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2008 Lcm Tune-up War

Starting off the summer right

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#51 TED


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Posted 30 May 2008 - 02:13 PM

chalywong, on May 30 2008, 02:10 PM, said:

I'm going to be bringing a ton of stuff to sell because I have waaaaayyyy too much crap.

I'm sorry but I have no interest in buying crap.

BTW will anyone have some spare darts tomorrow? See I have all of the materials, but the darts won't make themselves. And I'm all like bitch you better make yourself before I wreck yourself. They're all like bitch please. So I was like whatever I don't even care!
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#52 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 06:16 PM

OK guys here is the deal on the weather.

After lunch, we are looking at a 60% chance of rain.

There is also a chance of thunderstorms.

As long as it is just rain, I have no problem with nerfing, but if we start to get lightning, then it is a different story.

More info is contained here

I just wanted to get this out there, especially for our compatriots traveling from New York.

I hope the weather can cooperate at least on a small level, and I will see you all tomorrow
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#53 Split



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 06:22 PM

Would you guys mind if I came as a spectator? I would be taking pictures and the like that I could post if you all wanted.
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#54 keef



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 10:26 PM

Why wouldn't you Nerf? Bring something to put over your camera (condom, ziplock).

I heard theres "torrential downpours" across Jersey tomorrow. Can anyone close to the site PM me their phone # so I can check if its still on (no PC).
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#55 Skitzo



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Posted 31 May 2008 - 06:05 AM

After seeing the forecast.
I'm kind of iffy about going now.
Driving 2 1/2 hours for this thing to be rained out would really suck.
Unless someone can reasure me that there would be any downpours I wont be there.
I don't mind a little mist but the weather channel is saying thunder storms.

This will be the 4th war in the past 2 months that I will be missing due to powers beyond my control.
If I do come I'll be leaving in half an hour.

Update:(leaving now)


Edited by Skitzo, 31 May 2008 - 06:34 AM.

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#56 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 31 May 2008 - 07:07 AM

We mentioned the weather report, but didn't want to make a call. If you want to back out so you avoid a bad weather forecast, it's understood. The war will go on for as much as the weather allows. It could be a full day or it could be shortened. We simply wanted to inform you last night so you could make a decision for yourself.
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#57 badger


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Posted 31 May 2008 - 07:45 AM

Maryann and I are leaving now. She will be there to take pictures, as usual. See you there.

Oh and if it rains, who cares. I will never understand why people running around getting all sweaty can't stand to get wet, though getting cooked via a lightning bolt straight through your body is another thing entirely.
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#58 doubleshot



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Posted 31 May 2008 - 08:32 PM

Guys, I am really sorry I didn't show up. I had copy pasted the name of the park, and got the directions off of mapquest. I eventually arrived at Cattus Island park? I looked around and saw no one. Time went on and my friend and I eventually went home, again I am truly sorry for saying I would be there, and not showing up.
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