gets ranges of about 15 steps
mods done are:
broken wrist
broken collar bone
busted lip
cut on scalp
what I used to make this mod:
I call it the "know your limits"
In all seriousness guys, I'm kicking the DXM and codone for good, but I'm not going to lie to you all and say I'm going to stop smoking cannabis, cause I'm not. I'm no addict, but I'm not a straight edger who's going to aggressively push my values on other people as well like some of you cute little kids.
Don't do drugs and all that jazz
Thanks to those of you who gave concern and wished me well. I'm gonna be on painkillers for a few days guys, so I'm gonna be doing a lot of rest and sleeping.
people who I was doing business with, I'm getting all this shit together and ready to go. I'm /sincerely/ sorry for what I've done during transactions between you all, I can't take back what I did, but I have given ALL of you a few extra things in your packages to make up for this time.
I love you guys, nerf on. inb4 pathetic homophobic comments<3