Nerf In The News
Posted 24 November 2010 - 07:44 PM
Kinda bugs me that the intelligent nerfers are lumped in with the retards. Also, slingshots? Those are SO 2008!
Why I am boycotting HasbroAs I said I have not not alot of testes yet but I will be once I finish the mod.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 07:58 PM
22:32 hookerninja I would just switch to 2 full 69's
22:32 hookerninja that would diddle shit
11:44 Zorn Her butt is too tiny even for limp 6th grade penis?
11:44 Zorn ergo the dildo
Posted 24 November 2010 - 08:13 PM
This kind of protectiveness is stupid. Injury from nerf modding will only occur with stupidity.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 09:06 PM
Posted 24 November 2010 - 09:34 PM
Posted 24 November 2010 - 09:36 PM
All I got was that Hasbro says to not misuse their toys(such as modding...)
Posted 24 November 2010 - 09:42 PM
Edited by louiec3, 14 December 2010 - 07:50 PM.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 09:50 PM
louiec3, on Nov 24 2010, 09:42 PM, said:
I'd believe that some people would be dumb enough to nerf without eye protection considering there are those that are dumb enough to post comments that DO NOT help our stand that this is a safe hobby...
I was almost blinded in my left eye (my shooting eye) by a modified nitefinder from about 15 ft away. I have been wearing eye protection ever since.
This was the post they referenced, this clearly isn't the worst injury in the thread.
And who is the douche wearing tacti-cool crap hosting a war and talking the press?
That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 09:57 PM
Posted 24 November 2010 - 10:01 PM
Blue, on Nov 24 2010, 06:57 PM, said:
The mom of the kid seemed to know some.I personally found the article quite funny, the announcers and everyone involved except maybe that kid have no idea what nerf modding or wars are... reminds me of the times I have tried to explain nerf to non-nerfers.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 10:07 PM
Posted 24 November 2010 - 10:17 PM
As for the hit to the temple, Talio, yeah you (who weren't there) can say that all you want, but I was the one who took the hit and there were the other folks at the war that day who freaked the crap out when I fell. Yeah, it was a freak shot and I'd been shot at plenty more before and after that last year without incident and yeah there was a whole bunch of stuff I said after that quote regarding responsibility and knowing what you're getting into, but naturally that didn't get used. It was no secret about that happening last year in our group and the news crew heard about it when they started asking if anyone had been injured. Everyone just kinda looked my way. Just like anything else the conditions were right at that time and that happened. Does it happen often? No. Did it happen? Yeah.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 10:22 PM
'SonReeceSonJensen', on 10 Jul 2011 - 6:54 PM, said:
WTF, are you in Tony Stark's basement!?'
Posted 24 November 2010 - 10:35 PM
Posted 24 November 2010 - 10:50 PM
Posted 24 November 2010 - 11:05 PM
Posted 24 November 2010 - 11:17 PM
I'm with Bob. I knew before even watching the clip that we, as a community, would be mis-represented. And we were.
Now get over it, and go Nerf.
Posted 24 November 2010 - 11:27 PM
By the way, anybody know who was interviewed? Just curious.
Edited by hockeyfights118, 24 November 2010 - 11:30 PM.
QUOTE(Poseidon @ Oct 2 2009, 05:28 PM)
Stalk... do you mean "stock" or are we talking about corn now?
Posted 24 November 2010 - 11:52 PM
Just Some Bob posting something insightful and relevant.
Weird! But Bob's key mistake was the expectation the unwashed masses of the internet to know who Walter Cronkite is. Welcume to the futurure, its auwsome!
Edited by Daniel Beaver, 24 November 2010 - 11:52 PM.
Posted 25 November 2010 - 01:04 AM
LiterSize, on Nov 24 2010, 10:17 PM, said:
As for the hit to the temple, Talio, yeah you (who weren't there) can say that all you want, but I was the one who took the hit and there were the other folks at the war that day who freaked the crap out when I fell. Yeah, it was a freak shot and I'd been shot at plenty more before and after that last year without incident and yeah there was a whole bunch of stuff I said after that quote regarding responsibility and knowing what you're getting into, but naturally that didn't get used. It was no secret about that happening last year in our group and the news crew heard about it when they started asking if anyone had been injured. Everyone just kinda looked my way. Just like anything else the conditions were right at that time and that happened. Does it happen often? No. Did it happen? Yeah.
You got knocked out from a nerf dart? What the hell is wrong with you? Not to mention you're a retard and I hate you. Don't respond it'll just make you even more lame.
Posted 25 November 2010 - 01:30 AM
<3333 ted
Groove, on 30 Jul 2005 - 3:09 PM, said:
WoW is destroying my life.
-Groove out.
Posted 25 November 2010 - 01:52 AM
They didn't just rely on youtube footage. Instead, they found a rather intelligent nerfer (of an age similar to the idiot with the black recon) who knows a fair bit about modding and responsibility, plus a good parent that supports her son's hobby. And he even used Felt+Washers (which aren't universally used, no matter what you think), which in my opinion look way better than having a hard plastic dome on the front of the dart (although people do get hung up on the whole somewhat-exposed metal thing)
They also went to an NIC war with a host that was smart enough to mention that needles, pins, and over-powered blasters/mods are banned from wars.
Talio's suggestion of "no comment" is a good one, especially if you are considering telling a newscaster about that one time when you were nearly blinded/almost bled to death/had a welt that lasted two weeks/etc.
Any more than that and you end up getting your words twisted and your hobby misrepresented (see video for an example).
Edited by jwasko, 25 November 2010 - 02:18 AM.
-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night
Posted 25 November 2010 - 11:12 AM
Gears, on Nov 24 2010, 10:30 PM, said:
Ysohypocrite, Brit? And wonderful! Now we look like Larpers. We so awesome. Fuck you midwest nerf. You are the suck.
<3333 ted
Yeah, I agree.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 25 November 2010 - 11:47 AM
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