Posted 05 January 2011 - 01:56 PM
Posted 05 January 2011 - 02:08 PM
Anwyay, I can't wait. Kane is a strong possibility and if I'm going, he'll most likely be tagging along with me.
Posted 05 January 2011 - 08:27 PM
I find it hard to believe that the venue prevents you from doing more interesting gametypes.
I share desire to get as much nerf in as possible, but deathmatch really works against that. I'm sure the indoor arena makes rounds end faster, but it also eliminates people faster. So, the fraction of the roundtime that the average nerfer is actually playing doesn't necessarily improve. Admittedly, other factors relating to the arena could improve this improve this factor, but there are plenty of gametypes where 100% of the roundtime is spent in-game.
Lots of rounds also works against maximizing playtime. Picking teams takes time, switching sides takes less time, between round grab-assing usually takes longer than both. Fewer, longer rounds help this a lot, and I personally enjoy them more. If you haven't tried a 1 hour + round, you should some time.
As for weapon restrictions, banning guns that are more powerful than +bows is reasonable, maybe banning guns that are weird is not so reasonable. If there's something else that's not allowed, I'd like to know before I show up to the war so I pack accordingly.
Posted 06 January 2011 - 08:39 AM
For me personally, super long rounds ducking behind cover = not much fun. Pistol rounds aleviate much of the cover fire mechanics, and I could play them all day, but I'm generally alone in that sentiment. With primaries, you can only advance so far before presenting a massive target when upright. Keeping rounds short, and swapping sides without changing teams, which I've suggested, helps to keep it interesting and dynamic. When you're in control of the war, downtime is at your discretion. Also, we like Deathmatch. The most thourough analysis we've done of this concludes that it is fun. When it's not fun, we won't play it.
Understand, we've tried alot of the objective based rounds you guys run out there, and we generally haven't cared for them. From what Ryan, Ice9, and Zorn have told us after Deal, things have a much different feel here than they do where you guys tend to nerf. We don't worry too much about dying early, as that is considered fair punishment for getting your ass shot multiple times.
Now don't get me wrong, I find debating round construction and the general flow of nerf wars about 10x as interesting as discussing actual nerf guns, so I appreciate your input. I also welcome alternatives to deathmatch if they work for us (we're not too concerned about what works for other people). I just don't want anyone to get the impression that the wars in this neck of the woods are democracies. Once the war is under way whoever's hosting (Talio in this case) has final say on everything. Input may be sought, but it's at the host's discretion.
Anyway, I'd be more than happy to thouroughly discuss the merits and demerits of deathmatch and alternative objectives in another thread.
Posted 07 January 2011 - 06:46 PM
Now, onto more planning stuff. The 26th is the date. I'm going to try to get. I'll talk to the Grid people over the weekend and get it planned out. After that I'll know what the price is and we'll go ahead and start getting money from everyone.
Posted 08 January 2011 - 12:09 PM
Abstract algebra II second midterm: February 14
Point-set topology second midterm: February 23
Analysis in R^n III second midterm: February 18
Medicine Since the Renaissance midterm paper: The syllabus doesn't say but it should be mid-February.
I have another physics class but there aren't any other components besides long labs and presentations on data, and I'm going to be done with the presentation early this quarter, so it can be ignored.
I'd like to come. The date chosen is the best one for me. However, money and time are both big issues, and I'm not sure if something will pop up later into this quarter.
I don't really have complaints about game types. I think the small field size will contribute to a much more playable deathmatch, a game type that I don't really actively choose but also don't dislike.
Edited by Ice Nine, 08 January 2011 - 12:09 PM.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 08 January 2011 - 03:06 PM
Posted 08 January 2011 - 07:02 PM
Posted 08 January 2011 - 11:26 PM
I can definitely go. So my girlfriend and I will be there.
Edited by firesflame4, 08 January 2011 - 11:40 PM.
If no one is interested no one is interested. Think of it like this...say you take your dick out in front of a girl and she's not interested in it. It doesn't help to smack her in the face again with it 7 days later.
Posted 09 January 2011 - 12:48 AM
firesflame4, on Jan 8 2011, 11:26 PM, said:
Hey, I'm unemployed, and have a girlfriend who may or may not come to this war too! To think, all this time I've been keeping that shit to myself. WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON! LETS B FRIENDS 4 EVR!
You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.
2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.
Posted 09 January 2011 - 12:08 PM
Also, if anyone from the Western New York area wants to go down, let me know.
Edited by NerfHunter03, 09 January 2011 - 12:28 PM.
Posted 09 January 2011 - 03:05 PM
Langley, on Jan 9 2011, 12:48 AM, said:
<3 philHey, I'm unemployed, and have a girlfriend who may or may not come to this war too! To think, all this time I've been keeping that shit to myself. WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON! LETS B FRIENDS 4 EVR!
Not sure exactly what this semester will bring, but I'm going to try my damnedest to be there regardless of whatever games types get played. Also, currently no plans and no syllabuses so I don't have a great picture of what's in store for me.
Gears: Ice9 and I have a relationship similar to that of myself and Jax.
liska: You snuggles?
Gears: The nerfers most likely to engage in a threesome.
I've seen you use an arrowstorm!!
Posted 10 January 2011 - 12:18 AM
Langley, on Jan 9 2011, 01:48 AM, said:
firesflame4, on Jan 8 2011, 11:26 PM, said:
Hey, I'm unemployed, and have a girlfriend who may or may not come to this war too! To think, all this time I've been keeping that shit to myself. WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON! LETS B FRIENDS 4 EVR!
Really... anyways, will anybody be selling stefens that fit cpvc for a springer?
If no one is interested no one is interested. Think of it like this...say you take your dick out in front of a girl and she's not interested in it. It doesn't help to smack her in the face again with it 7 days later.
Posted 10 January 2011 - 03:23 AM
Posted 10 January 2011 - 08:15 AM
Posted 10 January 2011 - 07:50 PM
Posted 10 January 2011 - 09:21 PM
Edited by NerfHunter03, 10 January 2011 - 09:22 PM.
Posted 10 January 2011 - 10:56 PM
Posted 11 January 2011 - 04:41 PM
KaneTheMediocre, on Jan 10 2011, 07:50 PM, said:
It's cause you hate me, isn't it.I've decided I'm not the people, so I don't plan to attend.
Groove, on 30 Jul 2005 - 3:09 PM, said:
WoW is destroying my life.
-Groove out.
Posted 13 January 2011 - 05:45 PM
Now, from the guys who will actually be helping me run this (you know who you are) they're asking us to do some sort of seminar for the people there and letting them watch us play a few rounds. Please only answer this question if you have physically been inside my apartmnet as a general rule of thumb.
Oh yeah, eye protection is an absolute must. Shooting glasses are preferred but make sure they can take a hell of a hit. These guns are getting fucking rediculous and we're gonna be shooting really close to each other.
Posted 13 January 2011 - 06:18 PM
Posted 13 January 2011 - 08:43 PM
Talio, on Jan 13 2011, 02:45 PM, said:
Please only answer this question if you have physically been inside my apartmnet as a general rule of thumb.
Mmmm. I've done more than merely be physically inside your apartment.
Still a mmmmmmmaybe. I'll send five bucks soon anyways. At worst I don't go and help out a bit.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 13 January 2011 - 10:14 PM
Talio, on Jan 13 2011, 05:45 PM, said:
Okay, so the 26th is looking really solid. I talked to the guy and he says it ours, we just have to get on the books. Like last year it will be 300 bucks. So what we'll do is everyone sends me 5 or 10 bucks and I give it to the guy for a downpayment. Then we'll subtract it from the total 300 and devide it by the number of attendees who actually arrive. Your initial payment is of course non-refundable.
....... Other Important info ......
I'll put down $5 for me, and $5 for a friend of mine, but at this point, we are both still maybes, but it's looking like a strong likelihood that I will make the drive down at least.
EDIT: Ice Nine... You gonna be making darts by any chance?
Edited by NerfHunter03, 13 January 2011 - 10:17 PM.
Posted 13 January 2011 - 11:12 PM
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