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Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life

Wondering What Was Yours

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#51 MoonMaster



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 12:16 PM

What about Nerf?

Otherwise my favorite game is Final Fantasy Ten.
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'KaneTheMediocre', on 16 Aug 2010 - 11:14 PM, said:

5. Protip: sarcasm is good for making someone else look like more of an idiot than they already do. However, if you are an idiot to start with, using sarcasm just makes you look like a COLOSSAL idiot.

#52 Oro



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 01:35 PM

To me the best FPS is CoD4 and Halo 3. The best racing game is probably Forza Motorsport 2 and NFS Most Wanted.
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QUOTE(deaddumpster @ Jun 25 2008, 04:59 AM) View Post

Don't pry.......and gently pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.

#53 Philote



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 04:19 PM

I will personally hunt down, kill, and mummify the next person who uses the Words " Halo, Halo2, or Halo3" in this thread.
Painkiller.Ninja Stars and Lightning.
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#54 analogkid



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 04:22 PM

Ta10n, on Aug 19 2008, 12:29 PM, said:

Deus Ex is hands down the greatest video game ever.

Thank you for making my day. I've played that game countless hours and even made a few maps for it. Computer gaming at its finest. You just made me want to go play it now.

Edited by analogkid, 19 August 2008 - 04:23 PM.

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#55 Omega



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 07:44 PM

Deus Ex is too good to be mentioned in the same thread as that crock of shit Halo.
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#56 Spartan 117

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Posted 19 August 2008 - 10:22 PM

Philote, on Aug 19 2008, 01:19 PM, said:

I will personally hunt down, kill, and mummify the next person who uses the Words " Halo, Halo2, or Halo3" in this thread.
Painkiller.Ninja Stars and Lightning.

Hmmm, well, as you can see by my name, I eat, drink, inhale, exhale, and praise Halo, so being that, I would have to respond to this outrage of a post by driving a large nail into the temple of the sayer of it. But seeing as I don't know where you live, I'm going to have to vent my feelings by telling the sayer to fuck off and get some taste in video games.

No hard feelings or anything ^_^

Oh and Timesplitters 2 is pretty great.

Edited by Spartan_117, 19 August 2008 - 10:46 PM.

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#57 Aimless



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Posted 19 August 2008 - 10:29 PM

Total Annihilation.
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#58 Silencer



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:49 AM

Aimless, on Aug 19 2008, 11:29 PM, said:

Total Annihilation.

I played that alot when I was young, like 7 or 8 years old. It was really fun, though some of the maps sucked. I also have Total Annihilation Kingdoms but it isn't as good.
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#59 Oro



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 11:32 AM

Now hold on. Just stop bagging on CoD and Halo. I'm sure Deus Ex is a great game, but the topic says Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life. Me? I have never played Deus Ex. Therefore, the greatest games I've played are CoD, Halo, Forza Motorsport 2, and NFS Most Wanted. If you don't agree with another member's answer, then keep it to yourself. I'm tired of people putting down games I enjoy.

Edited by Oro?, 20 August 2008 - 11:33 AM.

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QUOTE(deaddumpster @ Jun 25 2008, 04:59 AM) View Post

Don't pry.......and gently pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.

#60 Philote



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 11:49 AM

Spartan_117, on Aug 19 2008, 07:22 PM, said:

Philote, on Aug 19 2008, 01:19 PM, said:

I will personally hunt down, kill, and mummify the next person who uses the Words " Halo, Halo2, or Halo3" in this thread.
Painkiller.Ninja Stars and Lightning.

Hmmm, well, as you can see by my name, I eat, drink, inhale, exhale, and praise Halo, so being that, I would have to respond to this outrage of a post by driving a large nail into the temple of the sayer of it. But seeing as I don't know where you live, I'm going to have to vent my feelings by telling the sayer to fuck off and get some taste in video games.

No hard feelings or anything ;)

Oh and Timesplitters 2 is pretty great.

I have nothing against Halo. It is a good game, In fact I'm getting the IWHBYD skull as I type. I just don't think it is the best Game ever and therefore should not be used in this thread. Especially because the Halo 2 campaign sucks. And time splitters2 was a good game. :D
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What do I wnat for my birthday? The usual, money, a Xbox Game, and a throng of bearded men. You know, the usual stuff.

#61 Oro



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 11:52 AM

It is true that the campaign sucks for both Halo 2 and 3, but the possibilities in Forge and Multiplayer bring out the best in Halo 3.
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QUOTE(deaddumpster @ Jun 25 2008, 04:59 AM) View Post

Don't pry.......and gently pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.

#62 Alfonso



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 01:40 PM

LOL the halos are all fantastic games. Hands down. If it's not your thing, great, I'm fine with that. Staying they are downright terrible games is ludicrous. I know you all think yourselves cool for hating a major gaming franchise, but you arn't.

#63 Ta10n



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 02:01 PM

Alfonso, on Aug 20 2008, 11:40 AM, said:

LOL the halos are all fantastic games. Hands down. If it's not your thing, great, I'm fine with that. Staying they are downright terrible games is ludicrous. I know you all think yourselves cool for hating a major gaming franchise, but you arn't.

Halo is a DECENT game. Not fantastic, but decent. I found the first one to be downright boring. It was repetitive, the level design sucked, and every gun (except for the pistol of all things) felt utterly useless. If you honestly believe that any of the Halo games deserve more than, maybe, an 8/10 you need to get some more game exposure. I recommend an 8-hour session of Rollercoaster Tycoon for some real fun.

On another note by the looks of it you and Oro? do the majority of your gaming on the Xbox 360. So I suggest you go out and rent The Orange Box for the 360. Play through Half Life 2, and if you enjoy it, Episode 1 and 2 as well. Thankfully Valve managed to slap some decent controls on the Xbox version (I tried it at a friends house) so you should find it to be quite enjoyable. Admittedly Half-Life isn't everyones cup of tea, but after one of my Halo-obsessed friends tried it he wasn't disappointed. So go out and rent it, or borrow it from a friend, hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Also try Portal, because the cake is a lie.

On yet another note if any of you 360 players want to get an idea of why we primarily PC gamers are so obsessed with Deus Ex, go out and rent Deus Ex: Invisible War for the original Xbox. Admittedly Invisible War was kind of cut down for the sake of console playability, but it's still enjoyable. Once you finish Invisible War take your "experience level" and multiply it by about 5. That is what you get with the original Deus Ex, simply put.

The original Deus Ex was also released for the PS2, which is a good thing since everyone seems to have a PS2 these days :D

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#64 Oro



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 02:14 PM

I've played the demo for Half-Life 2 I think. Wasn't truly interested, but Portal really caught my eye. I'm sure Deus Ex is a very great game, but I'm satisfied with what I play now. Plus, I don't have any money to rent games. I'm saving up for something, I just don't know what.
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QUOTE(deaddumpster @ Jun 25 2008, 04:59 AM) View Post

Don't pry.......and gently pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.

#65 analogkid



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 02:15 PM

Ta10n, on Aug 20 2008, 03:01 PM, said:

On yet another note if any of you 360 players want to get an idea of why we primarily PC gamers are so obsessed with Deus Ex, go out and rent Deus Ex: Invisible War for the original Xbox. Admittedly Invisible War was kind of cut down for the sake of console playability, but it's still enjoyable. Once you finish Invisible War take your "experience level" and multiply it by about 5. That is what you get with the original Deus Ex, simply put.

Or just track down the original PC version on Ebay or something like that. Provided your "computer" doesn't have a light and dark setting and broiler function, it should be able to run it fine. I actually broke my copy out last night and played it for a while, nothing like kicking back and snlping a couple of NSF grunts.
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#66 Ta10n



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Posted 20 August 2008 - 04:25 PM

analogkid, on Aug 20 2008, 12:15 PM, said:

Ta10n, on Aug 20 2008, 03:01 PM, said:

On yet another note if any of you 360 players want to get an idea of why we primarily PC gamers are so obsessed with Deus Ex, go out and rent Deus Ex: Invisible War for the original Xbox. Admittedly Invisible War was kind of cut down for the sake of console playability, but it's still enjoyable. Once you finish Invisible War take your "experience level" and multiply it by about 5. That is what you get with the original Deus Ex, simply put.

Or just track down the original PC version on Ebay or something like that. Provided your "computer" doesn't have a light and dark setting and broiler function, it should be able to run it fine. I actually broke my copy out last night and played it for a while, nothing like kicking back and snlping a couple of NSF grunts.

Hell yeah! I'm on my third run through right now. I remember the first time I played I skilled up a little of everything, then the second time I went heavy weapons. Now I'm going "loser"/infiltration. Any game that's still fun after two runs is worthy of praise, but man is the realistic difficulty mode ever hard! One loser shot to the head and you're done. Luckily I've got level 4 bullet resistance, level 4 energy resistance, and level 4 energy recirculation. Just turn on all the bells and whistles and smash in the door with the Dragon's Tooth! Then get killed.... again.... for like the 20th time.....


Edited by Ta10n, 20 August 2008 - 04:35 PM.

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#67 Spartan 117

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Posted 20 August 2008 - 05:19 PM

Philote, on Aug 20 2008, 08:49 AM, said:

Spartan_117, on Aug 19 2008, 07:22 PM, said:

Philote, on Aug 19 2008, 01:19 PM, said:

I will personally hunt down, kill, and mummify the next person who uses the Words " Halo, Halo2, or Halo3" in this thread.
Painkiller.Ninja Stars and Lightning.

Hmmm, well, as you can see by my name, I eat, drink, inhale, exhale, and praise Halo, so being that, I would have to respond to this outrage of a post by driving a large nail into the temple of the sayer of it. But seeing as I don't know where you live, I'm going to have to vent my feelings by telling the sayer to fuck off and get some taste in video games.

No hard feelings or anything ;)

Oh and Timesplitters 2 is pretty great.

I have nothing against Halo. It is a good game, In fact I'm getting the IWHBYD skull as I type. I just don't think it is the best Game ever and therefore should not be used in this thread. Especially because the Halo 2 campaign sucks. And time splitters2 was a good game. B)

He did say best game YOU have played, and also it's all in opinion.

BTW, the IWHBYD is a BITCH to get!! :lol:

Ta10n, on Aug 20 2008, 11:01 AM, said:

Alfonso, on Aug 20 2008, 11:40 AM, said:

LOL the halos are all fantastic games. Hands down. If it's not your thing, great, I'm fine with that. Staying they are downright terrible games is ludicrous. I know you all think yourselves cool for hating a major gaming franchise, but you arn't.

Halo is a DECENT game. Not fantastic, but decent. I found the first one to be downright boring. It was repetitive, the level design sucked, and every gun (except for the pistol of all things) felt utterly useless. If you honestly believe that any of the Halo games deserve more than, maybe, an 8/10 you need to get some more game exposure. I recommend an 8-hour session of Rollercoaster Tycoon for some real fun.

On another note by the looks of it you and Oro? do the majority of your gaming on the Xbox 360. So I suggest you go out and rent The Orange Box for the 360. Play through Half Life 2, and if you enjoy it, Episode 1 and 2 as well. Thankfully Valve managed to slap some decent controls on the Xbox version (I tried it at a friends house) so you should find it to be quite enjoyable. Admittedly Half-Life isn't everyones cup of tea, but after one of my Halo-obsessed friends tried it he wasn't disappointed. So go out and rent it, or borrow it from a friend, hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Also try Portal, because the cake is a lie.

On yet another note if any of you 360 players want to get an idea of why we primarily PC gamers are so obsessed with Deus Ex, go out and rent Deus Ex: Invisible War for the original Xbox. Admittedly Invisible War was kind of cut down for the sake of console playability, but it's still enjoyable. Once you finish Invisible War take your "experience level" and multiply it by about 5. That is what you get with the original Deus Ex, simply put.

The original Deus Ex was also released for the PS2, which is a good thing since everyone seems to have a PS2 these days :)


Well Icespartan didn't ask for the BEST game ever, he asked for the best game YOU have ever played!
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#68 Crankymonky


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 10:43 PM

Finding one BEST game is rather hard, but here are a few that have captured my love.

Shinobi (NES)
Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Gun Smoke (NES)
Galaxian (NES)

The above games truly have the "sit down and play" characteristic. Sure, other games have this, like Mario Kart, or Grand Theft Auto, and plenty others, but few games have me coming back to them...again...and again...and again.

Counter-Strike also did this well, but it just isn't the same.
Final Fantasy X was also an amazing game, personally I think it has one of the best stories in a video game.

But as for a single best? The Prisoner's Dilemma.

And while it's not the best game ever, I've recently been enjoying The World Ends With You and before that Civilization: Revolution.
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#69 SirTofu



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 01:50 PM




Yes, I said skate. I am a skateboarding game nut and was really into the tony hawk series, until that one came along and actually made the game mechanics fun.
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#70 Red Star

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Posted 21 August 2008 - 01:58 PM

Pong, Hands down.
My two favorite games: Pong and Counter Strike.
Nuff' Said.

Edited by Red Star, 21 August 2008 - 01:58 PM.

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#71 Redmark



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Posted 21 August 2008 - 08:28 PM

CSS and Golden eye
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#72 Spectre666



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Posted 23 August 2008 - 01:33 PM

I'd probably have to go with 007 Goldeneye
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#73 Rover



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Posted 23 August 2008 - 04:09 PM

Hmm... what a hard question to answer. I'm gonna go with my top three:
Sonic CD
Mechwarrior II
and The Orange Box

Honorable mention: Timesplitters 2 and 3
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#74 1000 Zombies

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Posted 24 August 2008 - 07:53 PM

The original Super Smash Bros. and Brawl, all of the Pokemon games, a ton of the Sonic the Hedgehog games, Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, the Metroid Prime series, the Resident Evil remake for Gamecube, and last but not least, every Legend of Zelda title I've played except for Phantom Hourglass. (sorry Link. I just don't know what I didn't like about it...)

...*sigh*, I really need to get out more.
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#75 Icespartan 1114

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Posted 02 September 2008 - 11:32 AM

Holy Crap 5 pages, Wow
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