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Firefly Trigger.

not functioning?

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#1 anderson



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Posted 01 January 2009 - 10:51 AM

I just bought a firefly on newyears eve and started playing around with it and the firefly seriously sucks unmodded so i took out the airrestrictors and i did a bit of a seal and added a spring but when i close it back up when you pull the trigger it doesn't go the whole way back and the barrel is a bit hard to rotate can sombody help me out? and if you need pictures ill be more than happy to get some just ask please and thankyou.
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#2 flyingchicken



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Posted 01 January 2009 - 11:02 AM

When you were putting the gun back together, the trigger might not have been fully in the place where it slides easily. It may be a little off then.
It might be the extra spring that's causing the problems. I doubt the Firefly would hold up to two springs.
Also, check the barrel rotating mechanism, it might be blocked or damaged.

Edited by flyingchicken, 01 January 2009 - 11:05 AM.

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#3 fly rev-8

fly rev-8


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 11:35 AM

Well you're lucky I'm on today, because I'm a firefly expert. Here are the questions to determine what the problem is:
1. Is the barrel tilting to the left? If it is you are gonna need to open the gun and when you put it back togather you hold the barrel strait and make sure that the scews around it are tight.
2. Open the gun if you haven't already done so and check to make sure that all of the trigger components are aligned properly. Are they? If you find when you open the gun that the trigger pieces are fine, the there can only be one problem. The way the gun goes back togather.

If you haven't already noticed, almost all problems with the firefly involve the shell of the gun. This is what makes the gun so tricky to work with. I'm even going to say that all problems with the firefly can be traced to the shell of the gun. I can also say I've personally had both problems you've had and these are the solutions to them, though if this doesn't help for some reason, just send me the pictures of it. Although, if you gun, like mine, wouldn't open all of the way because of the dart holders in the back, when you close it you're gonna have to work it, but you can close it properly. Just be sure to do it slowly so that you can make sure every piece goes where it's supposed to go.

Aside from this maybe you'd find intrest in the newest thing I'm trying to do with the firefly. I've been trying to build a piece on the side that will automaticly load darts into the barrel as you shoot it. I was thinking something along the lines of a longshot chamber type piece that could use a homemade clip to auto-load the barrel. So far I don't have alot but if you have any ideas by all means go ahead and try this because I would love to see this made.
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#4 Fome



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Posted 01 January 2009 - 08:01 PM

It might be the extra spring that's causing the problems. I doubt the Firefly would hold up to two springs.

Depends on the spring, a nitefinder spring fits perfectly with the stock firefly spring. I did that to mine and it works fine, had no problems with the catch mechanism or the trigger. If the spring is too big though, it might have trouble catching but it doesn't sound like that's where your problem is.

It sounds like the tab on the trigger that fits in between the rotating mechanism is off, or perhaps the mechanism itself. Did you connect all the springs and screws correctly? Open it up and see if the trigger can move freely or not.

When I pull a gun apart and can't figure out how to get it back together I usually just buy another one and look at the stock internals.

What kind of seal did you add? If it's behind the barrels it could be that there's too much friction.

Dunno, open her up and figure it out.

#5 anderson



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Posted 01 January 2009 - 09:26 PM

i used hot glue on the place where the plunger hits the barrel like Angel did in his rapid fire shotgun. I also fixed the problem there were tabs on the barrel so i just sanded them off and now the trigger thats moving the barrel can spin it without anything blocking it like hotglue.

Edited by anderson, 01 January 2009 - 09:28 PM.

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