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#51 durka durka

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Posted 26 November 2010 - 09:47 PM

Niteshot, on Nov 26 2010, 02:05 PM, said:

Which company is cranking out unreliable blasters using stupid shells to fire darts?
Which company popped up after the other started dominating the toy market?

Big Blast. Two words. Cheap and full of potential. Not a $20 soulless recreation of the recon. All nerf is making as of recently is the same old recon restyled in a new "I want to be master chief" look with some mostly useless attachments.

The Buzz bee shells are much more colorful and creative than nerf's tacticool military-esque designs. Your second question is irrelevant.
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"The warrior who cultivates his mind polishes his arms"

#52 Niteshot



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Posted 26 November 2010 - 09:59 PM

durka durka, on Nov 26 2010, 06:47 PM, said:

Big Blast. Two words. Cheap and full of potential. Not a $20 soulless recreation of the recon. All nerf is making as of recently is the same old recon restyled in a new "I want to be master chief" look with some mostly useless attachments.

The Buzz bee shells are much more colorful and creative than nerf's tacticool military-esque designs. Your second question is irrelevant.

I realize the second question was irrelevant. Thanks to another member. Now, can we drop this? I have better things to do. Like be an asshole somewhere else. :)
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QUOTE(VACC @ Dec 7 2010, 10:31 AM) View Post

For the love of fuck. The next person who announces that they are using something in their signature, ever, is banned. I fucking hate you.

#53 knexpert66



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Posted 27 November 2010 - 02:45 PM

Y-Brik, on Nov 24 2010, 04:44 PM, said:

This was on the 10:00 news the other night.
Kinda bugs me that the intelligent nerfers are lumped in with the retards. Also, slingshots? Those are SO 2008!

I was at this war. When they came over, the way they reported, made it sound like they thought this was the coolest hobby in the world. Then it accually gets on TV and it makes modders look like 6-year-old retards who just want to make things dangerous.
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Please, call me Busted.

#54 durka durka

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Posted 27 November 2010 - 08:45 PM

Just Some Bob, on Nov 27 2010, 04:27 PM, said:

The historian in me forces me to speak up.
Although I agree with your premise, that example is fatally flawed.

If one wants to argue that BuzzBee adds new things to our hobby, the BBBB is probably the single worst possible example to pick. Although they did improve slightly on the Lanard Blast Bazooka, and have improved more since, it started out as a $10 "soulless recreation" itself.

Wow, I completely forgot about Lanard. Shows how much I know. Oh well, you learn something new every day.
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"The warrior who cultivates his mind polishes his arms"

#55 One Man Clan

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 07:20 PM

I knew this hobby was fucked. PS, I love TED.
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I hate you.

#56 Salindin Naz

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Posted 06 December 2010 - 08:07 PM

One Man Clan, on Dec 6 2010, 06:20 PM, said:

I knew this hobby was fucked. PS, I love TED.

He's a little over sexxy for me...

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#57 Ryan201821


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Posted 13 December 2010 - 05:41 AM

KaneTheMediocre, on Nov 25 2010, 12:07 PM, said:

louiec3, on Nov 24 2010, 06:42 PM, said:

I'd believe that some people would be dumb enough to nerf without eye protection considering there are those that are dumb enough to post comments that DO NOT help our stand that this is a safe hobby...

Ryan Kreterfield, on Nov 24 2010, 11:13 AM, said:

Actually some nerf guns have been tested through chronographs at hitting 250 fps or over, like an Airtech3000 or most guns from the SuperMAXX line. Take that into account with metal weights and glue domes or a 2mm thick felt pad, and people will get welts and bruises very similar to paintball. I’VE SEEN THIS HAPPEN BEFORE.

Also they didn’t even mention homemade nerf guns which shoot upwards of 300 fps. I’ve created many guns that shoot this far and enjoy the pain it causes when it strikes others. Call me a sadist, but nerf sucks at their job.

Ryan denies posting this, and if it were him, he probably would have gotten the FPS data correct. None of the homemade blasters we built/measured have gotten past the 200-250 range, but plugged big blasts have clocked over 350.

From this we can conclude that the poster is likely, but not certainly, someone who wasn't at the final Chano where we tested all this on Klaviel's chrono. Also it's probably someone who hates Ryan, and can't convert between inches and mm (The felt pads from mcmaster are 1/8", which is a hair over 3mm).

Ryan IS a douchebag on the internet, but I don't think he's dumb enough to post this. Besides, if he enjoyed causing people pain, why would he have spent the last summer hating on glue dome darts. and trying to get them banned everywhere else (having already succeeded in purging them from the midwest nerf community.

That said, SOMEONE posted this. And that someone has seriously compromised the reputation of the homebrew / modded nerf community, just so they can satisfy a childish grudge.

Yeah, I saw this a few days ago. That's pretty childish of you guys. I'm almost 100% sure this comment either came from Snake (most likely), or Louie himself. But seriously? To emphasize what Kane said, I was the first person to take the initiative to regulate the darts we use at wars and successfully eliminate hot glue domes, and slingshot weights. Let me remind you also that you guys were no less apart of the "arms race" than we were, using high powered blasters, slingshot weighted darts, and 16" exposed brass speedloaders. We have all learned from mistakes in the past, but there's no reason to bring up "getting knocked out" by a nerf dart to the media. Newflash, it's not fucking 2008 anymore. Things have changed quite a bit and a lot of us have matured, but apparently some of us haven't. We've gone as far as supplying all of the ammo for everyone at our wars, making sure all the ammo is safe, and that we know there is nothing dangerous flying around. It's the war hosts responsibility for making sure no one gets hurt, something you obviously failed at in previous wars of yours that I've attended.

So whether or not a random TV crew just decided to show up for your Nerf war or not, why the hell are you even talking to them? Why give the media an opportunity to tell everyone in our immediate area, that what we're doing is something dangerous and something illegal in society. How can you not expect the media to take every little thing you say and turn them into a negative to make us look bad? Now of course after seeing a report like this, any tax-payer is going to think negatively towards our hobby. Next time we're out in a park and someone spots us, we'll be called on immediately, especially after instances in the past we've had. Next thing you know, we'll have no where to nerf.

Now I know you guys don't really give two fucks about getting your location ruined since you have an "alliance" with the local community and police. But seriously. Just shut the fuck up. You can have your shitty wars, and I don't care. But don't fuck it up for everyone else who doesn't like your wars.

Also, I'd like the comments from the CBS article, posted as me, to be removed immediately.

Sorry for possibly creating another shit storm, but I couldn't go without putting my words in this thread. My ACTUAL words.
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