Dayko, on May 17 2009, 10:17 PM, said:
Vary nice work. I like this a lot.
fandango202, on May 17 2009, 10:37 PM, said:
That is awsome! Very creative and well executed. A couple of questions, where do you get a PAS and does the fact that it is clipped reduce the performance compared to a PAS that just uses a regular single barrel? 
I got mine from Gander Mountain. You can also find them online. Just don't search for Pump
Action Shotgun, it's called the Pump Shotgun. Search "ERTL Pump Shotgun" and you should find it.
The performance is decreased, but it's because of the shorter barrel and not the clip. Once I improve the barrel further, this should compare to standard PAS ranges.
Basilisk, on May 18 2009, 07:20 AM, said:
Very well done, AssassinNF, its nice and clean? Ranges? Also, does the clip come out if you turn the PAS upside down?
Thank you
Yes it is, ranges are in the first post, and the clip never falls out.
StealthMan, on May 18 2009, 07:57 AM, said:
Thanks for the offers guys, but I'm afraid I would be selling these. Sorry.
WTF? You're right StealthMan. That is a typo. I meant to say "I won't be selling these." Sorry for the confusion, haha. It's fixed now.
TantumBull, on May 18 2009, 05:17 PM, said:
In regard to my earlier post, here's some proof that I'm almost done. I just need to cut the slot for the coat hanger breech arm. I also need to buy a new orange piece from Cranky.

Whoops, just noticed the bottom brass tube is placed backwards. Anyhow, I'm sorry AssassinNF that I'm clogging your thread, I just need to make this post so that when my write up comes out people know that nothing I did in my mod will have been influenced by your gun. Everything I have done has been original.
Hopefully this will allow my mod into the mod contest, as it should be clear now that I've been planning/working on this for a while now. It also should be pretty obvious that my breech configuration is a lot different, although mine also retracts into the plunger tube (I think that's what yours does, Assassin, just from looking at clip placement. I was thinking of how the longshot worked when I designed my method).
And to everyone else, in order to not bog down Assassin's thread, don't reply to this post. This is simply to prove all I've done is original. I thought this would be the most appropriate place to make this post.
No problem at all, Tantum. Feel free to submit your mod when you finish.
I have no problem with anyone submitting a mod similar to my SoulReaper. The possiblilty for an adequate write-up for this is slim, so I doubt I will be submitting this anyway.
xtremejumpy, on May 18 2009, 09:29 PM, said:
I'm scared. See, none of the guys are going to have to see this thing staring back, getting ready to fire a few of those incredibly white (may I also add firm) darts in rapid succession!!!
I like it, Much better than the last time I saw that, ... thing. Which shot like 20 feet and then Conner laughed and Vulcan owned you. Muahaha.
But how well does it work with that PAS? Last time I put a barrel on that thing it sucked the dart right in. Do you have a stopper?
P.S. No match for the Titan Shotgun.
The only reason it sucked is because that breechless deo clip I had on it doesn't work well with my new darts. You don't recall when Craig was owning everyone with it while it had a standard breech on it?
This breech is just like an Angel Breech. The 1/2" brass inside keeps the dart from getting sucked back into the plunger tube.
blowgun is more than a match for any Titan Shotgun. What makes you think
this won't be?
Russ T. Bullet, on May 18 2009, 10:21 PM, said:
Wow, this is incredible. I can't wait to see it in action.
xtremejumpy, on May 18 2009, 09:29 PM, said:
P.S. No match for the Titan Shotgun.
Hahaha, yes of course, my titan will own....that is...unless the vulcan gets you first, Assassin. 
Thanks Russ.
The only time a Vulcan has ever owned me is when I tripped over your Vulcan during the HvZ round.