ahh, I see that. Thanks, My LS is still on the market though.The 10 will hopefully work way better, I wasn't going to be able to make the 27th.
@wick Amazon had PASes and RFSGs back in stock last I checked.
Posted 17 August 2011 - 04:36 PM
Posted 20 August 2011 - 09:42 AM
You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.
2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.
Posted 25 August 2011 - 02:56 PM
Hey Dayko,
I have about 5 extra nerf nation shirts I got from NDTL (2011 nerf dart champs baby!) could we maybe make some giveaways at the war?
Congrats on winning. Was it a lot of fun? That's really cool of you to do, WickBuddy. You can give them away anyway you see fit.
< One foot in death...The other in life. >
Posted 27 August 2011 - 09:35 AM
- Either have a schedule in mind, or make everyone think that you do. You should never be asking your guests what they want to do; you need to have a plan before they sit down and start to bullshit.
- When you get done with a round, imediately get moving towards the next. If you have 10 minutes of downtime as a host, the rest of the nerfers will end up with 15 - 20. If you give yourself 0 downtime, everyone else will stay in the 5-10 minute range.
- Have an agenda. Either a progression of fields, game types, or team groupings gives you a goal that you can work towards during the day. If you have multiple fields to play, think about which ones fit which game types, and how you can move through them in a logical and efficient manner. Think about what rounds are best run early in the day when everyone needs to warm up, and what rounds require more energy and should not be run last or right before lunch.
- Be flexible, but decisive. If most of your nerfers dislike a field or game, be willing to scrap it, but YOU make that decision, and YOU decide how to course correct. Don't let your war turn into a democracy. Good Nerf wars are benevolent dictatorships.
- A cohost is not a bad idea. Someone equally knowledgeable, and on the same page is a huge help when plans must be altered. Just don't let the command group grow into a commune, and make sure one person has the final say.
There are other things, but it all comes down to being a knowledgable and authoritative host.
Also, my own suggestions from previous wars:
- I'll spring for a box of water from Costco or Safeway or wherever. Dehydration is no fun, and Subway is too far away.
- We should have a goal of keeping rounds as short as possible, and as many people in play as possible - sitting out for extended periods is no fun.
- I propose we have an agenda of rounds. This will allow us to punt games that don't work for us for whatever reasons. We seem to play a limited subset of games, so we'll have to repeat them, at least in the agenda.
- An agenda isn't a schedule. Having a schedule of rounds is going to be off-the-rails very quickly. An agenda is "what comes next, whenever we're done with the current round."
- We should have a schedule, though. We'll just have the schedule fit between the rounds, especially if we keep them short. Let's have 11-11:15 be meet-n-greet, setup, trading, and setting up for the first round. What's a good time for lunch, 1PM? 12:30? In this case, Dayko can decide as we close in on that time whether or not to move it up a few minutes, or start a round and delay lunch for a few minutes.
- I'll print up a few copies of the rules summaries so everyone can be on the same page (literally) about the games.
- Each round should be <n> minutes or less. Maybe 10 minutes, but probably no more than 20. Up to Dayko to decide. This means each round needs to have a victory condition even if both teams are still on the field, such as "team with most people's lives left". Whichever war host is out (probably me >_< ) will announce the time on the minute starting at T-5 minutes and every minute thereafter. If no war host is out, or the round isn't an elimination round, I'll volunteer to drop out to do this.
- Let's plan to have 5 minutes downtime between rounds for re-gearing, trading/buying, team selection, whatever. Then, we can review the rules for the round if someone is unclear, though the rules writeup should cover that already.
- I suggest we always run Witch Doctor instead of Medic, and TDMZ instead of Team Deathmatch - more chance of people being active on the field.
- I'll bring a deck of index cards and we'll have everyone put their names on one. To choose teams, I'll shuffle them and deal out two piles. This will be the proposed teams, and then we will propose some trades if one side is seriously outgunned. This hopefully will be faster than selecting teams one-by-one.
- At the start, each of us create two headbands from the flagging tape, one of each color. That way, you just pocket whichever headband you're not using this round. We should standardize on headbands so everyone around you can see which team you're on, and we all know to look for headbands.
- I'll bring some nametags. It's up to you if you want to use them, and what you put on them. I'll put my real name, username @ NIC sites, and my email address on mine.
Edited by taerKitty, 27 August 2011 - 09:54 AM.
Posted 28 August 2011 - 03:23 PM
That's really Nice of you Taer but I don't want to put you out by buying a bunch of water for everyone. If people would bring a jug of water for themselves we should be good.
I agree with the short rounds. I think a ten to fifteen minute per round is a good number. Who ever has the most people on the one team at the end the time limit then they win the round.
I'll print up an agenda and stake it to a pole so people can see whats what.
I get to the park anywhere between thirty to forty minutes before everyone else to set everything up. I.E. Moving the tables together, setting up the barricades.
For lunch let's plan on having it around 12:30 or so. During lunch would be a good time for trading and such.
I'll bring all the rules for the games as well. I have them all printed out in a binder.
Team selection does seem to take awhile. To help solve this who ever gets taken out first ( Dayko, Thrax, Taer Kitty, Darth Freyr ) they will start getting the next round ready. I.E. Get the bucket it out count how many players there are and put an even number ( Or as even as it can be ) of "1"s and "2"s in the bucket it and as people get taken out they pick a number from the bucket and they already know what team they will be on.
As for the rules I'll tell the rules before each round as usual but I would like everyone to pay attention. There has been times when people say that they didn't know something because they did not listen to me when I was explaining the rules. Now if you did not understand something I said or if something didn't make sense then please tell me and I will be more then happy to elaborate on it.
Good point, Taer. So all Death Match games will be Team Death Match Zombies and medic will be Witch Doctor. Now for Witch Doctor I ask everyone please please keep track of what team you are on. Make sure that you are switching headbands to the correct team before you start to play.
I got the deck of index cards we can use.
Great idea Taer. We all have two headbands in our pockets and we will change the color to correspond to which team we are on. This will help eliminate the time trying to look for more flagging tape. And we all have to have it either tied around our head or neck. These are the most recognizable spots that people can see quickly.
I got us covered on name tags as well .
Now that we have taken care of that let's all focus on having a great time. Let's go my fellow Nerfer's!!!
Edited by Dayko, 29 August 2011 - 02:48 AM.
< One foot in death...The other in life. >
Posted 31 August 2011 - 01:07 AM
Posted 31 August 2011 - 01:07 AM
Now is generally when we start previewing stuff and offering trades. Sadly, I'm not looking for anything, but here is my current WiP:
It's nowhere near complete, but here's the exploded view:
This is based on this drawing:
You know how they say "no plan survives contact with the enemy?" Well, same holds true here. Two changes so far:
1. The sketch was for Spears products, but I'm stuck with Charlotte from my local ACE. This means the measurements are off, most noticeably the length of the couplers.
2. Rather than the current 'state of the art' in using a PVC endcap as the base for my plunger head, I decided to try out this wallboard anchor:
We won't know until all's said and primed, but it looks like it holds promise.
Posted 31 August 2011 - 06:35 PM
for buying or trading is:
2 Longshots (one yellow and one blue)
1 Quick16
1 modded maverick (shitty paint job though)
1 old school reactor
and 1 broken secret strike 1
What I want is:
Modded ERTL PAS (I'm to lazy to mod one)
Pullback snap
BBBB (More than BBUMB)
Overhauled 3k
Posted 31 August 2011 - 08:53 PM
Posted 01 September 2011 - 10:14 AM
Posted 01 September 2011 - 08:22 PM
WickBuddy: Will you take a pullback SNAP for the Long Shot?
Tuna: Thrax and I came up with a variant of the Assassin game type. We'll try it out this time round.
FoamMaster: It's all good. Have fun at the Martial Arts demo. Out of curiosity what style is it?
Edited by Dayko, 01 September 2011 - 08:24 PM.
< One foot in death...The other in life. >
Posted 02 September 2011 - 01:50 PM
Make sure to take plenty of pictures at this war
Posted 02 September 2011 - 05:55 PM
Dayko - why's this the last one of the season? You starting a new job?
Posted 03 September 2011 - 11:40 AM
That sucks, Broderick. I'll try to remember to bring a real camera.
Dayko - why's this the last one of the season? You starting a new job?
No, I plan on staying at my job for a long time. Everyone is back in school in September and that makes it hard to have a war. So September was a good month to end the this years series in.
< One foot in death...The other in life. >
Posted 04 September 2011 - 03:20 PM
Can I suggest we update the original post to reflect that the gathering time in 10:30, and we should all be ready to Nerf at 11? I have been guilty of showing up at 11, then taking 15 or so to unload, lay out my kit, B.S. with others, load ammo, put on holsters / rigs / etc, etc.
If I remember, maybe I can bring a deck of playing cards as well. That will save us having to number index cards 1 & 2. We can save the index cards for stuff we need to write out, and use playing cards for randomly dividing up teams ("Reds vs. Blacks" or "Each suit is a team.")
Of course, there exists the chance that these random teams are horribly unbalanced, such as one side with all the pump-action century cannons, etc. We'll have to all remember that the cards determine only a rough draft, and we should be open to being traded to another team for balance's sake.
Posted 04 September 2011 - 04:44 PM
Taer: Sounds good. I'll pick up two cases.
WickBuddy: Will you take a pullback SNAP for the Long Shot?
Tuna: Thrax and I came up with a variant of the Assassin game type. We'll try it out this time round.
FoamMaster: It's all good. Have fun at the Martial Arts demo. Out of curiosity what style is it?
Most likely, if your ok with it I would like your las more, but a nything works.
Posted 04 September 2011 - 11:20 PM
Most likely, if your ok with it I would like your las more, but a nything works.
Refresh my memory, which one? I brought three SNAPs with me last war.
Edited the first post with the new time.
Edited by Dayko, 05 September 2011 - 12:00 PM.
< One foot in death...The other in life. >
Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:08 AM
Each of these is a 5' tetrahedron (measured by length of side. Height is more like 4'). Two of them have tarp sides. Two are just frames, but I know we have some stray tarpage out there.
Here's what one looks like deployed.
Yes, they only have 2 sides. Tarps aren't cheap. Here, they're the largest chunk out of the cost. (The duct tape to seal the edges is second.)
Posted 06 September 2011 - 11:19 AM
Cue heavenly music: AHHHHHHHHHHHI give thee ... mobstacles.
Each of these is a 5' tetrahedron (measured by length of side. Height is more like 4'). Two of them have tarp sides. Two are just frames, but I know we have some stray tarpage out there.
Here's what one looks like deployed.
Yes, they only have 2 sides. Tarps aren't cheap. Here, they're the largest chunk out of the cost. (The duct tape to seal the edges is second.)
Thats awesome! Looking forward to shot some people from behind them!
Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:35 PM
Edited by Wickbuddy, 06 September 2011 - 10:36 PM.
Posted 07 September 2011 - 11:32 AM
Also, I have enough sides for four of them, actually more, but I don't have enough pipe. I'm hoping Darth or Dayko will bring some and I'll assemble them on the field. Yeah, they're that easy to set up.
Edit: Carpool, anyone?
Edited by taerKitty, 08 September 2011 - 09:45 AM.
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