BustaNinja, on Feb 5 2009, 10:43 PM, said:
Daniel Beaver, on Feb 5 2009, 03:55 PM, said:
Ryan - you could borrow equipment from other people if you needed stuff.
Not really. Its what makes Ryan himself. He PWNS with his Plusbow.
He did borrow my lightsaber and PWN with that, so it proves that Ryan can PWN with things besides his +bow, including things besides blasters.
Bullet Dragon, on Feb 5 2009, 10:48 PM, said:
Sorry guys, you'll have to wait'll summer to see me again. College is a bitch and three-quarters. Looking forward to the recap thread though.
good disappointing, we
won't will miss you. By the way, who's bringing a camera to this war? I suppose I could, but it would be cool to have more than one person take pictures.
Also, adding to my sales, I have 2 stock purple BBBs I want to sell. I also have two that I'm modding right now, so if you want one modded a certain way, I could throw together one of those BBBs for you.
Edited by venom213, 07 February 2009 - 09:40 PM.