louiec3, on Nov 24 2010, 06:42 PM, said:
I'd believe that some people would be dumb enough to nerf without eye protection considering there are those that are dumb enough to post comments that DO NOT help our stand that this is a safe hobby...
Ryan Kreterfield, on Nov 24 2010, 11:13 AM, said:
Actually some nerf guns have been tested through chronographs at hitting 250 fps or over, like an Airtech3000 or most guns from the SuperMAXX line. Take that into account with metal weights and glue domes or a 2mm thick felt pad, and people will get welts and bruises very similar to paintball. I’VE SEEN THIS HAPPEN BEFORE.
Also they didn’t even mention homemade nerf guns which shoot upwards of 300 fps. I’ve created many guns that shoot this far and enjoy the pain it causes when it strikes others. Call me a sadist, but nerf sucks at their job.
Ryan denies posting this, and if it were him, he probably would have gotten the FPS data correct. None of the homemade blasters we built/measured have gotten past the 200-250 range, but plugged big blasts have clocked over 350.
From this we can conclude that the poster is likely, but not certainly, someone who wasn't at the final Chano where we tested all this on Klaviel's chrono. Also it's probably someone who hates Ryan, and can't convert between inches and mm (The felt pads from mcmaster are 1/8", which is a hair over 3mm).
Ryan IS a douchebag on the internet, but I don't think he's dumb enough to post this. Besides, if he enjoyed causing people pain, why would he have spent the last summer hating on glue dome darts. and trying to get them banned everywhere else (having already succeeded in purging them from the midwest nerf community.
That said, SOMEONE posted this. And that someone has seriously compromised the reputation of the homebrew / modded nerf community, just so they can satisfy a childish grudge.