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Minnesota Ex-sof War

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#26 elf avec gun

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Posted 16 July 2009 - 11:11 PM

I am officially a 'Yes' for both days.
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"It's hard to imagine a more specific subset of nerd than our community. One day we shall be studied by a single sociologist whom the other sociologists will mock incessantly." ~VACC

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#27 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 17 July 2009 - 09:55 AM

Is someone gonna be able to get in touch with Carrtoon?

I'll bring the candles if someone else can pitch in for the nightshade and sagewort.

Also, I'm a definite for day 1 as well now.
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
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#28 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 18 July 2009 - 12:54 AM

I'll contact Carrtoon.
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#29 Zorns Lemma

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Posted 18 July 2009 - 12:09 PM

Some stuff came up and now I am not sure whether or not I can attend either day at all. :(
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"In short, the same knowledge that underlies the ability to produce correct judgement is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize correct judgement. To lack the former is to be deficient in the latter."
Kruger and Dunning (1999)

#30 MercenaryXero



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Posted 18 July 2009 - 12:11 PM

Put me down as a maybe for both, I just returned home and there's quite a lot of things to be done.
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#31 Ryan201821


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Posted 19 July 2009 - 03:50 PM

I have a new interesting game type that we can try out Friday night. You guys will like it. Here's a link to the rules. Familiarize yourself with them so I don't have to take a half an hour explaining them.


EDIT: Oh, and I'll be bringing my version of DTC.

Edited by Ryan201821, 19 July 2009 - 07:42 PM.

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#32 Nerf Bros

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Posted 19 July 2009 - 09:45 PM

I'll contact Carrtoon.


Some stuff came up and now I am not sure whether or not I can attend either day at all. :(

:( Is the lack of racial diversity something to be worried about?

EDIT: Oh, and I'll be bringing my version of DTC.


All is coming together nicely for Friday. My (elder half's) $3.65 (no joke!) LS is coming together nicely, my little bros should be finished up, and we'll have a bunch of other weapons ready. It might be our best group of weapons yet.
Oh, and the store I work at had 2 liters on sale, so I got three (Coke, Sprite and Rootbeer) and will be bringing them (and cups). They'll go nicely with cookies...
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#33 BustaNinja



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Posted 19 July 2009 - 10:07 PM

Oh wow, I haven't posted in a while. Lief, show the heck up. Zach has been hounding me about if you are a legit Nerfer, and you better be. Plus, I need someone else to rep Central with me.

I wouldn't be too worried about racial diversity. I can show up in black face if that would make you feel better guys.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#34 Ryan201821


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Posted 20 July 2009 - 01:52 AM

I wouldn't be too worried about racial diversity. I can show up in black face if that would make you feel better guys.

And I'm also fluent in ebonics, FYI.
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#35 venom213



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Posted 20 July 2009 - 02:07 AM

Oh wow, I haven't posted in a while. Lief, show the heck up. Zach has been hounding me about if you are a legit Nerfer, and you better be. Plus, I need someone else to rep Central with me.

So this guy moniters the forum too? Jesus, have you forgotten about Max? Maybe if all three of you are there, you can make "Team Central".

Update: Since I don't have to rely on my previous ride for the Friday war, I think we'll be able to go later than 9. I really dont want to play when it's completely dark. It brings back bad memories and is dangerous. Also, who is interested in a Pre-War Meal on Friday, and a post war Feast on Saturday (assuming we don't flake out like last time)? There are a large variety of good restaurants in the area, it's just a matter of finding one suitable for us.

Edited by venom213, 20 July 2009 - 02:08 AM.

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#36 elf avec gun

elf avec gun


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Posted 20 July 2009 - 10:15 AM

Honestly I have some doubts about how well playing in the dark or even when the sun is going down will work. Not too long ago some friends and I nerfed at a park when it was getting dark and it was very frustrating, we couldn't see any of the darts. Likely we hit eachother many times but couldn't see if we had so we couldn't call the hits. So unless someone is bringing some floodlights or everyone is going to have a decent flashlight hooked to their gun, we are probably going to have to play inside...
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"It's hard to imagine a more specific subset of nerd than our community. One day we shall be studied by a single sociologist whom the other sociologists will mock incessantly." ~VACC

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#37 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 20 July 2009 - 11:21 AM

Honestly I have some doubts about how well playing in the dark or even when the sun is going down will work. Not too long ago some friends and I nerfed at a park when it was getting dark and it was very frustrating, we couldn't see any of the darts. Likely we hit eachother many times but couldn't see if we had so we couldn't call the hits. So unless someone is bringing some floodlights or everyone is going to have a decent flashlight hooked to their gun, we are probably going to have to play inside...

If it gets too dark, we can quit. There's always Saturday.
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#38 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 20 July 2009 - 02:21 PM

Bring flashlights, that's my recommendation. And high-powered guns... and be fricking honest about whether or nor you felt a hit.

Pending those things, it should go pretty well. I don't doubt there will be a few missed hits, but it is our first night war so there's bound to be some kinks.
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
...and ideas are bulletproof. "

#39 Nerf Bros

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Posted 20 July 2009 - 04:36 PM

I have a new interesting game type that we can try out Friday night. You guys will like it. Here's a link to the rules. Familiarize yourself with them so I don't have to take a half an hour explaining them.


Yeah I am looking forward to playing this... Anyways I agree with hilt, every one should bring a flash light. Oh, and bring eye protection that are not sun glasses... Sun glasses + dark = hard to see (duh) Also we should do dart sweeps every couple of rounds to avoid a massive sweep in the dark.
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#40 sam



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:25 AM

You can put me down as a for sure for both now.

I wouldn't mind starting a bit earlier on Friday, like 3 or 4. Anybody else interested in starting early?
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#41 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:59 AM

Well, the point of starting late was to ensure it became a night war.

As well, we have all day Saturday and don't want to wear ourselves out too much. : o)

Mediafire requires that I register. Anybody else having the same problem? Perhaps you could just copy and paste the rules?
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" Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Mr. Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea...
...and ideas are bulletproof. "

#42 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 21 July 2009 - 11:08 AM

I'm for sure for both days. Somehow venom magically put me into a state of "maybe/forsure".

Here's the rules for that game mode that Ryan posted for those who are having trouble getting to it:

Team Powerball Rules and Guidelines by Nate “Baghead” Little.

Team PowerBall Equipment info:

6 goals (three for each team) each team must have one goal that is clearly defined as different from it's other two. we have been using pop=up mesh laundry hampers... but I want to make us ones that are more durable, so what these are made of may change, items like trash bins could theoretically be used as well.

Balls: There's several options here, during the first test phase we used play pit balls... those kinda Effeminate failed, because there was no way to score from a distance, but they let us play the concept of the game... my original thought was to use stress balls, and someday I intend to still do that. and then we come to what Is now going to be our Current TPB Balls: Wilson EZ Play practice tennis balls... They're a foam filled tennis ball that's considerably softer than a standard tennis ball and squish relatively easily so nobody get's hurt if they accidentally step on one... and the come in a bag of a dozen in three colors, Red, Blue, and Green... I've bought two dozen so far and plan on getting One more just to be safe, although we should be able to manage with playing with only 24 for now... but anyway I'll explain later how the lower volume of balls and the third color is going to factor into the game... what matters is that to play you need a minimum of 24 balls (8 of each color)

each team will get 8 balls of their selected color (i've split them into Red and Blue) and 4 of the third color, these are the "powerballs" I'll touch on them in more detail in the rules.


To play TPB, you need 20 players or less, exceeding this number just makes things chaotic and silly.

each team will set up their Goals in a similar Pattern and spacing, placing the "main goal" further back into their side of the field, and inbetween the two secondary goals.

Each team has a Respawn point where players must go tuch with a count of 15(count can be made while walking back) on their side of the field.

Each team must Designate one player as their "Goalkeeper" the goalkeeper is Invulnerable* and shooting them does not harm them... to make up for this the goalkeeper must remain on his team's side of the playing field... also the goalkeeper is limited to the use of one of these Items: a spring pistol**, A Ball gun, or a fully Automatic blaster. The goal keeper is allowed to perform barrel taps according to the standard rules.

*shooting the goalkeeper does not affect their in play status... but it is not against the rules to shoot the goalkeeper for strategy purposes.

**in this case pistol splats are allowed as are multi-shot pistols be it from a stock setup like the maverick or electric eel, or from a turret mod

Both Teams will start the round with an equal number of balls and "powerballs" currently those numbers are 8 normal, and 4 power

The Goalkeeper is the only player allowed to touch the opposing team's balls, and he is allowed to block/catch/toss/etc... them in order to defend his goals and clear the area around his team's goals.

once a ball is "Scored" it is left in the goal until the round is over.

Players are limited to carrying One ball at a time, if a player is shot while carrying a ball they must carry it back with them as they cannot advance the ball by being shot

Players are allowed to toss balls to score goals as well as Pass to a teammate who is not carrying a ball.

unlike the Designated team color balls, Powerballs are neutral and if one has been left on the field it may be picked up and used by players from either team.

each "round" is played with a 10-15 min time clock.

The round ends when either one team has scored all their available balls... (this includes their starting four powerballs, and any they may have "captured") or when the Timer runs out (from our experience at Bagsfest1, the clock runs out faster than the balls do once you get the hang of things)


The team that scored the most goals during the round aren't always guaranteed to win, thanks to TPB's scoring structure.

Main Goals are worth 3 points

Secondary goals are worth 1 point

scoring with a "powerball" is worth double points.

TPB games are played in a "best two out of three" structure and that if after three rounds people want to play more, new teams are to be selected by the standard method.

Team Powerball is a Hand to Hand Free game. No uses of Swords or other H2h weapons is allowed


If someone throws a ball and misses, can they pick it up and score?

Yes, if a ball is "loose" on the field, any player from that team not carrying a ball may pick it up and use it.

can dead players grab/pick up their team's balls?

No, they can sweep for darts, ect... but they are not allowed to pick up a ball that is in play, if they are carrying a ball, they cannot drop it either.

Would it not be awesome to shoot the ball as it flies to the goal? Save the score?

as cool as that would look to have it happen, it wouldn't change the score, shooting a ball doesn't do anything, and a tossed ball will count as a score even if the tossing player is shot before the ball lands in the goal... as long as they've thrown the ball before they were hit.

If you are goalie, your a limited to a spring pistol, ballgun or automatic

Can you use dual of one gun (e.g. 2 turreted pistolsplats)?

Can you use an automatic AND a pistol (e.g. Magstrike and turreted pistolsplat)?

If not, can you use an automatic AND a SINGLE SHOT pistol? (e.g. TTG)?

In short, can you dual wield any two guns of your choosing?

No, the goalkeeper cannot carry more than One Blaster... as stated in the rules:

"the goalkeeper is limited to the use of one of these Items: a spring pistol**, A Ball gun, or a fully Automatic blaster."

I remember asking if you could use a pump gun, and was told no, but can you use a pump gun IF IT IS shotgun modded (e.g. big salvo, titan with absolver attachment)?

Nope, No Shotgun Modded Pump Guns... particularly something like a Big Salvo... that's like carrying four 2ks .... the goalie is supposed to have to be careful about their shots...but not to that level... this way the goalkeeper is limited, but not hindered. Spring Pistols, Autos, and Ball Guns all get relatively the same range... each have strengths and weaknesses... but they're not quite as powerful as a big salvo or Debilitating as A Shotty Titan would be...

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#43 Ryan201821


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Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:20 PM

Caffeine will be making the trip with me.
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#44 BustaNinja



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:32 PM

Caffeine will be making the trip with me.

Fuck him. He complains about being shot, he is a major douche, and he doesn't bring ANYTHING to our Nerfing environment. He bitches about his awesome guns, and belittles everyone else. Plus I heard rumors he showed up drunk? Please, can someone shed some light on that?

This is Nerf, not a fuck up pedo party.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
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#45 Ryan201821


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Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:40 PM

Caffeine will be making the trip with me.

Fuck him. He complains about being shot, he is a major douche, and he doesn't bring ANYTHING to our Nerfing environment. He bitches about his awesome guns, and belittles everyone else. Plus I heard rumors he showed up drunk? Please, can someone shed some light on that?

This is Nerf, not a fuck up pedo party.

I'll talk to him, he'll be cool, don't worry. We're all mature adults here.
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#46 BustaNinja



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:55 PM

Caffeine will be making the trip with me.

Fuck him. He complains about being shot, he is a major douche, and he doesn't bring ANYTHING to our Nerfing environment. He bitches about his awesome guns, and belittles everyone else. Plus I heard rumors he showed up drunk? Please, can someone shed some light on that?

This is Nerf, not a fuck up pedo party.

I'll talk to him, he'll be cool, don't worry. We're all mature adults here.

Ok, good deal. I just don't want stupid shit to escalate. I mean, the more the merrier right? Plus, he is really fun to shoot.

Oh, and his 90 foot Splitfire? Only shoots 90 feet because he angles it to high heaven. I found that out during a rush. I wasn't sure if he was trying to hit me, or scare me, but he shot both barrels about 30 feet over my head. I loled
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#47 Nerf Bros

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Posted 21 July 2009 - 05:39 PM

You can put me down as a for sure for both now.

I wouldn't mind starting a bit earlier on Friday, like 3 or 4. Anybody else interested in starting early?

Heck yeh. Those of us who can't make Saturday want as much time to nerf as possible.
We really don't care if Caffeine comes as long as he acts mature and avoids alcohol, Robitussin and crack before the war, if all else fails a few rounds of us ignoring his immaturity will help beat him into shape.
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#48 venom213



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 06:43 PM

You can put me down as a for sure for both now.

I wouldn't mind starting a bit earlier on Friday, like 3 or 4. Anybody else interested in starting early?

Jesus, I was right about to ask the same thing. I think it makes sense to start it earlier anyway, SO,


We will eat dinner around 6:00 most likely.

I'm meh about caffeine going. If he is sober, and in a good mood, it will probably be fine. You know him better than me Ryan, so I'll take your word for it.

Edited by venom213, 21 July 2009 - 06:46 PM.

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#49 VelveetaAvenger



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Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:15 PM

If anybody has an extra Titan barrel or two I am looking for some. PM me if you want some money or a trade.

In the interests of freeing up space, I'm also looking to get rid of a stock hornet, slightly modded first strike (the one that looks like a tiny maximizer), tek6, tek10, and possibly an AR removed longshot with some clips. I'd rather sell them in person then deal with shipping, so if anybody is interested I'll have them at the war.
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"I never saw Beastmaster, I just wanted to be cool..."

#50 Ryan201821


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Posted 23 July 2009 - 03:22 AM

So we're leaving tomorrow. I can't believe how fast this week is going by. Hopefully I'll be ready to go in the next 24 hours.

Anyway, there was one more game type that I wanted to try. It's nothing original but if any of you guys play video games, you should know this one. It's called Guardian, and it's straight out of Gears of War 2.

Basically it's like VIP. To win the round, you must eliminate the team leader or VIP. After you kill the enemy teams leader, you must kill each of the remaining players on the other team. When the leader is still alive, team members are allowed infinite respawn with 15 seconds in between. If the team captain is killed while a player is waiting to respond, the player is still allowed one more life. Any person who dies after the team captain has been killed, does not get to respawn. This game can be played with multiple teams as well.

Just something that sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

Also important news, my Team PowerBall setup is completed. I have six goals which are five gallon paint buckets with the corresponding point value spray painted on the side. The balls are also color coordinated with the buckets. The rules might seem a little confusing, but Bags told me once you get playing, it's really not that hard. So make sure you read those rules so everyone has a basic understanding of how the game is played.

More good news, Zorn is going to be able to make it to the war. So it will be me, caffeine, Scott, and Zorn coming together. If you guys want to hang Thursday or Friday night, we're staying at the LivInn Suites in Maplewood.
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