Posted 15 October 2009 - 09:52 AM
Posted 16 October 2009 - 09:43 PM
Posted 16 October 2009 - 09:54 PM
Oops just now saw it said grove 18 in the place.
Edited by cheerios, 16 October 2009 - 10:14 PM.
22:47- Zorn :BONUS
Posted 17 October 2009 - 02:47 PM
My night finder breaking the first round.
Meating new people.
Getting an idea on what gun im gonna do next.
Getting foam samples.
Only getting shot 8 times.
Getting some nice shots during the rounds.
leaving early.
Also I want to know who made these darts and what foam they're made of, because they fit great in my PETG breeches.

The foam on the left is black and grey on the right.
22:47- Zorn :BONUS
Posted 17 October 2009 - 03:06 PM
I wish I could have made it.
Posted 17 October 2009 - 05:43 PM
Posted 17 October 2009 - 09:44 PM
- PAS coupler is now straight due to basically converting into a +bow style barrel attachment.
- Face-raping guns to come out of the mod party. Autorotating MAN CANNON.
- More new people.
- Same old people, especially the visitors. Nerfing with Carbon, Beaver, and atomatron is always awesome.
- Solvent weld is fucking awesome. I redid the airflow on a 4B less than 12 hrs before the war started, so no way would superglue/goop hold pressure. But solvent weld held pressure after only an hour.
- Finding a crapload of darts from Chano 2.5.
- Barrel length is a stupid consideration when the gun punches 80' whether barrel length is 8" or 16".
- Most unfair DTC round in the history of DTC.
- Cool cop #1 and asshole cop #2.
Kruger and Dunning (1999)
Posted 17 October 2009 - 10:31 PM
Other highlights from the day:
• No one knowing that there was going to be a cross country meet going on in the morning. Far too many pedestrians, but good nerfing in spite of it.
• Getting to nerf with Beaver, atomatron, and Busta in Chicago, as well as the Chicago Trio of Destruction. Great seeing you guys.
• Darts blending in with all the goose shit.
• Freakin' fantastic weather.
• Trading off shots with Merzlin all day.
• Gekko's blowgun. Awesome.
• The Cobra and shotgunned Jumbos. Dear god.
• Having one very balanced DTC game, and then one blowout DTC game.
•Â I liked Team Powerball, but not sure about the invincible goalies.
•Â Crazy powerful guns that were making their barrels explode.
•Â Kane flushing everyone out of cover with a stock Berzerker.
Great day everyone, thanks.
Edited by Carbon, 17 October 2009 - 10:32 PM.
Posted 17 October 2009 - 10:49 PM
Highlights time.
- Mod party, again. So many people, so little space.
- Ryan's AT3K. Fucking beast monster. My AT3K prototype? Oh solvent weld, you are not as cool as Zorn is telling everyone you are.
- Team MAN CANNON was totally all ready to ruin faces, what with the autorotation, but we never got around to doing a primary wingman. Unfortunate!
- <3 the Man Cannon. That thing was shooting on par with Ryan's +bow.
- Least fair DTC? Yes. Most fun DTC? Also yes. If only my phone hadn't spent its time underneath the +bow doing the gods know what instead of filming.
- I was legitimately terrified of both Ryan's AT3K and Zorn's 4B. Thank the gods they killed themselves. Zorn's 4B pierces several layers of cardboard with altogether too few pumps.
- Meeting a bunch of dudes I hadn't met. Carbon, Atomaton, other guys whose names I don't remember, nice Nerfing with you.
- Caffeine... Showed up!
- Caffeine... Showed up ten minutes after the war was over!
- Lightnin' Blitzes are great.
- My +bow broke again. And I broke the Maximizer. ;-;
- The Maximizer is totally fixable! Yaaaaaaay.
- I got a SuperMaxx 3000. Guess what's happening to it.
- I got absolutely destroyed during TPB. Merzlin, clearly my essence was instilled when you created that RSCB so that it hit me and ONLY me. My face welt is painful.
- Pistol round was good times. Ryan and I didn't lose lives. Plus, I totally outran Kane.
- Demon Lord slipped with the Vulcan and was immediately mobbed. I was on his team and had to laugh.
- Checklist of projects for the next war: Lightnin' Blitz mounting plate. I think that covers it.
- The morning deathmatch rounds were EXCELLENT. Zorn, I think we both hit each other at easily over one hundred feet. Fuck yo' PAS.
- I'm totally too exhausted to think of more but it was a super solid day.

But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 18 October 2009 - 01:06 AM
- Good nerfing with the Chicago crew, and seeing Carbon again.
- Quality modding time the night before. Get more sleep, Zorn.
- Scary blasters are scary.
- I had a lot of fun playing DTC.
- Great weather!
Edited by Daniel Beaver, 18 October 2009 - 08:20 PM.
Posted 18 October 2009 - 04:12 PM
Posted 18 October 2009 - 07:46 PM
Carbon, on Oct 18 2009, 04:25 PM, said:
Heh, true.Ryan201821, on Oct 18 2009, 04:12 PM, said:
It was the only way I was gonna get a shot in on you.Carbon, why are you aiming at my head?!
All around great war. Despite trouble with the police twice, I had a very enjoyable day. I'm just glad the weather was so beautiful.
- Nerfing again with the MN crew. Beaver, Paul, Julian, thanks for coming.
- Also nerfing again with Carbon. You rock man.
- The Unholy Three pwned.
- My 3k destroying itself. It is very fixable though, and it's probably a good idea I only used it for half a round
- 1500 dominating once again. I love this thing.
- My +bow got some action
- Hopper clips=unfair
- Kelvin's retarded 4B
- Mod party was great. Even though I didn't do much.
- Finding tons of darts from 2.5
- Having almost enough darts, even though we made ~1200 the last two weeks.
- Vulcan kid at Walmart
- Caffeine showed up!
- Not sleeping again and dying after the war.
- Unintentionally ditching Kane and Caffeine to go to Wendy's
- Secret STQ rounds
- The Wingman pistol round was actually a lot of fun.
- DTC went very well, even though the camera didn't record.
- The totally unfair DTC round. Very entertaining.
- My mom and other family showing up and supporting us.
Having the core in little to no cover works very well, at least when the teams are even. The first game the final score was 10 to 5. I think this will make long pot shots at the core, actually useful.
Edited by Ryan201821, 18 October 2009 - 07:47 PM.
Posted 18 October 2009 - 09:44 PM

Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...
Posted 18 October 2009 - 09:56 PM
Great fun.
-The boxes. Those were fun.
-Getting use out of my two working primaries. I love them both.
-Effeminate shots, and some dodges.
-My coat saving my ass in an Effeminate way. Leather for the win.
-Chicago squad. Lots of fun.
-The total pwnage Defend the core round... That made me a little sad. I mean... 40 to 1, and the one was from Ryan
-Kain's Effeminate pump/blow/whatever guns. They worked.
Oh, I still owe you money Ryan. I totally forgot about getting cash.
I had lots of fun. Probably more then I had at the last MN war. Every one plays really well, or atleast really fairly.
Come to MN... Now
(Were the STQ rounds against who I think they were?)
Edited by BustaNinja, 18 October 2009 - 09:59 PM.
Venom: Haven't we all?
Posted 19 October 2009 - 07:05 AM
Daniel Beaver, on Oct 19 2009, 12:58 AM, said:
ice, on Oct 18 2009, 09:44 PM, said:
What are those two 8 barreled blasters in the main picture? I can't tell from a dead front veiw.
They are firefly turrets, connected to a 4B and +bow, respectively.
The one on the +bow (top right) is actually just an 8 barrel speed loader. It is fucking awesome.
The one in the center is a firefly turret on a super PAS. Maybe I'll get a picture of it up sometime, and if I really feel like it, internals and maybe a quick write-up.
Kruger and Dunning (1999)
Posted 19 October 2009 - 01:45 PM
We should use more random team creation methods. The DtC round showed that picking teams is no guarantee against lopsided teams.
Also, I found a couple of rules we were missing in TPB that would have changed the dynamic by the goals. One is that "if a player is shot while carrying a ball they must carry it back with them as they cannot advance the ball by being shot". So most of the balls that were being camped over should have been brounght back to the other end, since most of them ended up being there as the result of a shot.
The other is that, while the goalie is invulnerable, it's legal to shoot him. Makes for good strategic shots, distractions...and makes it a good idea to have a goalie who can play in the face of a +bow. Also makes it a good idea for the goalie to wear a decent jacket.
Edited by Carbon, 19 October 2009 - 01:45 PM.
Posted 19 October 2009 - 03:20 PM
Carbon, on Oct 19 2009, 01:45 PM, said:
We should use more random team creation methods. The DtC round showed that picking teams is no guarantee against lopsided teams.
I think this is a necessity at this point. Slug's method for random team creation might be worth a try. I'll use it at the Halloween war.
Carbon, on Oct 19 2009, 01:45 PM, said:
The other is that, while the goalie is invulnerable, it's legal to shoot him. Makes for good strategic shots, distractions...and makes it a good idea to have a goalie who can play in the face of a +bow. Also makes it a good idea for the goalie to wear a decent jacket.
PAIN IS BAD. I can envision a team of sadistic +bow users pummeling the goalie with darts from 20 ft away while they laugh and throw powerballs in the #3 bucket.
Posted 19 October 2009 - 04:47 PM
It does mix up the teams but doesn't guarantee even teams either.
Posted 19 October 2009 - 07:15 PM
Or just an ACTUAL 1d20 and assign numbers as you arrive.
Pre-emptive: Oh, like you don’t have at LEAST one 20 sided around!
-Guns shoot bullets that kill people
-Blasters shoot darts that tag people
I do not play with guns.
Posted 19 October 2009 - 08:09 PM
BustaNinja, on Oct 18 2009, 09:56 PM, said:
Wow, only two mentions, and from people I've already Nerfed with? I guess I shoulda been more offensive.
I forgot to tell you that you're my new favorite Nerfer. You need to find some more Kleenex-brand body armor.
P.S. I need a Maximizer. I need to Maximize more people. I've been lied to about three of them so far.
Edited by Ice Nine, 19 October 2009 - 08:11 PM.
But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction
Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive
Rnbw Cln
Posted 19 October 2009 - 09:04 PM
- Zorn's BBBB- Holy. Shit.
- Went to a great mod party the night before finishing my SM1500, and then noticing it doesn't seal the morning before. Ouch
- Seeing a couple of the Minn. guys. Julian, by FAR you are the funniest nerfer I have ever met.
- Using my +bow all day without seeing it break, for the 12th time.
- Getting in a couple pistol rounds! Thanks Beaver for letting me use your NF again!
- Meeting Carbon. Your snap is crazy-awesome man, that thing is just phenomenal. It left some nicely sized welts aswell
- The the first 3 rounds of the war, only getting hit 3 times. I have to say, hiding in a corner during TEAM DM is not a bad idea!
- Dart-blowing dude taking us all down. He'd like hit me at the most random moments too!
- Hitting Zeke over 5 times during TPB! Dude, its like my darts were heat synced to you or something (Sorry about that face shot again, I think that was one of my darts from Chano 2 back in June!)!
- Cop-dude kicking us out, and expecting us to pack all our shit up in 20 min, AND talking out of his - on a rule that doesn't exist. What.
- 40-1 DTC. WHAT.
- Doing a backflip on the ground after face planting trying to hit demon lord. OW
- Overall seeing a bunch of new nerfers, getting to meet em, and just playing together. Its nice having new blood being recognized in the Chicago scene.
- Caffeine showing up 10 minutes after the war ended. Man, too bad you didn't come earlier, you probably could have persuaded that cop to let us stay! Nevertheless, you showed up, which is always nice.
- Using a human-shield-inside-a box as a nice defense system. Julian, you should just bring a box to every war you go to, I'm sure someone else will appreciate it.
Overall, awesome war! A couple rounds were a little wacky, unfair, and over all fun which is nice. Can't wait till another war!
Posted 19 October 2009 - 11:00 PM
I'm beginning to wonder about that myself. Does anyone remember the statute he quoted? I've been spending some time tonight looking, and I can't find anything.Cop-dude kicking us out, and expecting us to pack all our shit up in 20 min, AND talking out of his - on a rule that doesn't exist. What.
Edited by Carbon, 19 October 2009 - 11:00 PM.
Posted 19 October 2009 - 11:16 PM
Carbon, on Oct 19 2009, 11:00 PM, said:
Something along the lines that we couldn't play with toys/toy guns. Lame.Quote
I'm beginning to wonder about that myself. Does anyone remember the statute he quoted? I've been spending some time tonight looking, and I can't find anything.Cop-dude kicking us out, and expecting us to pack all our shit up in 20 min, AND talking out of his - on a rule that doesn't exist. What.
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