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Jsno - Jersey Shore Nerf Out

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#26 Split



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Posted 21 June 2010 - 02:49 PM

...And if you don't want someone charging at you with a sword, shoot him first ;)

The issue is exactly what you recommend doing - shooting young kids from really close with guns that shoot really fucking hard.

As for the high ROF round if we allowed rebarreling there would be people using angel'd breeched LS's which would obviously give them the range advantage. The whole point is to make it an extremely fast paced, close quarters round, and keeping only the stock barrel assembly is the easiest way to regulate that.

You already specified a maximum range and not to be a douchebag. Not making everyone buy expensive stock darts should outweigh the potential for stricter rules here.

Edited by Split, 21 June 2010 - 02:53 PM.

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#27 Lt Stefan

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 03:14 PM

Yeah I guess you're right about the melee part. How about if you are using a melee weapon you must have a gun that you can shoot with too?

And as for the high ROF round.... I guess you can use stefans as well. Either or for this round. However stock darts will obviously be preferred, but if this makes more people want to play I don't have a problem. Range requirements still must be met with stefans though.
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#28 Lucian



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Posted 21 June 2010 - 04:02 PM

High Rof round sounds fun, it should be a good game for my soon to be finished RTP.
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#29 Lt Stefan

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 04:05 PM

Just remember the range requirement...

I take it you are a definite then?


It would be great if everyone could try and bring a few mobstacles of some kind. Although I will bring a few I can't do that many by myself. This is not required, but is greatly encouraged. Please let me know if you are ASAP. Also there will be no mega round, and stefans are allowed in the high ROF round, but they are not encouraged.

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 21 June 2010 - 05:16 PM.

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#30 balisticjoe



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Posted 23 June 2010 - 06:20 PM

I am a maybe, don't count on it though.
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#31 Lt Stefan

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Posted 03 July 2010 - 12:35 AM

War is in two weeks.

A couple important notices:

NEW LOCATION. It is only 8 mi away from the current one so it’s not that big of a deal. It is now Brice Park.

I switched the park after I went park hunting with my cousins who live down there.

This new location features:
-Not many people
-Forested area
-Open field
-Park benches
-Good parking lot

Here are some pictures I took:
Posted Image
Posted Image
The sand at the bottom is the parking lot.
Posted Image
Defend the core anyone?
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Pavilion will be the meeting area.
Posted Image

As you can see it has a wide variety of terrain that is all very spread out in small “pockets” of play area. This could be good for objective-based games and it allows play in many directions instead of just back and forth.

Rules recap:

-Eye protection is a must for everyone playing

-All guns must have an orange barrel tip and if they are painted a realistic color scheme colored tape must be put on the body of it

-Melee weapons are allowed, but they are discouraged. Just bring a good gun. Loaners will be available.

-Melee weapons can block shots only if they are being held at the time of the block and the area that did the blocking is less than 1.5” wide

-Gun hits count

-No guns are blanket banned as of now nor will be due to performance (at the start of the day). However if it shoots more than 160’ with your darts you will be asked not use it, and if it becomes too much of an advantage such that it inhibits the fun of others you will be asked to put it down as well. The only guns that will be banned outright are ones utilizing HPA tanks or powered compressors. All guns must use energy from the player to shoot and must be primed during the round.

No exposed brass barrels.

-Micro Stefans must have either a felt or hotglue tip and a washer or SINGLE bb weight. Make sure to mark your darts as well. If you want, we can “call” dart markings ahead of time so there is no mix-up come war day. I call orange dart butts on beige foam ;)

Other stuff:

-This is going to be a laid back war, so do not expect zero downtime. Also there will be a couple parents there as well as people who are attending their first war so just be cool and don’t curse a lot or get frustrated with it.

-Instead of barrel tapping, I want to try out “surrendering.” Here’s how it works: if you are really close to someone and don’t want to shoot them with your high powered gun, you can ask them to surrender. If they do, it counts as a hit without you shooting/ tapping them. If not, you are clear to shoot and they can’t complain if it hurts.

-If you need a loaner gun of any kind, contact me and I can hook you up with a gun.

-Bringing your own obstacles is encouraged.

-There is a food place about a mile down the road, but it is just easier if you bring food in a cooler.

-While you’re at it, put your darts in a cooler.

-We will start at 10:00 AM. Please try and get there on time.

-If you would like to exchange phone numbers in case you get lost, pm me.

-Check the trading thread for this war here.

I think that about covers it, make sure you bring everything that was stated in the last update and I’ll see ya there!
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#32 Lucian



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Posted 03 July 2010 - 11:36 AM

-Micro Stefans must have either a felt or hotglue tip and a washer or SINGLE bb weight.

That is insane. I don't have a single gun that will work with a dart that light. All it will do is fishtail into the sky. Considering I don't even have darts made with either a single bb or washer, my chance of making it has dropped slightly.
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#33 Lt Stefan

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Posted 03 July 2010 - 12:30 PM

Well what darts do you have? Slugs are pretty much the standard nowadays anyway. You can borrow some from me if you'd like.

And yeah that's the whole point of them, to limit range.
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#34 Lucian



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Posted 03 July 2010 - 12:36 PM

Well what darts do you have? Slugs are pretty much the standard nowadays anyway.
And yeah that's the whole point of them, to limit range.

What makes you think Slug darts are the standard? They are not a standard anywhere besides IL wars and the area around that. I have never made a single slug nor do I intend to. These 2 types of darts don't just limit range, they don't work at all. They literally sore straight up after 20 ft!

I may barrow some darts, but I am not happy about it.

Edited by Lucian, 11 July 2010 - 07:44 PM.

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#35 numa-t49



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Posted 03 July 2010 - 01:11 PM

I forgot to re-rsvp so myself as well as 2-3 guests will be attending.
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#36 Lt Stefan

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Posted 10 July 2010 - 08:38 PM

So this is going to be the final bump before the war this Saturday. So far weather is looking good but it is too early to tell for sure.

If any of those maybes could just give me a final answer if they're coming it'd be much appreciated, and for those who aren't sure it will be a great day to have a laid back war in a great location with a lot of new people, so join the fun! (Also there is a beach about 15 minutes away if you want to cool down after.....)

Get there at 10, we will probably break for lunch sometime around 1-2 and will be done around 5ish.

Last but not least let me know if you can bring any mobstacles of some kind. Although we shouldn't need them they'd be good just in case. Hope to see you there!

P.S. If you want my number in case you get lost on the way there and need directions pm me for it.
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#37 iM ThAT Kid

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 07:38 PM

I am a maybe

Edit: Put me down as definent.

Edited by iM ThAT Kid, 11 July 2010 - 07:55 PM.

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#38 Gears


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Posted 11 July 2010 - 07:53 PM

Got Union tickets instead. Sorries.
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-Groove out.


#39 Zack the Mack

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 01:11 PM

I'm heading up to UMD for Dart of War directly after JSNO.
I have room for a few people, if anyone wants to split gas money.
The guy I'm staying with at UMD has room for a couple more, so if you want a ride, get in touch.
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#40 Lt Stefan

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Posted 17 July 2010 - 08:54 PM

Just got back.

-Awesome park
-Great people
-Defend the playground
-Plusbow high five!
-My 3k breaking, then fixing it during lunch with duct tape and using it to diddle ass for the rest of the day
-Found a lot of darts
-Sold a lot
-Zack's gun killing everyone
-Faceoffs with Lucy
-Shotgun attachment!

Overall a very fun war in a great location, I look forward to seeing you all again.

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 23 July 2010 - 10:26 AM.

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#41 Lucian



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Posted 18 July 2010 - 12:42 AM

Wow, great war, really, if you missed it I feel sorry for you.


-Having only one real primary (+Bow), and having it survive the day.
-Destroying in the near-stock gun round with a petg'd maverick
-Double Barrel Tap with my NF
-Getting a Quadshot and Sm1.5k along with a clear maverick and brassed maverick
-Meeting Lt, Chris, Ace, and all the other people there
-Playing Capture the flag with mega missiles for the flags
-Defending the playground and doing very well as the last surviving member of my team
-Dart Dodging dance ftw

-Cris leaving earily
-Meeting Steve :angry:
-Zack's gun raping to much
-Running out of water/Gatorade/Arizona

Still overall, a fantastic war.
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#42 Seven7h Man

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 12:23 PM

Got a video up. Over all good war.


-Raping with my quad shot and NF.
-Good fields, wasn't disappointed.
-Got at least 15 kills that day
-So many darts left over
-Winning the titan
-Met allot of cool people
-Crossbow not breaking
-Stock rounds


-Running around the whole day with a twisted ankle.
-LS broke before I could use it
-Warm gatoraid
-Would have liked to seen a zombie round
-Bad footage
-Getting shot in the neck three times

Edited by Seven7h Man, 19 July 2010 - 11:30 AM.

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#43 Zack the Mack

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 09:32 AM

Damn, what a weekend. As soon as this war was over, I hit the road and drove to Maryland for UMD's Dart of War. It was really interesting, going from an outdoor NIC war to an indoor HvZ-style war. LT did a pretty good job getting this organized, and we had a great continuum of Nerfers.

This was the first war I've been to that heavily featured hoppers, and they're already getting old.

- The Iron Man Super Soaker getting a hopper and raping face. Perhaps too much face. I might put one of Tantum's homemade OPRV's to tone down the power.
- Lucian insisting on having showdowns with me each game, and getting his ass kicked each time!
- Attack and Defend, with attackers using stock darts. It was actually well-balanced. Stock darts in drums work surprisingly well!
- Finally seeing Lucian's "improvements" to my L+L. It's so ostentatious. I love it!
- Lots of CtF! 10-year-old Asian ninjas kept sneaking through our defenses!
- Homa-sexual wimping out
- Traded away the Batman Belt Blaster, which people at the war could actually wear!
- Switching teams partway through an Attack and Defend
- Getting a gnarly thumb blister, and repairing the damage with Band-Aids and e-tape
- SUPER HOT! I drank almost a gallon of water. Lucy's dad dumped the rest on his head.
- Not a single gun breakage
- Thanks for using Slug darts, people. I only got two welts, and they were from the only person using slingshot darts.
- Skipping darts across the water!
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#44 numa-t49



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Posted 22 July 2010 - 12:58 PM

Ok so I have procrastinated long enough................................
First of all, this was one of the best wars I have been to, Both Homa. and Lt. Did a great job hosting. (even though Homa had to fag out)
Meeting everyone.
The two distinctive sounds I heard when using my gun,
It firing and ow!!!
Two Effeminate neck shots
The duct-tape band-aid on my guests gun ofter it broke during lunch.
Some dam good trades.
Defend the Playground was Effeminate.
“the comfy gun”
I <3 my Gun ^^^^^^

Other than that Great war guys cant wait to do it again.
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#45 Zack the Mack

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Posted 22 July 2010 - 02:29 PM

Defend the Playground was Effeminate.

What's up with the Effeminate? Is there a new word filter I don't know about?

Also, Numa (and anyone else who took video), can you try to get me the original files of any video footage you took at the war? I'd like to make a montage.
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#46 Seven7h Man

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Posted 22 July 2010 - 03:52 PM


Zack, here's the vids I have. Also, ep!c filters to effeminate.
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