Things you will need
The Nerf gun you are painting
The colour/s
Primer (make as similer to the paint you are using especially on high friction places)
Purity Seal
Masking tape/Teflon tape
First unscrew your gun
and lay them like so

Then put primer all over the gun

Add a couple of coats then
then if you are doing 2 or more colours mask all the smaller parts you are paint
and paint the larger parts first .
I coverd (forgotten how to spell

Then start painting (do in in strokes .Spray with hand hovering over the gun while moving to side . eg: hand moves from left to right then stop spraying then go back and do it again.

Then keep on doing it untill its the right colour
wait to dry
Mask up the bit you just painted and start painting the next part
when it is dry hand paint any imperfections then spray a generous amount of Purity Seal all over the gun
wait to dry
Then screw your gun up and tadaa you just painted your gun
My result

Any questions ? Dont be hesitant to ask
Edited by Natbeanz, 14 September 2008 - 05:01 PM.