legacy179, on May 3 2009, 09:18 AM, said:
No, The hanger I used was quite resistant to bendingnerfkid3, on May 2 2009, 09:49 PM, said:
Okay first, how the hell hasn't this guy been suspended or banned yet?
A word for the wise, Read the CoC and memorize it by heart or you will die here.
Also do not argue with admins, or anybody, that is disrespectful which is bad to do to anyone no matter if they are a member, contributor, or ADMIN.
And from now on use proper grammar; my 10 year old brother writes better than you and he has a learning disability. As well as don't post more then once, use the edit button.
Last but not least, use the search function before you post a mod because it might have already been done.
Ahh, the irony.
Well, I fixed YOUR punctuation. Seeing as how you write, I would hate seeing your 10 year old brother's writing.
Anyway going back on topic, nice mod, glad to see new ideas here. The wire looks a bit flimsy, and might bend over usage. Have you thought about using some Mechanix parts? I always found those little strips of metal with screw holes in them useful for modifications.
Edited by from russia with nerf, 03 May 2009 - 03:31 PM.