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New Recons

anything Difrent

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#26 angelof DEATH182

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 07:48 PM

ty23, on May 5 2008, 08:08 PM, said:

It comes of that piece and almost touches the stalk

Also, sounds like a modded Recon that got returned.
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#27 LastManAlive



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Posted 05 May 2008 - 07:49 PM

Set the gun up infront of your mother and have her take the picture(s) to help explain it to us. PLEASE!!!!

Seriously, we have no clue what you are talking about right now. It's not that we want a picture just because we are greedy. If you could draw the damned thing then it would work.
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#28 mintee



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Posted 11 May 2008 - 03:26 AM

At NUVO today we had a new Recon come in, almost fresh out of the box. You know the black cap which goes on the back end of the Recon? It now is a whole lot longer. It still screws into the Recon with the two screws, and the normal stock works on it, but there is now an extrusion just the right size to allow the ARMED tube to be pulled back. It almost completely covers the ARMED tube, save for a semi-circle opening at the very back.

I'll try to get pics.
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#29 angelof DEATH182

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Posted 11 May 2008 - 01:53 PM

min.tee, on May 11 2008, 04:26 AM, said:

At NUVO today we had a new Recon come in, almost fresh out of the box. You know the black cap which goes on the back end of the Recon? It now is a whole lot longer. It still screws into the Recon with the two screws, and the normal stock works on it, but there is now an extrusion just the right size to allow the ARMED tube to be pulled back. It almost completely covers the ARMED tube, save for a semi-circle opening at the very back.

I'll try to get pics.

Hope you get pics up soon, i want to study this.
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#30 ty23



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Posted 11 May 2008 - 05:52 PM

min.tee, on May 11 2008, 03:26 AM, said:

At NUVO today we had a new Recon come in, almost fresh out of the box. You know the black cap which goes on the back end of the Recon? It now is a whole lot longer. It still screws into the Recon with the two screws, and the normal stock works on it, but there is now an extrusion just the right size to allow the ARMED tube to be pulled back. It almost completely covers the ARMED tube, save for a semi-circle opening at the very back.

I'll try to get pics.

Ding ding ding, we have a winer. thats what i was talking about.
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For range you would in fact need small balls

#31 analogkid



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Posted 11 May 2008 - 09:09 PM

ty23, on May 11 2008, 06:52 PM, said:

Ding ding ding, we have a winer. thats what i was talking about.

Did you mean whiner, winery, or winner?

It's probably there to stop extra springs from being added to the back, if how I am picturing it is accurate.

EDIT: Yeah, the picture is exactly how I pictured it. It's there to hinder mods like AllOf's.

Edited by analogkid, 12 May 2008 - 05:36 PM.

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#32 slowguitarman



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Posted 11 May 2008 - 10:51 PM

Depending on exactly what it's like, it is probably a safety device of some sort. Some little douchebox probably smashed his finger between the plunger tube and the middle of the stock and Hasbro had to remedy the problem. Like analogkid said, it could also be because somebody tried sticking a spring in behind the plunger and then he cocked the blaster...and boom! The spring shot out and hurt somebody.

Edited by slowguitarman, 11 May 2008 - 10:52 PM.

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#33 Crese



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Posted 11 May 2008 - 11:05 PM

Wow guys... go easy on the dude.
So what if he doesn't have a camera or whatever?
Gangbeating him with your smugness doesn't help anyone at all.

And if you're going to complain to me about me using the wrong "to-too-two" or any pointless grammar that doesn't hinder what I'm communicating to you, I'm going to tell you to eat my grammar and poop me out a freaking essay if it bothers you nit pickers so much.

On topic:

When did you get this new recon?
I've been thinking of getting one and am wondering if I should rush out to try and get an old one or try and get one of these new ones.
Any suggestions and is there any external difference for me to be able to tell?
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#34 rockfordnerfer



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 12:20 AM

When he says new recon, I believe he means it as in the recon is a new gun, not that there is a second version of the recon.
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A broken gun just means more parts for the other ones.

#35 Commander Cody

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 12:22 AM

I had a recon before, and it just didn't come close to matching my Longshot. I'd say just wait for the Eliminator/Vulcan coming out in the coming months--->they should be pretty sweet with all that's been looked into so far. If you really wanna buy one though, Target sells them for appx. $19, or you could ebay the Recon.
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#36 mintee



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 01:19 AM

OK guys, the only pic my buddy Edwin got me is this.


Too large to post, too lazy to resize. View at your own risk... the plunger goes right up to the very back of the new black tube when cocked. Of course you can cut off the part of the ARMED tube that isn't used...
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#37 Kanashimi



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 05:25 AM

Hey, is it that hard to cut off the black tube so we can do are our awesome stock mod?

Also, can you shorten the plunger tube? If you can, you can probably unscrew the black tube, shorten the plunger tube, and then add a spring to the black piece. If that can be done, it just made spring additions to the Recon easier.


P.s. The black stick makes the recon look wierd...
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#38 Pineapple


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Posted 12 May 2008 - 11:02 AM

Thanks for the picture, min.tee.

ty23, I stand corrected. Yeah, we'll bother and harass you all for picture proof of things when it's mentioned here, and you did see right... you just didn't have a camera handy. They're really inexpensive nowadays.

You members want more credibility when posting here? Get a cheap camera and learn how to post pictures.

I wonder why Hasbro decided to put that sleeve back there. I've already taken apart my Recon, and my son's one is ready to be similarly taken apart, but I'm curious about what kind of spring we can stuff in there... like Kanashimi said, shortening the plunger tube would allow the spring to be fully compressed without stopping the plunger short of the catch holding it. I'm going to finish up the OfAllTheNerf's PVC spring sleeve mod on both our Recons, and go looking for one of these new ones. Hard to tell whether or not this added part will help or hinder the mod process. Gotta be realistic about the Recon, it's not going to replace our air-powered arsenal, but they sure are cool, and both my kids (and the neighborhood kids) like the Recon's fake-military feel.

Crese, if you don't like what you see, the door's right there. We're a bunch of arrogant little pussies. Deal with us. Bad grammar bothers us because there's enough trash out there on the internet, and for ONE Nerf-related web forum we'd like to communicate like we actually learned something in school. For a grammar-free, do whatever the hell you want attitude forum, go here. When you get tired of that, then come back here and enjoy a minimum of 3rd-grade vocabulary posting.

Just try to ignore the newer members trying to throw their weight around. We know who are the beneficial members and who are the asses of the masses. We're able to clean up accordingly.

No offense intended... just telling it like it is. It's the reason why NH has been around almost six years.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#39 Crese



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 12:42 PM

I don't know what you're talking about as far as throwing my "newb weight" around...

I just saw a guy bring up an interesting change on a new nerf gun that nobody had mentioned... and then he got reamed because he couldn't get a pic right away.

I guess I'm the only one who cares about attempting human decency and understanding though, so you're absolutely right piney.

I guess not having a pic made him a worthless member who could never contribute anything.

Nobody with half a spine is gonna deal with that BS type of thinking and you're gonna end up 30 years old with 3 new members a year, the ones who bend over and take it from you just the way you like it.

I reserve the right to being an arrogant disrespectful bastard as well then, and we'll just call it good and good.

If you don't like my similar attitude then ban me, good riddance, I've got cooler people to talk to who don't have their heads quite so far up their asses.
But note the irony of dishing it out with out being able to take it makes you a total d-bag.

Just "telling it like it is" piney.

As far as I can tell you guys care more about policing your freaking forum than you do nerfing anyway.

Thanks to the Non-Snobs... and Ompa, but I doubt i'm gonna be here after this so goodbye, keep Nerfing.

Edited by Crese, 12 May 2008 - 12:44 PM.

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#40 mintee



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 02:38 PM

Kanashimi, on May 12 2008, 03:25 AM, said:

Hey, is it that hard to cut off the black tube so we can do are our awesome stock mod?

Also, can you shorten the plunger tube? If you can, you can probably unscrew the black tube, shorten the plunger tube, and then add a spring to the black piece. If that can be done, it just made spring additions to the Recon easier.


P.s. The black stick makes the recon look wierd...

I actually think this might make the stock mod a whole lot easier. Just cut off the back, or nest in large enough tubing, or put a cap on the end, or unscrew the back of the ARMED tube and stuff a spring back there since there's dead space in the back right? In fact I think this makes the stock mod possible without the stock. And it does make the Recon look weird.

Crese, if someone finds something new and tells it to others without any bloody proof, they'll be in disbelief. We're skeptics, so what? Similarly, we dislike bullshit angled ranges and for any fishy claims, we request proof. And if you can't get proof because your momma won't let you take a pic then sucks to be you. I'm sure Piney has heard every bloody excuse there is. Not having a pic as proof to present his argument means that his contribution is invalidated, surely this makes sense to you at least!

Human decency and understanding goes both ways. We expect proper grammar and spelling from our new members, for the sake of understanding. If a member presents him/herself with good communicating skills then we will treat him/her with human decency. If we conduct ourselves with vulgar manner and atrocious grammar, then how can you expect anyone to treat us with respect?

It's not a matter of bending over and taking it up the ass. It's called reading the fucking code of conduct. Read the rules, it's stickied for a reason. I do believe proper grammar and spelling is in there somewhere. In a game of basketball, for example, nobody's going to let you join a pick-up game if you don't know how to fucking play, they expect you to know the rules already. Sure there will be people like Ompa who are lenient and try to give you a chance. But even Ompa's patience has its limits.

Now seriously Crese, pushing the buttons of our senior members here by being a arrogant disrespectful prick when he didn't say anything which should offend you in the least bit really pisses me off. He simply explained that we prefer coherent English in our posts over aol abbreviations and tYpInz LyK3 d1s. as such we are able to determine which members are better for the community, and which are incoherent bastards who will never contribute anything. It's really that simple. And your 'higher-than-thou' attitude really pisses me off. Who the fuck asked your Highness to join our forum?

Do note the irony of being a total jerk while all Piney did was explain the way the forum works. If you can't read something like that without taking offense then for all the decent writing you just did, your reading comprehension is at or lower than grade school level.
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#41 Green-Buckshot



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 03:00 PM

Pineapple, on May 12 2008, 12:02 PM, said:

I wonder why Hasbro decided to put that sleeve back there.

Too many kids pwning themselves in the face with an armed rod.
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QUOTE(A side of nerf @ May 18 2008, 12:33 PM) View Post

Also, could you post some more revealing pictures?

#42 Galaxy613



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 03:15 PM

Green-Buckshot, on May 12 2008, 04:00 PM, said:

Pineapple, on May 12 2008, 12:02 PM, said:

I wonder why Hasbro decided to put that sleeve back there.

Too many kids pwning themselves in the face with an armed rod.

lol Wouldn't surprise me.

It indeed looks like it could really help with doing the additional-stock-spring mod. So I guess that's a plus.
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#43 Green-Buckshot



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 03:18 PM

Galaxy613, on May 12 2008, 04:15 PM, said:

Green-Buckshot, on May 12 2008, 04:00 PM, said:

Pineapple, on May 12 2008, 12:02 PM, said:

I wonder why Hasbro decided to put that sleeve back there.

Too many kids pwning themselves in the face with an armed rod.

lol Wouldn't surprise me.

It indeed looks like it could really help with doing the additional-stock-spring mod. So I guess that's a plus.

It could also serve to help reinforce the stock...
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QUOTE(A side of nerf @ May 18 2008, 12:33 PM) View Post

Also, could you post some more revealing pictures?

#44 Captain



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 03:32 PM

Seeing that ugly-ass sleeve on the recon makes me happy to have an old version. But it's so depressing to look at all the cases where some idiot kid or person hurts themselves with some kind of equipment (Nerf gun, playground, ect.) and even when it's clearly their fault, they sue whoever made the object they injured themselves with. So instead of just saying it's the person's fault they got hurt, they get rid of the item that they hurt themselves with. This revision of the recon's design, as some suggested, could be a result of yet another one of those cases. It just happens too much in America. For example, there is a playground in my town. There was this thing, it was like an X made of ladders that rose up in a dome shape, for climbing. They removed it because it was a safety hazard. There are monkey bars left, but they lowered them by several feet because some kid fell and got hurt. Because obviously, if someone fell and got hurt, it was the playground's fault. So now, the playground is just swings, and monkey bars that are too low to use. But I'm rambling.

So, the sleeve has an opening on the side to see the "ARMED" post, right? Because if it doesn't, that's lame.
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#45 doubleshot



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 03:39 PM

Before any of you ruin your recons (like I did) DO NOT CUT THE ARMED PLUNGER TUBE. Even in the area that is faux tube, its still needed to keep the internal spring inside, but of course you could always lose the inner spring.
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#46 Retiate



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 05:38 PM

This new armed tube makes me think that the Office Eliminator will have one as well...
I just got a Recon for my birthday (~2 weeks ago) and it has no sleeve, so these must be really recent. Either that, or my Recon was bought a while back. I'm somewhat disappointed it doesn't have the sleeve, since it could be useful. Thought I have a feeling that it will be pretty useless and end up getting chopped off.
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#47 KyleDarklighter



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 06:01 PM

Well to add logical speculation on this new design change I have this. Chances are it's not because of a safety concern. If it was Hasbro would be issuing a recall on the whole run of Recons on the market. My best guess is that it was added to keep the arming tube from getting gunked up by dirt & or water.
I will not bother commenting on the maturity levels of some members who posted in this thread because it's just not worth my time.

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#48 ejrasmussen



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Posted 12 May 2008 - 06:24 PM

Wow it looks like they actually made it easier to do the spring mod.
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#49 Galaxy613



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Posted 13 May 2008 - 10:11 AM

Now only if they completely redesigned the piston so it's a standard, not reverse, style plunger....
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#50 Pineapple


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Posted 14 May 2008 - 01:05 PM

As doubleshot said, however, if we cut into the "ARMED" tube, we risk ruining the whole deal, so I suppose extending the black tube might be the way to go to get that extra spring in there. I won't speculate until I can get a hold of some of those new ones, so I'll just keep on finishing the OATN PVC spring tube stock mod.

Sorry to interrupt the track of the "New Recon" thread, but we apparently have a member with an issue with me.

Crese, on May 12 2008, 07:42 AM, said:

I don't know what you're talking about as far as throwing my "newb weight" around...


Just try to ignore the newer members trying to throw their weight around. We know who are the beneficial members and who are the asses of the masses. We're able to clean up accordingly.

If you read my quote correctly, I was telling YOU to ignore the newer members who want to backseat moderate you into frustration, but since you obviously think the world revolves around you, you took it to mean that I was telling everyone to gang up on you.

Stop being so emo.

Crese, on May 12 2008, 07:42 AM, said:

I just saw a guy bring up an interesting change on a new nerf gun that nobody had mentioned... and then he got reamed because he couldn't get a pic right away.

I guess I'm the only one who cares about attempting human decency and understanding though, so you're absolutely right piney.

I guess not having a pic made him a worthless member who could never contribute anything.

Damn straight, dude! We have over 11000 members, and a good number of them just take up space here. The ones that don't post anything are among my favorites. They're so low-maintenance it's quite nice, actually. It's the dozen or so difficult ones that pop up every couple of months that keep us busy.

Crese, on May 12 2008, 07:42 AM, said:

Nobody with half a spine is gonna deal with that BS type of thinking and you're gonna end up 30 years old with 3 new members a year, the ones who bend over and take it from you just the way you like it.

I reserve the right to being an arrogant disrespectful bastard as well then, and we'll just call it good and good.

If you don't like my similar attitude then ban me, good riddance, I've got cooler people to talk to who don't have their heads quite so far up their asses.
But note the irony of dishing it out with out being able to take it makes you a total douche bag.

Just "telling it like it is" piney.

As far as I can tell you guys care more about policing your freaking forum than you do nerfing anyway.

Thanks to the Non-Snobs... and Ompa, but I doubt i'm gonna be here after this so goodbye, keep Nerfing.

You must be confusing NerfHaven with some of the other sites which get 3 members.... total.

Nope, I'm not banning you on account that you resort to childish grade-school name calling. I can handle much, much more than that. You have made some posts that promote illegal activity, which is a direct violation of NerfHaven's Code of Conduct, which all members are expected to follow in order to keep some form of order on this forum. ompa spared you by editing your post, next time it won't be that way.

This is NOT A FREE COUNTRY. It is a privately owned (and paid) forum with public access. Basically, it's a dictatorship with little banana generals running the joint. You don't have "rights". If you don't like what you see, leave. If you don't like the way we moderate and administrate the forums, you are free to contact either cxwq or VACC (forum owners) to have any of us removed. Don't be surprised if you get a different response than what you expect, though.

Trust me. We enjoy Nerf. My kids love it. Our whole darn neighborhood loves it. We hope you love it, too. Then you can actually start posting something more NERF related, and keep yourself from digging deeper into the hole. Have a nice day.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

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