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Jsno - Jersey Shore Nerf Out

Now recapping

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#1 Lt Stefan

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Posted 26 April 2010 - 04:43 PM

Check for updates towards the end of the thread. However the updated recount of the attendance list will be kept here. If you don't see your name on it that means you haven't told me you were coming after the update. The following attendance list is for July 17th. Sorry for the confusion.

Definite: 12-18
-LT +1
-Homa +3-8
-Zack the Mack
-Seven7h Man
-Snowfall +2

Likely Maybe: 1

Maybe: 4

The old war post is below. Most of the stuff is repeated in the update towards the end of the thread.

Attention: The rules about small things like melee weapons and shields and such are not set in stone and will be discussed come the war date. Also the same applies to round scheduling and stuff. This will be a pretty lax war.

That's right folks. It's going down. An NJ war, hosted by Myself and Homa (NR). I posted a speculative thread for this a while ago but it never worked out. So this is official now.

Date: July 17
Time: 10 AM SHARP until whenever we want to stop.

General Rules:
-You get here late, we start without you.
-The average age is around 15 so there will be parents hanging around, so keep the swearing to a minimum.
-It's a huge park, so be prepared to be running a lot.
-It's about a half mile from the beach so there are food places nearby, as well as, you know, the beach.
-We (the hosts) reserve the right to tell anyone to leave if they are being an asshole.
-We will break for lunch whenever we feel like it.
-If your parents want to play, let em!

Gun Rules:
-We are not banning anything off the bat. But if you have a really strong gun, just don't bring it. Or shotgun the barrels. The usual, if brought, will probably be banned anyway, I just don't like blanket bans.
-We will be testing any powerful guns in person. On you. If you can't take a hit in the back from 20 ft with the heaviest darts on the field, you can't use it.
-The only banned guns based on performance are ones that use HPA.
-We will be testing air guns based on they're full air capacity. Homemade air guns should have a limiter of some kind so it cannot shoot farther than it will during testing.
-Darts: Only single bb weights or washers as weights with only felt or rubber or hot glue (only with bbs) as tips. Any combination of those is okay, except you can't use both weights. All darts will undergo inspection.
-Mark your darts.
-If your gun is all black/realistic looking, I will personally cover it in purple and orange tape. I don't have anything against realistic looking guns, I just want it to be clear to people that they are fake.
-No exposed brass barrels. They hurt when being barrel tapped.
-Only Crossfire and Manta Shields are allowed. Gun hits count.
-Melee weapons are allowed if determined safe by the hosts. N-Force weapons are allowed.

Game Rules:
-Barrel Tapping: If you are within 15' of someone and your gun is loaded, you can ask them to "surrender." If they say yes, they get a hit. If not though, you can shoot them, or move in for an actual tap. This just makes it safer when you have people who'd rather not get hit by a 4B at close range.
-Be honest. If you aren't no one will like you and we'll make your day suck.
-Dart sweeping: We will be looking for darts every other round. If you don't help, we won't give you any darts to use.

Game Types: This is up for discussion. What we have so far:
-Team Deathmatch
-Pistol Rounds*
-Low Range, high ROF Guns*
-Balls/Rockets only*
-Squad deathmatch

What to Bring:
-At least one primary. If we say one is too powerful or if it breaks, you will want a spare.
-Pistol*. A pistol is defined as any single-shot spring-powerd gun that can be operated (not including priming) with one hand and can not shoot over 90'. Yes I will be bringing a tape measure. Mavericks will be allowed, but they must retain the stock plunger.
-A high ROF, low range gun*. This gun should shoot less than 70 ft and should have a high ROF. Examples are Recons, Raiders, stock Longshots with Raider drums, Magstrikes, RF20's, etc.
-A ball/arrow gun and balls/arrows*. Any gun is allowed as long as it shoots the following: rockets: either homemade or stock ammunition that fits over the barrel and has no exposed hard tip (to weed out mongo stefans) and balls: stock, spherical, light, foam ammunition that fits in the barrel (obviously). Guns you would normally shoot micros with can have adapters for this round, i.e. attaching a ball barrel in the coupler of a BBBB.
-Darts. Lots of them. Make sure they follow all the dart restrictions stated above.
-Safety glasses. EVERYONE must wear them. if you don't have them, you won't play.
-Water. It's going to be pretty hot.
-Food/money. You will have time to go to a place for lunch (though there isn't much fast food around), but I'd suggest bringing a lunch. It's just easier. However there is a pizza place .1 miles away and if we all chip in we can buy a couple pies.
-Money/guns to trade. It'll be like a nerf "swap meet" (to steal Rogue's term).
-A friend. The more the merrier!

Atendance- Please tell us as soon as you can. If you can't make the date, suggest another one and we might change it.

Definites (14-18)
LT + 2
Homa + 3-8
numa-t49 + 1-2 (NH)
Zack the Mack
Seven7h Man

Maybe (6)

Hope to see you there!

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 17 July 2010 - 08:54 PM.

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#2 Renegade



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Posted 26 April 2010 - 05:11 PM

JSNO: Fist Pumpin Like Champs
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#3 Lt Stefan

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Posted 26 April 2010 - 05:46 PM

Kinda like that slogan....
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#4 numa-t49



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Posted 26 April 2010 - 06:21 PM

My self as well as 1-2 guests will be attending.
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#5 Lt Stefan

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Posted 26 April 2010 - 06:38 PM

Great! You've been added to the list.
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#6 Echnalaid



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Posted 26 April 2010 - 09:28 PM

Throw me on that list as maybe. I'll have to ask Joe if he's coming too.
By the way, are N-Force Melee weapons allowed?
And we need to have some sort of specialty game. Like Raider/Recon/Longstrike/Deploy/Low power guns High ROF ONLY fight.
Of course I'd be packing all my guns. Attached/Strapped to myself.

Edited by Echnalaid, 26 April 2010 - 09:28 PM.

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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#7 balisticjoe



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Posted 26 April 2010 - 09:36 PM

Echnalaid, on Apr 26 2010, 06:28 PM, said:

Throw me on that list as maybe. I'll have to ask Joe if he's coming too.
By the way, are N-Force Melee weapons allowed?
And we need to have some sort of specialty game. Like Raider/Recon/Longstrike/Deploy/Low power guns High ROF ONLY fight.
Of course I'd be packing all my guns. Attached/Strapped to myself.

I should be there if I can find a ride, you wanna make an offer? All in favor of high rof/low range rounds. Also, any fans of resident evil would enjoy having the original zombie be nemesis, punisher and ultimator FTW.
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There Are No Stupid Questions, But There Are A Lot Of Inquisitive Idiots.

#8 Lt Stefan

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Posted 26 April 2010 - 10:25 PM

Echnalaid, on Apr 26 2010, 06:28 PM, said:

Throw me on that list as maybe. I'll have to ask Joe if he's coming too.
By the way, are N-Force Melee weapons allowed?
And we need to have some sort of specialty game. Like Raider/Recon/Longstrike/Deploy/Low power guns High ROF ONLY fight.
Of course I'd be packing all my guns. Attached/Strapped to myself.

Will do. Yes they'd be allowed. I'm in favor of the low power guns round as well. Range limitation on those I'm thinking should be about 75 ft. You agree? I need to get a couple raiders....

balisticjoe, on Apr 26 2010, 06:36 PM, said:

All in favor of high rof/low range rounds. Also, any fans of resident evil would enjoy having the original zombie be nemesis, punisher and ultimator FTW.

Also what do you think about a rockets/balls only round as well?

Edited the OP, check the game types and what to bring section. Let me know if you want to change something.
I'd say any gun is allowed, and I'd define rockets as either homemade or stock ammunition that fits over the barrel and has no exposed hard tip (to weed out mongo stefans) and balls as stock, spherical, light, foam ammunition that fits in the barrel (obviously).

I also want to suggest "Squad Deathmatch." If any of you have played BFBC2 you'll know what I mean. Basically instead of two teams we form into squads of three or four people each and whichever squad has the last man standing wins.

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 26 April 2010 - 10:40 PM.

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#9 imaseoulman



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Posted 26 April 2010 - 10:28 PM

There's a chance I could make this. If the attendance list beefs up a little, I could probably clear my schedule.
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#10 Lt Stefan

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Posted 26 April 2010 - 10:56 PM

I'll put you down as a maybe.
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#11 Echnalaid



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Posted 27 April 2010 - 02:52 PM

balisticjoe, on Apr 26 2010, 06:36 PM, said:

Echnalaid, on Apr 26 2010, 06:28 PM, said:

Throw me on that list as maybe. I'll have to ask Joe if he's coming too.
By the way, are N-Force Melee weapons allowed?
And we need to have some sort of specialty game. Like Raider/Recon/Longstrike/Deploy/Low power guns High ROF ONLY fight.
Of course I'd be packing all my guns. Attached/Strapped to myself.

I should be there if I can find a ride, you wanna make an offer? All in favor of high rof/low range rounds. Also, any fans of resident evil would enjoy having the original zombie be nemesis, punisher and ultimator FTW.

I'll have to ask my mother if you can like stop by in the morning or the night before.

And yeah, 65-75 should be a good limit on the range. Of course with select guns only. And rocket rounds would be cool. I'd need to find a ball gun thought.

Edited by Echnalaid, 27 April 2010 - 03:28 PM.

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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#12 Lt Stefan

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Posted 27 April 2010 - 03:31 PM

Echnalaid, on Apr 27 2010, 11:52 AM, said:

balisticjoe, on Apr 26 2010, 06:36 PM, said:

Echnalaid, on Apr 26 2010, 06:28 PM, said:

Throw me on that list as maybe. I'll have to ask Joe if he's coming too.
By the way, are N-Force Melee weapons allowed?
And we need to have some sort of specialty game. Like Raider/Recon/Longstrike/Deploy/Low power guns High ROF ONLY fight.
Of course I'd be packing all my guns. Attached/Strapped to myself.

I should be there if I can find a ride, you wanna make an offer? All in favor of high rof/low range rounds. Also, any fans of resident evil would enjoy having the original zombie be nemesis, punisher and ultimator FTW.

I'll have to ask my mother if you can like stop by in the morning or the night before.

And yeah, 65-75 should be a good limit on the range. Of course with select guns only. And rocket rounds would be cool. I'd need to find a ball gun thought.

Basically any gun will be allowed as long as it has low range. High ROF is recommended though. And the ball/arrow rounds can be either ball or arrow shooting, not one round of balls and one of arrows.....
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#13 Seven7h Man

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Posted 28 April 2010 - 05:12 PM

I'll be their.
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#14 Echnalaid



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Posted 28 April 2010 - 09:52 PM

I think I have a new idea for a mod to try out. Would you accept N-Force swords say, attached to another weapon?
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There was something on the bottom of the ad that said erotyka. Sounds like something spicy -Renegademilitia15

#15 Lt Stefan

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Posted 28 April 2010 - 10:14 PM

Yes, as melees will be allowed during any round a gun is allowed (besides "specialty" rounds). However it will count as a gun hit.

Another thing I'd like to add:

Melee weapons can be used to block darts, however you must be holding it at the time of the hit. For example you can't strap a bunch of swords to your back to block darts.

Well you can if you are that concerned about the pain from a Slug dart. But it will count as a hit.

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 28 April 2010 - 10:14 PM.

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#16 Lt Stefan

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 02:33 PM

Okay guys, the war is about two months away, so time for the first major bump/reminder.

The following list is a list of things you need to get in preparation for the war. This list does not cover everything, just stuff that you need to mod/purchase. I made it a little early so you have time to acquire this stuff. If you're bringing guests, multiply the list by how many there are.

-At LEAST one primary (more is recommended in case yours breaks or is too powerful)
-A single-shot spring powered pistol that shoots under 90 ft. This means you must reload a dart and re-prime for each shot.
-At LEAST 100 BB weighted/Slug darts. No darts heavier will be allowed. Bring the amount you will need for your gun. If you're using a hopper hamp, you may want to bring more.
-A high ROF, low range gun. Examples are Raiders, Recons, RF20s, etc. It can shoot no more than 70 ft. and must have the stock barrel setup. Raider drums will be quite beneficial to you.
-Stock darts to use with the above guns.
-A gun that can shoot arrows/balls. (Most) Blasters will be allowed, including Titans. The things that will be banned are homemade potato/shit cannons.
-Arrows/balls for the aforementioned guns. Homemade arrows will be allowed, as long as there is no exposed weight or hard tip and they are deemed safe by the hosts.
-Melee weapons/shields. These aren't necessary to bring. N-Force swords will be allowed, as well as homemade variants if they are deemed safe. They can be used to block only if the are being held (un-sheathed) at the time of the hit. Large surface area weapons do not count for this rule (excluding Warlocks--they're not that big). Also, manta/CF shields are the only ones allowed. They do not have to be held at the time of the hit.
-Lastly, bring stuff to sell/trade. I will be bringing a lot. I will set up a thread soon for what we want to buy at the war.

That should sum it up. So put this war on your calendars (July 11) and start getting ready!

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 05 May 2010 - 02:48 PM.

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#17 Lt Stefan

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 07:21 PM

To allow more people to make it the date has been changed to Saturday the 17th of July. Are you guys okay with that?

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 21 June 2010 - 01:51 PM.

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#18 area5100



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Posted 23 May 2010 - 09:19 PM

this date is perfect for me, you can put me down as a definite :ph34r:. Also just wanted to ask, can you use modified streamlines as your stock dart for the ROF blaster?

Edited by area5100, 23 May 2010 - 09:23 PM.

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I put hours of work into it, and when judgment time come its gets a whole 10ft...F**K!!!!

#19 also not nerf monkey

also not nerf monkey


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Posted 12 June 2010 - 07:34 PM

I may be there with a friend.
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Life is hard, then you die. When life gives you lemons, take them and squirt them in peoples faces!!!!!!

#20 BustaDartInYOurAss



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Posted 13 June 2010 - 11:54 AM

Me and 7-10 quests as a maybe. i will edit this once i find out for sure.
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#21 Lt Stefan

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Posted 13 June 2010 - 01:32 PM

Area5100, just hot glue domes.

Busta and Monkey, you've been put down as maybes.
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#22 phillypretzel



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Posted 13 June 2010 - 03:04 PM

As a garden state native with limited war experience, I would really like to attend this war. (I can actually meet the guy who made my +bow, among other things :) The only thing preventing me is the fact that I'm still serving a DL suspension... So, if anyone from the Gloucester/Camden county area is attending, and could possibly give me a ride, I will be more than happy to provide gas/toll money, liquor, good-times, soft pretzels, and possibly sexual acts. Please let me know if you are heading to the Jersey shore for this war, or even if you could gather me and my gear from a localish bus stop near the park. I would be extremely appreciative, and happily cover your expenses (gas/tolls/food/maybe even provide you with slug darts) for the war. Thanks for your consideration/cooperation.
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#23 Lt Stefan

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Posted 20 June 2010 - 03:26 PM

Okay guys, so the war is about a month off. Once again it is Saturday, July 17th, at Devine Park in Spring Lake NJ (Link in OP). Next week when I go visit my relatives near the location I’ll be able to take pictures so check back then.

Okay, a few things need to be settled.

Please post here with a final decision of your ability to come and the approximate number of guests you are bringing. If you do not post with your ability to attend I will not expect you to come.

The prospective rounds that will be played are as follows. Please note that we will not be rigorously sticking to this outline.

-Team Deathmatch: Normal 3-15 play with two teams

-Squad Deathmatch: Same 3-15 rules, however instead of two teams there will be “squads” of 3-5 people against each other

-CTF: Two teams, each with one flag and they each have “sides.” Pretty basic stuff

-Gunslinger: Single shot pistols only.

-Ball/Arrow rounds: any gun can be used, even if it is banned from normal pay (e.g. Titans) because we will only be shooting balls, arrows, or rockets of either the stock or homemade variety. Rules for this ammo: No hard tips and must fit OVER the barrel being used to fire them (except balls)

-High ROF round: The only guns allowed are ones shooting less than 60 ft and firing stock darts. N-Strike guns with Raider drums are recommended. All guns must have the stock barrel assembly and stock spring but can have the AR’s removed. Streamlines can be modded with nothing heavier than hot glue. Stock darts are recomended, but stefans will be allowed. Make sure your gun fits the range requirements with your darts though.

-Eye protection is a must for everyone playing

-All guns must have an orange barrel tip and if they are painted a realistic color scheme colored tape must be put on the body of it

-Melee weapons can block shots only if they are being held at the time of the block and the area that did the blocking is less than 1.5” wide

-Gun hits count

-No guns are blanket banned as of now nor will be due to performance (at the start of the day). However if it shoots more than 160’ with your darts you will be asked not use it, and if it becomes too much of an advantage such that it inhibits the fun of others you will be asked to put it down as well. The only guns that will be banned outright are ones utilizing HPA tanks or powered compressors.

No exposed brass barrels.

-Micro Stefans must have either a felt or hotglue tip and a washer or SINGLE bb weight. Make sure to mark your darts as well. If you want, we can “call” dart markings ahead of time so there is no mix-up come war day. I call orange dart butts on beige foam :lol:

What to bring:
Here is your checklist for the war day

-At least one primary. If you think you yours will be in violation of one of the rules stated above, bring another one.

-A spring pistol. If it is not single-shot or shoots more than 85’ with your darts it will not count as one (for pistol rounds only).

-At least one ball/arrow shooting gun or gun with ball or arrow shooting attachment. I would advise having multiple barrels that fit common types of arrows in case yours run out of arrows and you have to use ones off the ground.

-At least one high ROF gun. This gun can shoot no more than 60’ with stock darts and must have the stock barrel/breech assembly and stock spring. N-Strike guns are recommended, but anything that meets these conditions are allowed.

-A lot of darts. Make sure they follow the dart restrictions stated above.

-A lot of arrows/balls. Pretty self explanatory. My crew will probably be using homemade rockets and BBB arrows.

-Food. Something non-perishable is a good idea. Cooler bags are also a good idea. There are some restaurants nearby, so if everyone pitches in we could probably get some pizza or something. So bring money.

-Sunscreen. We’re by the beach….in the middle of July….in the heat of the afternoon….in New Jersey.

-Liquids. Also have something to keep them cool. I recommend a gallon per person.

-Extra shirts. See previous two.

-Guns and stuff to sell (see next section)

-Money to buy aforementioned guns.

-Mobstacles/obstacles/whatever. This is not required, but is largely encouraged. It would help us out a lot. The more obstacles the better! If you plan on bringing some, please let me know that you are ASAP.


When you confirm your attendance, also mention what you would like to buy/sell at this war. This way the people selling stuff will know what to bring. We will have a little “Nerf swap meet,” so bring money for that.

So I think that pretty much covers it, and I hope to see you out there!

P.S. My trading info:

I’ll be selling a lot of random parts, some stock guns, some modded guns, wyes, a lot of +bows, a lot of LpL’s, and anything else I sell through the forums. If you want me to make you something specific, please let me know ASAP via pm. I’m also going to want to buy any and all stock guns and air gun parts. For a more specific list, check my WTB.

Edited by Lt. Stefan, 21 June 2010 - 05:13 PM.

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#24 Split



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Posted 21 June 2010 - 08:57 AM

Lt. Stefan, on Apr 26 2010, 05:43 PM, said:

Date: July 11? (Any other ideas?)(It's a Sunday because some people have sports on Saturdays)

Lt. Stefan, on May 23 2010, 08:21 PM, said:

To allow more people to make it the date has been changed to Sunday the 18th of July. Are you guys okay with that?

Lt. Stefan, on Jun 20 2010, 04:26 PM, said:

Once again it is Saturday, July 17th, at Devine Park in Spring Lake NJ (Link in OP).

You've got me really fucking confused here. Why do you keep reposting the first post with slightly different details? What's the actual date? The most recent post says the 17th, but the first post says that Saturdays don't work. Which date is the attendance list for? Seems like some people are definite for different dates.

If it is the 17th, you can put me as a maybe, depending mostly on who else actually goes, if I have new projects to test and my school work.. For the record, I'm not in favor of using CF shields, melee or not allowing rebarreling for the high rof round. I don't want to war on a Sunday.
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#25 Lt Stefan

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 01:47 PM

The FINAL date is Saturday the 17th. Sorry for the confusion. Homa had a conflict that came up and seeing as he is one of the co-hosts that is kind of important.

And the rules aren't set in stone... We will be kind of lax about that and little things like that can be decided on the war day. Same thing goes with the melee weapons. I most likely won't be using one, but they do make things a little more interesting. And if you don't want someone charging at you with a sword, shoot him first :)

As for the high ROF round if we allowed rebarreling there would be people using angel'd breeched LS's which would obviously give them the range advantage. The whole point is to make it an extremely fast paced, close quarters round, and keeping only the stock barrel assembly is the easiest way to regulate that.
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