shotgun attachment (1-1/4" pvc with three cpvc barrels nested) and load two stefans in each barrel, it gets about 60' with a great spread. Obviously dart fit and whatnot can come into play, but it's worth a shot.
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'Zorn's Lemma', on 14 Dec 2011 - 03:31 AM, said:

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#10 thedom21



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Posted 10 January 2012 - 10:56 PM

I would suggest using smaller darts which allows for smaller shells. I am actually working on this for a homemade shotgun project.
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#11 ThatBritishGuy



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Posted 11 January 2012 - 01:17 PM

'Pause', on 10 Jan 2012 - 11:35 PM, said:

There are multiple write-ups on how to shotgun a 4b. Check the Modifications Directory.
This is one of them:
BendyStraw's write-up

I thought about using an Absolver style gun but i discovered a limitation with it, and im trying to currently make an improvement for it.
Posted Image
The diagram on the left is the current absolver shell, as you can see most of the air goes into the middle barrel so it gets a larger chunk of air than the rest of the barrels. On the right diagram i have effectively removed the center 7th barrel so an equal amount of air goes into each barrel. Im currently trying to make one of these out of a spare maverick turret - i will post it here when i finish it.

'Aeromech', on 11 Jan 2012 - 12:52 AM, said:

A few options here:

What blaster do you use these attachments on at these wars? Also, if you can drop the darts in the barrel it's not going to give you the best ranges. If you can't get your hands on any good CPVC or appropriately sized barrel material, try crayola marker barrels. In my experience they work fine for shotgun type blasters; admittedly I use the former style of shotgun.

I normally use as i said a 4B for the shotgun as it is great for room / hall clearing. I have an angel breeched longshot for anything longish range so i have no problem with that and i also sometimes use my 4B with just 2 darts shotgun loaded for about 50ft range. But when i try and use a larger amount of darts for a larger spread, i encounter problems.

The main choice is whether to go for more shorter barrels, i.e. like an absolver/tsunami or whether to go for less longer barrels.
Now more barrels give a wider spread and therefore a larger kill radius but sacrifice range. Less longer barrels give further ranges and also you can reduce the number of darts loaded for a tighter/wider spread as seen fit.

EDIT: I tried a tighter barrel fit (loose twist fit) and ranges improve but the difference is still the same.

Edited by ThatBritishGuy, 11 January 2012 - 01:18 PM.

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#12 Swiftone1990



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Posted 11 January 2012 - 03:18 PM

With your idea for the 6 round absolver shell, just make a little black piece out of some scrap barrel, fill it with FBR and glue, and proceed as normal for the rest of the shell.

I have a gun built off of a hornet tank that I shotgun load. The problem I found was that it puts all the darts in a very tight pattern.
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#13 nerfispwnage243



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Posted 11 January 2012 - 09:04 PM

Ok this is what a friend and did to fix the slowish reload times on Absolver shells.
Posted Image
Essentially we took the normal Absolver/SG-7 design and made it so the shells could be removed quickly, since we didn't like unscrewing each shell. The small piece of PVC is short enough to make it easy to remove each shell and it's also long enough to keep a good seal. I normally use stock streamlines, so ranges can be really terrible or really amazing. For me I normally pump the 4B this is on about 5 times for about 25-45 ft ranges with great spread, but with more pumps the darts go further so it depends.

*Fixed because text was too small to read. It's much better now.*

Edited by nerfispwnage243, 12 January 2012 - 03:57 PM.

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#14 Langley


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Posted 12 January 2012 - 12:12 AM

'nerfispwnage243', on 12 Jan 2012 - 02:04 AM, said:

I hope it's still big enough to read.

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#15 Nerf Gra

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Posted 12 January 2012 - 01:17 PM

I think your best bet honestly is to carry 2 different shells with you. One with fewer barrels the other with more barrels. Then find a way to slap them on a titian or some other blaster capable of giving massive amounts of air.

As far as actually building them, why build what you can buy. http://flexpvc.com/c...VC-Distributors

Edited by Nerf_Grà, 12 January 2012 - 01:17 PM.

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QUOTE(VelveetaAvenger @ Dec 6 2010, 12:14 AM) View Post

Maybe there's no Mcmaster, but you could make the first coconut airtank.

#16 ThatBritishGuy



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Posted 12 January 2012 - 02:04 PM

'Nerf_Grà', on 12 Jan 2012 - 6:17 PM, said:

As far as actually building them, why build what you can buy. http://flexpvc.com/c...VC-Distributors

Im in the UK, so unless i want to pay for ridiculous shipping that option is a no-go. Thats why im working on a homemade 6 barrel one.

Im going to try and make it this weekend, ill post the pictures here.
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#17 nerfispwnage243



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Posted 12 January 2012 - 03:32 PM

*Ignore, problem solved.*

Edited by nerfispwnage243, 12 January 2012 - 03:58 PM.

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#18 arfink



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Posted 12 January 2012 - 09:46 PM

I have been leaning heavily on shotgun attachments for some of my blasters lately, and I generally enjoy them. However, what I have been doing is making tri-barreled shotgun attachments with very long barrels and putting them on very powerful blasters for longer range shot patterns. I have used a PulseStrike tank with a tri-barrel setup just slightly longer than 15 inches with great success. I generally can shoot 9 darts in a 10-15 foot spread to ranges more like 60-70, and they tend to go much farther than that but spread too far to be useful at that range. 3 darts fired from that assembly stay together very tightly and cover 80+ ranges with a fair amount of accuracy. With a setup like that it's more like having 3 long ranged shots at a time, as one of them is likely to go more or less where you aimed.
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