That's what it looks like out of the box. I was really surprised to see that it wasn't a complete rip off of the 3B. Instead of pushing the front of the gun foreword, you pull that handle just below the scope to cock it.
Anyways, get rid of all the useless stuff and open it up (don't forget the screw under the "Airzone" sticker).

Close up on the trigger mech.

What you want to do now is take out the plunger tube and pull it apart. These air restrictors should come out with little force.

Keep the two circle ones and throw the big long one away.
Now make them look like these two in the picture.

This is where the mod gets kinda confusing, but I'll try my best to explain.
Cut about 1cm off the top of the stock barrel so your barrel of choice has better stability, then push said barrel down the stock barrel. Remember those two air restrictors that I told you to keep? Put the one on the right down the top of the plunger tube like you would with a 3B, then put the one on the left down, only this time flipped upside down. Glue like crazy in the 3 cracks so you fill up all the dead space. It should look like this.

While the plunger tube is still in two, wrap some E tape around the plunger head and lube it up (I couldn't do this to mine 'cause I've been out of it since October), and add a Mav spring or two (every little bit counts).
Put it all back together and you should have one very nice primary.
I get ranges in the mid 70s, but mine isn't airtight, and although the weather is pretty nice here, it's still colder than spring or summer, so that also affects the range.
To finish off, here's some random pictures of the gun.

Questions or comments?
I'll post a video when I figure out how to take one on my camera...
EDIT: Teehee. Photobucket isn't being mean anymore. I'm currently converting all the pictures.
Edited by penguin807, 16 January 2008 - 04:08 PM.