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#101 Meaker VI

Meaker VI


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Posted 06 September 2017 - 09:34 PM

Vim Fuego, on 07 Sept 2017 - 12:06 AM, said:

I came here looking for Longshot internals, only to find that Photobucket is being a little bitch.

So, with apologies to Captainslug and Wes7143, I present a new exploded Longshot image for your consideration - sans Scope, as I used this in another project already...


Important note: Nerfhaven uses an image crawler for linked images that saves them to the site. It does not do a good job linking them anywhere in the posts, but you can find the images in the upper right next to "Reply to This Topic" under the "image archive" link.

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#102 Vim Fuego

Vim Fuego


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Posted 07 September 2017 - 05:53 PM

Is there any way to find the exact file you are looking for? I can't see any correlation between the file names and the links...
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#103 Meaker VI

Meaker VI


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Posted 07 September 2017 - 08:39 PM

Vim Fuego, on 07 Sept 2017 - 10:53 PM, said:

Is there any way to find the exact file you are looking for? I can't see any correlation between the file names and the links...

Not AFAIK, I think the files get the names they're given by the uploaded/user, not useful names. Still, for many threads it works.

Obviously this one... not as well :/
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#104 UnscrupulousModefiler



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Posted 13 September 2021 - 06:28 PM


Buzz Bee Ultimate Missile Blast Internals (including tank internals):




Hadn't ever seen the inside workings of a pull-pin tank myself, so dentured the dart and cut this one open.


The mechanism looks fairly easy to replicate with just one o-ring at the front and a tiny one on the pin at the rear forming the seal.


* Exhaust valve type: Pull-pin

* Tank volume: 60cc (75cc including connector-tube to the pump)

* Tank max. OD (at overlaping seam at waist): ø56.0mm
* Tank max. OD (main part of body): ø52.5mm

* Tank max. ID: ø48.0mm

* Tank max. external length (at valve seat): ø39.0mm

* Tank min. wall thickness: ≈2.0mm

* Pull-pin valve max. throat ID: ø11.4mm









Edited by UnscrupulousModefiler, 16 September 2021 - 09:09 PM.

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