Where: Greenfield Park { 12035 W Greenfield Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53214 }
Staging Area: Picnic Area #5

What to bring:

+ At least one primary.
+ At least 1 pistol for the pistol rounds.
+ Melee Weapon if preferred. Your melee weapon can only be 2-4 feet long and less than 1 ft wide.
+ Enough ammo ( About 125-200 darts for your primary, and about 100 darts for your sidearm(s))
+ Eye protection is mandatory.
+ A bag lunch with plenty of water or some other type of drink. Don't bring perishable foods. You have been warned.
+ Make sure that you bring water. I will provide some extra water, but make sure that you bring your own.
+ Some money for buying/selling, etc.
+ Appropriate clothing.
+ A change of clothes
+ If you have tarps for mobstacles, bring them.
+ Boots or crappy shoes
+ A shield, if applicable.
What not to bring:
- Painful darts. Only slugs and stock darts are allowed. No domed darts are allowed.
- Singled and Plugged Titans; Plugged Titans must be shotgunned to at least three barrels
- Big Blasts that are both singled and plugged.
- Homemade air guns. Some exceptions can be made if you prove that it can't be dangerous.
- LBBs that are both plugged and singled.
- National Geographic Guns
- Signal Launchers
- Anything painted entirely black, silver, or any form of camouflage. I don't want any trouble with the police.
- Marauder Long Swords that don't have piping insulation wrapped around them.
- Excessive paramilitary gear. If you come dressed in a ghille suit, I will make fun of you and force you to take it off. If you have no clothes on underneath, go home. If you want to wear camoflauge, you are allowed up to 2 articles. However, your shirt can't be camouflauged.
Relevant Information:
~ About crappy darts: PLEASE pick up mangled/ bad stefans and toss them in the bad dart box that will be provided. These can cause serious personal injuries if fired at someone.
~ We will be following the West Coast standards laid forth in Badger's etiquette thread (stickied, please read it).
~ Another thing, please try not to curse loudly. Little kids might be around, and you might piss off parents.
~ Don't be afraid to ask questions! The only dumb question is the one not asked.
~ Anybody is welcome to attend, including family and friends. Said people should be 13 years of age or older.
~ If any guns have any sharp or pointy objects on it, try and duct tape it down. This is mainly for Toaster boy.
~ If a blaster is painted completely black, silver, or camo, you need to wrap orange electrical tape around the barrel if you want to use it. No exceptions.
~ The bathrooms will most likely not be open. Man up and water a tree; if you need to go #2, there is a gas station nearby.
~ NEW RULE REGARDING BARREL TAPS: If you are in range of a barrel tap or are close enough to cause extreme pain to someone, just yell "BANG!", or something like that. However, make damn sure that your blaster is loaded, though. No physical barrel tapping is allowed for any reason either, because usually the person on the receiving end is actually barrel punched instead of tapped.
Carpe Testiculum
Zombie Round
Defend the Core
Capture the Flag
Attack / Defend
+ More
Battle field pics: (From WINO 1)

Let's do this!
Edited by Mehku, 24 January 2011 - 08:35 PM.